This thread is only for Public Relations, server questions, updates, and media updates. If you wish to join please see the end of this posts for instructions.
Server Goal
This server is an attempt to make an accurate representation of J.R.R. Tolkien's world of middle-Earth in Minecraft. We are only scaling down the distance, architecturally we are keeping it as close as possible to what has been written about, obviously making changes to keep within the height limit. We are not basing solely on the movies; our Middle-Earth is based on the books themselves, as such, don't expect to recognize everything from the movies.
Please remember that this is not a freebuild server (though there are free-build opportunities, albeit restricted). In large cities (like Bree), you can get a lot that you can build your own home in that is your personal contribution to our server, however, many of our projects are teamwork oriented.
There will be people telling you what to do on this server. You will be expected to follow the orders of all those that have proper authority to do so. Our staff is selected of responsible people, and as such all the staff will know what they are doing and not abuse their power. It has to be this way, because to bring things like Bree Hill, Weathertop, or the Misty Mountains to architectural life we have to have someone with the idea in their head to design it.
Miscellaneous Information
Droogs - These are the workforce of the server, they have not attained any special rank on the server or position. This is the rank all new players to the server have.
Members - These are the players who have been on the server for quite some time and who have shown their trustworthiness and willingness to help, and who have also shown their dedication to the server. They have made contributions to the server worthy of being given this new title of respect.
Honored - Honored is the title given to players who have the utmost respect of the community. They have been with the server for quite some time and have shown their dedication to the server though notable contributions that show said dedication. This is something given out, never applied for.
Ranks / Positions
Foreman - Foremen are the backbone of the server. They not only supply players with the building materials they need to construct the world, they organize the populace to work on projects and keep everything going according to plan. They have some of the most direct authority over the players. Failure to obey will result in appropriate behavioral action.
Architect - Architects are the main building and structure designers. They must give orders through a Foreman for directing building. (Any architectural degrees have an almost guaranteed shot at this job, bring it to the attention of Shorvok in-game or in Ventrilo)
Officer - Officers are handpicked members who are among the most trustworthy and are extremely active in the community. They have the most authority, second only to the Kings/Queens. Armed with the latest tools, they handle the policing of the server against griefers and other disturbances of the peace. It's like COPS: Middle-Earth.
King/Queen - Kings/Queens are the leaders of the server. They have proven their extreme dedication to the server and are the most trustworthy people on the server. They have absolute authority over anyone on the server.
Ventrilo (A mic is not needed, but Ventrilo is required as it makes things much easier on all of us)
Host Name:
Port Number: 45484
Ask on the server for the Ventrilo password
Riccarjo, 18, Admin of a few small scale servers. I'd bring an aura of authority and discipline. I'd like to not as much build, but more so keep people in line with the rules.
Just posting here to say this is the legit MCME thread, and the ones I put up previously are not being used anymore. If you posted to be whitelisted in the old threads, you need to rejoin through the new system, no exceptions.
I will be gone about a week so please direct any PMs or questions to AeroBlitz or one of the other staff.
Also in regards to Duncan's post. If you're going to hack or be an all around ass, please don't join. However, if you want to be part of a good community that wants to recreate Middle Earth, then join up.
IGN: Eplemosen Age: 16 Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I found a green record in a dungeon once? :F
Well, I've had my own private server since November last year, playing with some friends of mine. We've built quite a lot of towns/cities with different buildings, and also a complex subway system between the towns. :biggrin.gif: What would you bring to the server: I like LoTR a lot and I think I'll be able to come up with some ideas ^^ Also I'm willing to do what people tell me to do :smile.gif:
IGN: sirtophat
Age: 26
Why you want to be whitelisted: I am a fan of LOTR and want to roam the map and contribute
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: A statue of Jenny XJ9 from My Life as a Teenage Robot ... 5052_n.jpg (The head is too far to the left here, I haven't been able to get a screenshot of the fixed version)
What would you bring to the server: I could contribute to some building projects sometimes
Age:13(but mature)
Why you want to be whitelisted:I have looked at this forum post over and over and would love to be a part of the community. I have loved lord of the rings since I was introduced to it through countless watchings of the extended dvd editions. I have all the books, the hobbit, and the silmarillion. I love J.R.R Tolkien's fantasy world and would be excited to build to an amazing server dedicated to it.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: In a multiplayer server(beta) I helped another player to build a model of Barad-Dur.
