If you're into roleplaying, we have a lot to offer you here at Age of Mining.
Not only do we have groups devoted to the RP nations of our map, but we also have an active RP conflict going on in the land of Ganzania, which is basically like australia.
Several members of the community have also been formulating quests, just like you'd see in WoW or Oblivion! It's a bold move to bring more immersion to the minecraft experience, and a lot of work goes into each one!!
Literaly for eternity, since griefing is almost insta ban and also, I doubt much people would bother to go through our selection progress to grief and be banned in the firt 30 seconds. And also, with the realms thing, as long as the server stay up, there won't be any resets. Check our main forums to learn more about it!
Oh RedDarkEyes, it does my heart good to see people joining AoM for the RP. At last, my dream for when I first joined has visibly materialized before my very eyes.
There is plenty of space and really nice mature folks here. Not to mention some really great builders. Some of the things I've seen being built are just amazing.
Another great thing about AOM is the subway system. Just about everyone has been working on it. I myself just finished connecting my monastery to it last night. It's a fast and easy to get around the huge map. Although I do kinda miss my boat rides to the spawn. With the subway you can easily connect to other cities on far ends of the map. Really brings the community closer together even if their homes are far apart.
Not only do we have groups devoted to the RP nations of our map, but we also have an active RP conflict going on in the land of Ganzania, which is basically like australia.
Several members of the community have also been formulating quests, just like you'd see in WoW or Oblivion! It's a bold move to bring more immersion to the minecraft experience, and a lot of work goes into each one!!
AoM: Come for the RP, stay for the RP!
stay for the building
Application ID: 10970
Minecraft USERNAME: SixZeroNinee
MC UN: edratliff
There is plenty of space and really nice mature folks here. Not to mention some really great builders. Some of the things I've seen being built are just amazing.
And how about getting people to say how they found us on the application form
Another great thing about AOM is the subway system. Just about everyone has been working on it. I myself just finished connecting my monastery to it last night. It's a fast and easy to get around the huge map. Although I do kinda miss my boat rides to the spawn. With the subway you can easily connect to other cities on far ends of the map. Really brings the community closer together even if their homes are far apart.
I wanna join your server...
My in-game name is: roidalsgard
and my application id is: 10988
I will never grief
I've been part of this server for months, and I can say that this is an awesome server... nothing gets it down!
We have several nations, great players, and hardworking admins... and we nix griefers damned fast.
Check it out, the nation-states of AoM need YOU!