OK, well there is a major problem with your server info. You put up your internal IP address ( ), which is the one machines on your local network see. For machines on the internet to connect, you need to provide the external IP. Simply go to this website: http://www.whatsmyip.org/
Look at the top, your external IP is right there. Put that up on the thread, and all will be dandy, unless it turns out you need port forwarding.
Also, I'd like to join :smile.gif:
In game ID is dent0.
Perhaps you could make it an offline server too? Some of my friends want to try some multiplayer. Its alright if not, but meh.
All right any one who happens to wander across this page. after months of work i FINALY got the port forwarding done for my server. the reason it took so long is that AT&T is one of the hardest things to port forward with. i fanlly did it though, so the server will be on at most of today.(probobly) theres as little lag as i could possibly get. and if it gets shut down for a while its because im using my laptop and as many know a laptop isnt the best for a server.(although mine is better than most
will you obey no tnt rule: Yes, I never use TNT anyway
what job you want: Scout Please, I already have a cool skin for one xD
will you obey no tnt rule:yes
what job you want:runner
Yes, I will follow the rule. I've been grieved with tnt
I would like to be a miner
I will follow the no TNT rule. I haven't used it...yet.
I would like to be a Shop Keeper.
can you help me out?
are 97.9% more likely to panic if...
the sun goes down in real life [SSSS]
I will follow the no TNT rule.
I would like to be a shop keeper.
will you obey the tnt rule:yes
job:palace guard
i think it would be really cool to protect a king or noble
will you obey no tnt rule: yes
what job you want: miner
will you obey no tnt rule:yes
what job you want:Builder or gaurd
Many of us have been waiting for five days now, so, not to be rude, but can you answer this for the sake of others?
Is the server fixed?
Look at the top, your external IP is right there. Put that up on the thread, and all will be dandy, unless it turns out you need port forwarding.
Also, I'd like to join :smile.gif:
In game ID is dent0.
Perhaps you could make it an offline server too? Some of my friends want to try some multiplayer. Its alright if not, but meh.
I would like to be a miner or a smith.
EDIT: name is akpolarbears
Yes I would obey TNT rule
I would like to be a shop owner an have an armory.