What would you bring to the server: A good knowledge of Tolkien's world and lore, plus a pretty experienced minecraft builder.
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"A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities."
— J.R.R. Tolkien
OK, i was really mad when i logged on the sandbox server some days ago, and the chat box lagged, and someone was rude to me. I went berserk (lol) becouse I had been visiting the forums every day, for like 6 weeks and found out that this wasn't the real Middle Earth server. This resulted in me getting banned from the server (i think) and the middle eart forums, which is why i am writing here. I really regret this, and now when the real server came up, i wanted to buy another user (which i didn't) just to join you guys. It sounds really exciting. I hope you can respect me when i am laying on the dusty floor and begging to you to understand that i acted like an idiot, and that i regret that. I really hope that I can rejoin the community (i have never been in the real world yet, though, lol). Anyways here's an application, if you accept me, thanks.
IGN: treserget
Age: 14 - Norway
Why you want to be whitelisted: I really love Lord of the rings, and minecraft too. I would love to help reconstructing the Middle Earth in minecraft. I know Middle Earth very well, since i have red the hobbit, (i am reading lord of the rings right now), and played games like LOTR - Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2. I am pretty good to construct things and like to be very accurate.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I have slayed many cows and :Pig:'s. I have also tried to make helm's deep (Hornborg), and Minas Tirith on my own, but didn't finish the projects, maybe the scale was too big for one person, lol. I have also made many other things in my 2 months long (or something) minecraft career.
What would you bring to the server: I would be nice to everyone, and be really helpful as a builder.
@All: Please note that the application changed to include a little test to make sure you actually read everything. The location and hidden message will change every so often, so don't just think you can copy/paste the one you see in other posts here.
All of you who have already posted an application, no need to re-post one. Remember you can come on anytime. You'll get moved to the builder group quickly enough.
IGN: quaker101
Age: 14
Why you want to be whitelisted: I love LOTR and my friend told me about this server (he is Benjamin1205). I went to your website and saw your world map. Mind = blown.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I've built about 1000 castles, as well as a few roller coasters and other houses.
What would you bring to the server: I like building huge scale structures, especially with other people. I can normally work hard, fast and smart.
[b]IGN[/b]: Triumphus
[b]Any notable achievements in Minecraft[/b]: Moderator
[b]What would you bring to the server[/b]: I would bring new buildings and lots of help to the server ! :biggrin.gif:
[b]What is the hidden message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): I read through everything and couldn't find it :\ But i really want to play on this server, i even play LotRo! :smile.gif:
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
It's only after we have lost everything that we're free to do anything.
Why you want to be whitelisted: Because i love the LOTR world. ive read the book (Lord of the rings 1,2 and 3) and
the Hobbit and i want to be a part of the Minecraft Middle Earth world.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Ive played online on many Beta servers an have been Admin on many classic servers. I have started to build an own middle earth map on singleplayer but i rather want to continue on this one. i also consider myself a pretty good builder :smile.gif:
What would you bring to the server: LOTR houses/buildings and if alowed, even bigger projects
Why you want to be whitelisted: Because i love LotR and this sounds like a great server for it
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Not really cause from what i read at the moment it is just building wich i ant that good at but if some one tells me what to do i can do it and if ever turns intp RP server am very good at RP and also i am very skilled with a bow
What would you bring to the server: not sure cuase as i said not to good at builliding but love LotR and very good at RP [>>-i>]
I love LOTR
We are working on and off on Moria at the moment, so this is the time to join on with us!
@All: Everyone who has posted an application properly has been added onto the permissions list.
@Hakkern and Triumphus: Please find the hidden message and re-post your applications. The hidden message is in there. I made sure to say "This is the blah blah blah" right in the middle of a paragraph.
We have just updated to a new Bukkit version, as well as adding in some more plug-ins that make life just a bit easier on the server! With this tough, we've decided to re-implement a white-list for the server. It makes my job, and that of the other kings, a bit easier in keeping track of people.
Nothing else in process changes for you, just you won't be able to instantly join. I will be checking this thread daily and adding everyone who posts a complete application. I will also send you a private message once you are accepted and white-listed.
