IGN: dr4gun0v99 Age: 19 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I have built some LotR buildings before with my friends, such as Helms Deep (Was my favorite one!) What would you bring to the server?: I will be on almost every day except for Tuesdays and Thursday (have work). I am a very dedicated builder, when I start something I usually don't stop until I finish it or have done a great deal of work. I am also great with other players, and i make friends easily. How did you find MCME? : I was about to start working on creating Minas Tirith and i was looking at videos of it in Mine Craft, and i saw this. It was the most amazing Mine Craft thing i have ever saw, and i couldn't wait to get on and start helping! Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Awaiting approval. What is the secret message?: funyons =)
IGN: thebrooksiebear
Age: 16
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I've built small Tudor-styled villages, moderated/ran several small scale servers, and I'm currently helping on the Darkened Skies map as well. :3
What would you bring to the server?: Determination, good work ethic, and a willingness to follow orders.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): I was browsing through the forums.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Awaiting approval.
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): Funyons.
IGN: RyanDerp Age: 17 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I enjoy building castles and cities. What would you bring to the server?: I am a fan of Lotr and I will be serious and won't mess around How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Browsing the forums Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Awaiting Approval What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): Funyons
IGN:trimi38 Age:16 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:Built a TARDIS from the Doctor Who universe, with interior and a model Defiant from the Star trek universe (no interior) also built a shuttle, with interior. What would you bring to the server?:I am not to sure at this point, I have watched the videos, looked at the screenshots but i won't know until im actually their. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down):I was actually searching around for a LOTR server, was very pleased when i found this. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:trimi38 What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything):funyons
IGN: oldporpoise
Age: Turning 16 in 5 days
Why you want to be whitelisted: I think its a great project and if everything goes as planned it will be an epic build and to be a part of that would be an honor.
Any noticeable achievements in Minecraft: I have made a texture pack, Nurios Texture Pack, I constructed a city in my server by hand and only a few cuboid tools, I made a Statue of Liberty and those are the only real NOTICEABLE achievements.
What would you bring to the server: Building experience and LOTR knowledge. That's the real thing I'm knowledgeable about.
I hope you add me :biggrin.gif:
-Oldporpoise :biggrin.gif:
IGN:RainsLikeSnow Age:14 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:I've built multiple big cities with and without spawning items, and I've built a custom map with around 300 downloads What would you bring to the server?:I would bring my creativity and decent building skills to the server How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:I can't make one, I'm under 16 What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything):funyon
@MegaArmyRangers, ottodevil: Try re-reading and follow the correct format.
@HiSkiller, Dr4gun0v99, BrooksWB, AudaxAnimus, ZomgWhatsThis, oldporpoise: You've all been accepted. Check your forum accounts over the next few days. They should be activated by then and you can finish the last step.
@DeadAntelope - So sorry, I'll see to it that it gets activated along with the others.
IGN:Braedenjp Age:16 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:Not many, but I have made a giant Nyan cat, a Giant american flag, a 64x64 pyramid... And an obstacle course What would you bring to the server?:A patient builder than wont get easily bored and and quit when a boring building task gets put infront of him. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down):N/A Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:Its still waiting approval What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything):Funyons!
IGN: skitch000 Age: 29 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I run my own small scale server, we have a lot of big-ish projects going there. (lotr inspired mine/halls, huge cathedral, several large castles, tram stations, baseball field and stadium) What would you bring to the server?: diehard willingness to provide gruntwork labor. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): front page of the minecraft forums. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: awaiting approval What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
IGN: Jonheel Age: 16 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Attemted to build a moria replica in another server. unfortunately my server became like the real one and it was too full with monsters for anyone to continue What would you bring to the server?: I hope to bring lots of supplies and expendable labor- thats how the egyptians built the pyramids. If I can, i would like to move up to foreman and design some projects; i have the books within reach right now :biggrin.gif: How did you find MCME? i saw a youtube video on the minecraft forums that had it. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/wp-admin/profile.php What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything):funyons
@AudaxAnimus, ZomgWhatsThis, oldporpoise, jool666, jonheel: I cannot find your usernames on the forum page. Please make sure you registered on MCME forums and not the homepage. Thank you!
IGN: 3L1A5 Age:17 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Have created several towns and puzzles (no MCedit), built a treehouse city, biospheres, and floating islands. What would you bring to the server?: Skilled building, peaceful attitude, and a wealth of Middle Earth lore. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down):Scanning server lists on minecraftforums Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: waiting for approval What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
It appears the forums admins have been slacking a bit and there were over 100 outstanding forum accounts not approved. I was not aware of this, and have promptly fixed it.
If you applied to the forums you should now be approved.
IGN: Shortyy_oD Age: 16 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I crafted a huge mob grinder a while back and I also made a somewhat popular download on planetminecraft.com Link: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/my-stunning-world-fit-for-a-beginner-15/ What would you bring to the server?:I would bring my expertise, maturity, and love for lord of the rings as well. I have watched everyone atleast 5 times. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): I found this server via your video posted recently on minecraftforums.net. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyon
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I've built a 16x16x10 underwater house in SP, been playing since alpha, and have built somewhere around 50 different fortresses.
What would you bring to the server?: Creativity, honesty, and more labor to get things done faster.
How did you find MCME?: Literally enough, saw a video of this server on the sidebar of the Minecraft forums, linked me to the thread. By the time the video ended, my jaw had dropped and shattered on the floor.
Age: 19
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I have built some LotR buildings before with my friends, such as Helms Deep (Was my favorite one!)
What would you bring to the server?: I will be on almost every day except for Tuesdays and Thursday (have work). I am a very dedicated builder, when I start something I usually don't stop until I finish it or have done a great deal of work. I am also great with other players, and i make friends easily.
