I've done better, but forgot to screenshot it. I don't know how people are getting scores into the ten-thousands, though. :biggrin.gif: I guess I just lose. Badly.
Oh, a mace. I see, sorry. I wasn't familiar with the term, yes I made a mace out of the red flower. It's tiny though. :sad.gif:
I'm making ghosts as an enemy too. They'll make survival harder since they're mostly transparent, you'd only really see them on the horizon or in lava. :3
WOW really i wana mod too lol
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Quote from seekercat »
Can't get wood, eh? I think they make pills for that.
I've done better, but forgot to screenshot it. I don't know how people are getting scores into the ten-thousands, though. :biggrin.gif: I guess I just lose. Badly.
till i gave up and jumped into a hot spring...
Normal Map, thought this would be good but you guys have loads.
WOW really i wana mod too lol
steam name-Lunarglare
just make it out of glass?
steam name-Lunarglare
There, take that!
steam name-Lunarglare
also, no all caps :smile.gif:
I'm on to you. *glare*
thar ps. sry for teh caps
its rainy out i got nothing else better to do =P
steam name-Lunarglare
You realise that image is over 2MB in size. You've just forsaken people with slow connections.
wait....me? heh sorry
steam name-Lunarglare