We are also nearing the start of the largest project yet, Moria! This is the perfect time for you to join on with us and help with this huge project. Don't miss out!
Thank you!
(Everyone who has posted so far is on the white-list. If you have problems just post here in this thread)
Ign:Silverust299 age:14 Why you want to be whitelisted:i have been a fan of the expansive world Tolkien created sincec i have heard of it,tried to learn to write and speak in Quenya and write in Tengwar. Any Notable achievments in MinecraftHaven't really made any large accomplishments, mostly since i don't have the personal manpower. I'm hoping that i can really be part of something awesome on MCME. What you would bring to the serverOverall determination. I will take orders willingly and would like to in order to bring this dream to life. I have a pretty decent knowledge of the world and have seen the extended films several times over.
I would like to do the most i can to be part of this AWESOME experience,
mostly because I love LOTR!!
IGN: forevermac Age: 20 Any notable achievements in Minecraft: A rather large castle built forward to Zombie Siege mode, my private server for my friends. What would you bring to the server: Another set of (virtual) hands, knowledge of contemporary design in Eä, OCD to make things accurate. I can also help with debugging bukkit (I have some experience from my server) if need be.
Recreating Tolkien's World in Minecraft
This thread is only for Public Relations, server questions, updates, and media updates. If you wish to join please see the end of this posts for instructions.
This server is an attempt to make an accurate representation of J.R.R. Tolkien's world of middle-Earth in Minecraft. We are only scaling down the distance, architecturally we are keeping it as close as possible to what has been written about, obviously making changes to keep within the height limit. We are not basing solely on the movies; our Middle-Earth is based on the books themselves, as such, don't expect to recognize everything from the movies.
Please remember that this is not a freebuild server (though there are free-build opportunities, albeit restricted). In large cities (like Bree), you can get a lot that you can build your own home in that is your personal contribution to our server, however, many of our projects are teamwork oriented.
There will be people telling you what to do on this server. You will be expected to follow the orders of all those that have proper authority to do so. Our staff is selected of responsible people, and as such all the staff will know what they are doing and not abuse their power. It has to be this way, because to bring things like Bree Hill, Weathertop, or the Misty Mountains to architectural life we have to have someone with the idea in their head to design it.
To apply for the whitelist please visit our forums @ Minecraft Middle-Earth Forums
Please note that you must be sixteen or older to join the server.
Section under Construction!
I will be gone about a week so please direct any PMs or questions to AeroBlitz or one of the other staff.
Also in regards to Duncan's post. If you're going to hack or be an all around ass, please don't join. However, if you want to be part of a good community that wants to recreate Middle Earth, then join up.
Cheers, and have fun all.
Age: 16
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I found a green record in a dungeon once?
Well, I've had my own private server since November last year, playing with some friends of mine. We've built quite a lot of towns/cities with different buildings, and also a complex subway system between the towns. :biggrin.gif:
What would you bring to the server: I like LoTR a lot and I think I'll be able to come up with some ideas ^^ Also I'm willing to do what people tell me to do :smile.gif:
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Build some huge arenas and roleplayed allot! I basically have done everything possible in minecraft.
What would you bring to the server:I don't know good roleplay? Maybe big arenas, it depends if i like the server...
Age: 26
Why you want to be whitelisted: I am a fan of LOTR and want to roam the map and contribute
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: A statue of Jenny XJ9 from My Life as a Teenage Robot ... 5052_n.jpg (The head is too far to the left here, I haven't been able to get a screenshot of the fixed version)
What would you bring to the server: I could contribute to some building projects sometimes
Age:13(but mature)
Why you want to be whitelisted:I have looked at this forum post over and over and would love to be a part of the community. I have loved lord of the rings since I was introduced to it through countless watchings of the extended dvd editions. I have all the books, the hobbit, and the silmarillion. I love J.R.R Tolkien's fantasy world and would be excited to build to an amazing server dedicated to it.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: In a multiplayer server(beta) I helped another player to build a model of Barad-Dur.
What would you bring to the server: A good knowledge of Tolkien's world and lore, plus a pretty experienced minecraft builder.