How did you find MCME? : I was about to start working on creating Minas Tirith and i was looking at videos of it in Mine Craft, and i saw this. It was the most amazing Mine Craft thing i have ever saw, and i couldn't wait to get on and start helping!
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Awaiting approval.
What is the secret message?: funyons =)
Age: 16
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I've built small Tudor-styled villages, moderated/ran several small scale servers, and I'm currently helping on the Darkened Skies map as well. :3
What would you bring to the server?: Determination, good work ethic, and a willingness to follow orders.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): I was browsing through the forums.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Awaiting approval.
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): Funyons.
Age: 17
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I enjoy building castles and cities.
What would you bring to the server?: I am a fan of Lotr and I will be serious and won't mess around
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): Browsing the forums
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Awaiting Approval
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): Funyons
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:Built a TARDIS from the Doctor Who universe, with interior and a model Defiant from the Star trek universe (no interior) also built a shuttle, with interior.
What would you bring to the server?:I am not to sure at this point, I have watched the videos, looked at the screenshots but i won't know until im actually their.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down):I was actually searching around for a LOTR server, was very pleased when i found this.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:trimi38
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything):funyons
Just reposting mine.
Age: Turning 16 in 5 days
Why you want to be whitelisted: I think its a great project and if everything goes as planned it will be an epic build and to be a part of that would be an honor.
Any noticeable achievements in Minecraft: I have made a texture pack, Nurios Texture Pack, I constructed a city in my server by hand and only a few cuboid tools, I made a Statue of Liberty and those are the only real NOTICEABLE achievements.
What would you bring to the server: Building experience and LOTR knowledge. That's the real thing I'm knowledgeable about.
I hope you add me :biggrin.gif:
-Oldporpoise :biggrin.gif:
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:I've built multiple big cities with and without spawning items, and I've built a custom map with around 300 downloads
What would you bring to the server?:I would bring my creativity and decent building skills to the server
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down):
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:I can't make one, I'm under 16
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything):funyon
@MegaArmyRangers, ottodevil: Try re-reading and follow the correct format.
@HiSkiller, Dr4gun0v99, BrooksWB, AudaxAnimus, ZomgWhatsThis, oldporpoise: You've all been accepted. Check your forum accounts over the next few days. They should be activated by then and you can finish the last step.
@DeadAntelope - So sorry, I'll see to it that it gets activated along with the others.
@RainsLikeSnow - Rejected, underage.
@Xruler: Wrong secret message.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:Not many, but I have made a giant Nyan cat, a Giant american flag, a 64x64 pyramid... And an obstacle course
What would you bring to the server?:A patient builder than wont get easily bored and and quit when a boring building task gets put infront of him.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down):N/A
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:Its still waiting approval
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything):Funyons!
Age: 29
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I run my own small scale server, we have a lot of big-ish projects going there. (lotr inspired mine/halls, huge cathedral, several large castles, tram stations, baseball field and stadium)
What would you bring to the server?: diehard willingness to provide gruntwork labor.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): front page of the minecraft forums.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: awaiting approval
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
Age: 16
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Attemted to build a moria replica in another server. unfortunately my server became like the real one and it was too full with monsters for anyone to continue
What would you bring to the server?: I hope to bring lots of supplies and expendable labor- thats how the egyptians built the pyramids. If I can, i would like to move up to foreman and design some projects; i have the books within reach right now :biggrin.gif:
How did you find MCME? i saw a youtube video on the minecraft forums that had it.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/wp-admin/profile.php
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything):funyons
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:
I'm playing on a server and I'm admin on it.
Many experience with "World Edit" and I'm a helpful admin.
What would you bring to the server?:
I'm a good builder so I can help people to build
and build an own city that fits in the scene.
How did you find MCME?:
A friend told me from it.(It was DarkRankUp)
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:
Waiting for approval.
What is the secret message?:
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: Have created several towns and puzzles (no MCedit), built a treehouse city, biospheres, and floating islands.
What would you bring to the server?: Skilled building, peaceful attitude, and a wealth of Middle Earth lore.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down):Scanning server lists on minecraftforums
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: waiting for approval
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
@skitch000 - Added. See you on the server.
@systemfel666 - Added. See you on the server.
@Jonheel - Added. See you on the server.
@goldd_pandaa_x - Added. See you on the server.
@DarkRankUp - Added. See you on the server.
@jool666 - Added, but make sure you activate your Forum account.
@3L1A5 - Added. See you on the server.
@Lidman - Added. See you on the server.
@Qhristian - Added. See you on the server.
I'll see your forum accounts get fixed as well.
It appears the forums admins have been slacking a bit and there were over 100 outstanding forum accounts not approved. I was not aware of this, and have promptly fixed it.
If you applied to the forums you should now be approved.
Sorry for the delay.
Age: 16
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I crafted a huge mob grinder a while back and I also made a somewhat popular download on planetminecraft.com Link: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/my-stunning-world-fit-for-a-beginner-15/
What would you bring to the server?:I would bring my expertise, maturity, and love for lord of the rings as well. I have watched everyone atleast 5 times.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): I found this server via your video posted recently on minecraftforums.net.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyon
Age: 14 (Mature)
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I've built a 16x16x10 underwater house in SP, been playing since alpha, and have built somewhere around 50 different fortresses.
What would you bring to the server?: Creativity, honesty, and more labor to get things done faster.
How did you find MCME?: Literally enough, saw a video of this server on the sidebar of the Minecraft forums, linked me to the thread. By the time the video ended, my jaw had dropped and shattered on the floor.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Here
What is the secret message?: funyons (As of May 29, 2011)