@Z3r05t4r: Alright, I'll check with the forum admins about it if It happens again.
@Sasuke: The entire server staff, including myself, can not stand to even say/type your name. No one in the server who knows you can stand to talk about you. You have gone down on the server as the most despised player in our community. You need to give up, grow up, and never post in this thread, or any other MCME related thread for that matter. Thank you and goodbye.
@Sasuke: The entire server staff, including myself, can not stand to even say/type your name. No one in the server who knows you can stand to talk about you. You have gone down on the server as the most despised player in our community. You need to give up, grow up, and never post in this thread, or any other MCME related thread for that matter. Thank you and goodbye.
Firstly, If this is truly the way you feel, why not begin with this, and not answer my other questions.
Also, more specific responses,
>The entire server staff, including myself, can not stand to even say/type your name. No one in the server who knows you can stand to talk about you.
>> That level of hate is not healthy, I am sorry if I cause you such grief.
>You have gone down on the server as the most despised player in our community.
>> I can understand this, and I want to gain your forgiveness.
>You need to give up, grow up, and never post in this thread, or any other MCME related thread for that matter.
>> 100% of chances not taken fail. As long as the smallest sliver of hope lasts, I will not give up.
>>> I have already grown up, I have come to terms with my banning and can understand you despising of me.
>>>> I find it highly offensive that you ban my presence from the threads of my most highly liked project.
Please tell me what my responses stir within your thoughts,
~ Sasuke
ANY NOTICEABLE ACHIEVEMENTS IN MINECRAFT? I have developed a way of mining diamonds that i (on sigle player) average about 30 diamonds per hour. i am currently in the process of doing the achievement where you go 1000 meters on a rail cart, and i currently have about 200 unused iron ingots plus 80 rail tracks.
How did you find Mcme? I saw the 2bucks video, and i have been looking for a server like that, so i googled you.
Link to middle earth forum accounts? http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile if that doesnt work, my name ids purplehayes.
The secret word is funyons
I also have a mic and ventrillo, if that helps.
Sorry i didn't realize what the template for this was for until just now. my bad
Firstly, If this is truly the way you feel, why not begin with this, and not answer my other questions.
Also, more specific responses,
>The entire server staff, including myself, can not stand to even say/type your name. No one in the server who knows you can stand to talk about you.
>> That level of hate is not healthy, I am sorry if I cause you such grief.
>You have gone down on the server as the most despised player in our community.
>> I can understand this, and I want to gain your forgiveness.
>You need to give up, grow up, and never post in this thread, or any other MCME related thread for that matter.
>> 100% of chances not taken fail. As long as the smallest sliver of hope lasts, I will not give up.
>>> I have already grown up, I have come to terms with my banning and can understand you despising of me.
>>>> I find it highly offensive that you ban my presence from the threads of my most highly liked project.
Please tell me what my responses stir within your thoughts,
~ Sasuke
I gave you multiple, not just another, I gave you MULTIPLE chances to get your **** together and you failed to straighten up. You are not getting back on, and that is final. Now please stop posting in our thread or I'll report the post. People are trying to get onto our project and get whitelisted, not listen to your BS.
IGN: porky9441
Age: 17
Any notable achievements in minecraft: I built a floating island, an adventure map called the black pyramid(it was okay for my first map i think), I have a basic knowledge of redstone, I am great at following instructions, and built a cool castle.
What would you bring to the server: I can make basic redstone things but I will watch more tutorials to learn more. I am a great builder with a lot of creativity.
How did you find MCME: i just saw it on the forums and since i love LOTR i had to click on it.
Middle Earth forum account link: Middle Earth
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
IGN:g0hsti Age:16 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:Building my own huge castle with a wall and a moat. What would you bring to the server?:Im a good creative player and an ok builder looking to learn how i can build better in minecraft How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down):Youtube video Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:g0hsti http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2144 What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything):Funyons
IGN: Taylore Age: 17 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: i have been playing minecraft for 2 years now and on my public server i have made many large scale projects which includes Rohan, a project i have been working on for a while which i have built exactly to scale. What would you bring to the server?: I am willing to do anything to help the server, i think i am very creative and helpful, i do not mind doing the dirty work of mining and digging to supply the builders. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): I found this page on the minecraft forums. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile if the link doesnt work then my name is Taylore on the forums. What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): Funyons
I posted my request before any of them,(not complaining, just saying thats why you might have missed me with all that sazuke nonsense that was going on) But im not whitelisted, and you didnt mention me. im pretty sure i qualify, again, take your time, im not complaining, im just letting you know in case you missed me.
IGN: Kjug3 Age: 19 Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft for about a year now and many of my projects have been large scale cities and towns. What would you bring to the server?: I will bring my outstanding creativity and anything else that the admins needs. How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): I stumbled upon it while searching the forums. Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: I made an account and it is pending approval, Username is KJug3. What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): Funyons
We had an error and a few of the newer accounts were deleted. Yours was the only "legit" one deleted (all the others were spam accounts). Just recreate your account, and you'll be whitelisted. Sorry about that!