— J.R.R. Tolkien
IGN: treserget
Age: 14 - Norway
Why you want to be whitelisted: I really love Lord of the rings, and minecraft too. I would love to help reconstructing the Middle Earth in minecraft. I know Middle Earth very well, since i have red the hobbit, (i am reading lord of the rings right now), and played games like LOTR - Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2. I am pretty good to construct things and like to be very accurate.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I have slayed many cows and :Pig:'s. I have also tried to make helm's deep (Hornborg), and Minas Tirith on my own, but didn't finish the projects, maybe the scale was too big for one person, lol. I have also made many other things in my 2 months long (or something) minecraft career.
What would you bring to the server: I would be nice to everyone, and be really helpful as a builder.
Thank you!
All of you who have already posted an application, no need to re-post one. Remember you can come on anytime. You'll get moved to the builder group quickly enough.
@Treserget: We'll give you a second chance.
Age: 14
Why you want to be whitelisted: I love LOTR and my friend told me about this server (he is Benjamin1205). I went to your website and saw your world map. Mind = blown.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: I've built about 1000 castles, as well as a few roller coasters and other houses.
What would you bring to the server: I like building huge scale structures, especially with other people. I can normally work hard, fast and smart.
Oh yeah, and I love LOTR.
(PS: Please unban me from the forums on the homepage, thanks)!
[b]Any notable achievements in Minecraft[/b]: Moderator
[b]What would you bring to the server[/b]: I would bring new buildings and lots of help to the server ! :biggrin.gif:
[b]What is the hidden message? (You'll find it if you've read everything): I read through everything and couldn't find it :\ But i really want to play on this server, i even play LotRo! :smile.gif:
It's only after we have lost everything that we're free to do anything.
Why you want to be whitelisted: Because i love the LOTR world. ive read the book (Lord of the rings 1,2 and 3) and
the Hobbit and i want to be a part of the Minecraft Middle Earth world.
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Ive played online on many Beta servers an have been Admin on many classic servers. I have started to build an own middle earth map on singleplayer but i rather want to continue on this one. i also consider myself a pretty good builder :smile.gif:
What would you bring to the server: LOTR houses/buildings and if alowed, even bigger projects
Why you want to be whitelisted: Because i love LotR and this sounds like a great server for it
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: Not really cause from what i read at the moment it is just building wich i ant that good at but if some one tells me what to do i can do it and if ever turns intp RP server am very good at RP and also i am very skilled with a bow
What would you bring to the server: not sure cuase as i said not to good at builliding but love LotR and very good at RP [>>-i>]
I love LOTR
@All: Everyone who has posted an application properly has been added onto the permissions list.
@Hakkern and Triumphus: Please find the hidden message and re-post your applications. The hidden message is in there. I made sure to say "This is the blah blah blah" right in the middle of a paragraph.
We have just updated to a new Bukkit version, as well as adding in some more plug-ins that make life just a bit easier on the server! With this tough, we've decided to re-implement a white-list for the server. It makes my job, and that of the other kings, a bit easier in keeping track of people.
Nothing else in process changes for you, just you won't be able to instantly join. I will be checking this thread daily and adding everyone who posts a complete application. I will also send you a private message once you are accepted and white-listed.
We are also nearing the start of the largest project yet, Moria! This is the perfect time for you to join on with us and help with this huge project. Don't miss out!
Thank you!
(Everyone who has posted so far is on the white-list. If you have problems just post here in this thread)
Why you want to be whitelisted:i have been a fan of the expansive world Tolkien created sincec i have heard of it,tried to learn to write and speak in Quenya and write in Tengwar.
Any Notable achievments in MinecraftHaven't really made any large accomplishments, mostly since i don't have the personal manpower. I'm hoping that i can really be part of something awesome on MCME.
What you would bring to the serverOverall determination. I will take orders willingly and would like to in order to bring this dream to life. I have a pretty decent knowledge of the world and have seen the extended films several times over.
I would like to do the most i can to be part of this AWESOME experience,
mostly because I love LOTR!!
Age: 20
Any notable achievements in Minecraft: A rather large castle built forward to Zombie Siege mode, my private server for my friends.
What would you bring to the server: Another set of (virtual) hands, knowledge of contemporary design in Eä, OCD to make things accurate. I can also help with debugging bukkit (I have some experience from my server) if need be.
As is obvious, I love LOTR.