We had an error and a few of the newer accounts were deleted. Yours was the only "legit" one deleted (all the others were spam accounts). Just recreate your account, and you'll be whitelisted. Sorry about that!
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:ive built isengard by my self(including the orthanc made of all obsidian), and helms deep
What would you bring to the server?: i bring a lot of determination and wont stop building things till im done no matter how long it takes
How did you find MCME? : i googled it
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Awaiting approval.
What is the secret message?: funyons
I can't find the final step..? Maybe my Ventrilo account? It's Maart1403 :smile.gif: And I have a mic :wink.gif:
In the very first comment:
Quote from Aeroblitz »
The age limit is 16 - if you're under this age, don't bother applying
You must register on the forums (link - Please use your IGN as your forum account name, it makes things a lot easier!
You must read all the rules located there (link)
You must make a post in the appropriate board after reading all the required topics (link)
You must copy the application below and post it in reply to this topic. DO THE ABOVE STEPS FIRST.
@Sasuke: The entire server staff, including myself, can not stand to even say/type your name. No one in the server who knows you can stand to talk about you. You have gone down on the server as the most despised player in our community. You need to give up, grow up, and never post in this thread, or any other MCME related thread for that matter. Thank you and goodbye.
Firstly, If this is truly the way you feel, why not begin with this, and not answer my other questions.
Also, more specific responses,
>The entire server staff, including myself, can not stand to even say/type your name. No one in the server who knows you can stand to talk about you.
>> That level of hate is not healthy, I am sorry if I cause you such grief.
>You have gone down on the server as the most despised player in our community.
>> I can understand this, and I want to gain your forgiveness.
>You need to give up, grow up, and never post in this thread, or any other MCME related thread for that matter.
>> 100% of chances not taken fail. As long as the smallest sliver of hope lasts, I will not give up.
>>> I have already grown up, I have come to terms with my banning and can understand you despising of me.
>>>> I find it highly offensive that you ban my presence from the threads of my most highly liked project.
Please tell me what my responses stir within your thoughts,
~ Sasuke
ANY NOTICEABLE ACHIEVEMENTS IN MINECRAFT? I have developed a way of mining diamonds that i (on sigle player) average about 30 diamonds per hour. i am currently in the process of doing the achievement where you go 1000 meters on a rail cart, and i currently have about 200 unused iron ingots plus 80 rail tracks.
How did you find Mcme? I saw the 2bucks video, and i have been looking for a server like that, so i googled you.
Link to middle earth forum accounts? http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile if that doesnt work, my name ids purplehayes.
The secret word is funyons
I also have a mic and ventrillo, if that helps.
Sorry i didn't realize what the template for this was for until just now. my bad
I gave you multiple, not just another, I gave you MULTIPLE chances to get your **** together and you failed to straighten up. You are not getting back on, and that is final. Now please stop posting in our thread or I'll report the post. People are trying to get onto our project and get whitelisted, not listen to your BS.
Age: 17
Any notable achievements in minecraft: I built a floating island, an adventure map called the black pyramid(it was okay for my first map i think), I have a basic knowledge of redstone, I am great at following instructions, and built a cool castle.
What would you bring to the server: I can make basic redstone things but I will watch more tutorials to learn more. I am a great builder with a lot of creativity.
How did you find MCME: i just saw it on the forums and since i love LOTR i had to click on it.
Middle Earth forum account link: Middle Earth
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): funyons
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:Building my own huge castle with a wall and a moat.
What would you bring to the server?:Im a good creative player and an ok builder looking to learn how i can build better in minecraft
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down):Youtube video
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account:g0hsti http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2144
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything):Funyons
Age: 17
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: i have been playing minecraft for 2 years now and on my public server i have made many large scale projects which includes Rohan, a project i have been working on for a while which i have built exactly to scale.
What would you bring to the server?: I am willing to do anything to help the server, i think i am very creative and helpful, i do not mind doing the dirty work of mining and digging to supply the builders.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): I found this page on the minecraft forums.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com/forums/index.php?action=profile if the link doesnt work then my name is Taylore on the forums.
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): Funyons
@Z3r05t4r, porky9441, dj_slapaho, taylore: Accepted, hope to see you online soon!
Age: 19
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft for about a year now and many of my projects have been large scale cities and towns.
What would you bring to the server?: I will bring my outstanding creativity and anything else that the admins needs.
How did you find MCME? (if a friend on the server told you, please put their IGN down): I stumbled upon it while searching the forums.
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: I made an account and it is pending approval, Username is KJug3.
What is the secret message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): Funyons
Im still waiting on my email uhh and i tried to login the forums and it says my username doesn't exist :sad.gif:
Kk i signed up again thanks :smile.gif:
@maart1403: Thanks for returning to us, but you missed the last step about the post.
@sapphire790: Wrong secret message, you're also still missing the post.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft?:ive built isengard by my self(including the orthanc made of all obsidian), and helms deep
What would you bring to the server?: i bring a lot of determination and wont stop building things till im done no matter how long it takes
How did you find MCME? : i googled it
Link to your Middle-Earth Forum Account: Awaiting approval.
What is the secret message?: funyons
In the very first comment: