To make it easier for Notch to keep track of what is a bug, what's urgent, what isn't etc. I've built a new system; when posting a topic in this forum it will request that you supply information on whether or not you're submitting a bug/glitch report.
Q: What is a glitch and what is a bug?
A bug is a game breaking error, something like the openGL error (this). This are marked with the little bug picture. A glitch is something that isn't neccesarily a "problem" but it gives an advantage in survival when it shouldn't. For example, this is a glitch, because it's not intended, it's just overlap from survival.
Q: What are the topic types?
open: This is something which has yet to be categorized, all newly submitted problems are "open".
closed: This is something which has been confirmed to neither be a glitch or a bug.
fixed: This is a bug/glitch which Notch has been made aware of and has fixed.
confirmed: This is a bug/glitch which has been confirmed to exist however is yet to be fixed.
Moderators can change a bug/glitch type, not regular users.
Q: Do I have to use the bug report?
If you're posting a general topic you can go ahead and select "No, I'm not reporting a bug or a glitch".
If you have any bugs with the system post them here and I'll fix them up :smile.gif:
i found a better definition if you want to clarify it a little bit.
Glitch: a programming error which results in behavior not intended by the programmers. Glitches may include incorrectly displayed graphics, collision detection errors, game-freezing or crashes, sound issues, and others. Some glitches are potentially dangerous to the game save data.
Bug: A bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from behaving as intended (e.g., producing an incorrect or unexpected result). Most bugs arise from mistakes and errors made by people in either a program's source code or its design, and a few are caused by compilers producing incorrect code
The way I'm hoping for them to be used; a glitch is a gameplay error, something which overlapped from creative mode etc, a bug is something game breaking that requires more than just "oh, I should have disabled that!".
Having to reselect whether I'm reporting a glitch/bug or not gets a bit irritating, since it resets everytime I press preview. Is it possible to just make a checkbox or maybe default it to "no"?
Bug: Mobs randomly appearing in large groups after the initial map creation. A whole group spawned right inside the walls of my fort and killed me. I can't survive for 10 minutes because they keep spawning like this.
That is not a bug, it's a feature. If mobs didn't keep spawning, then you would be able to kill them all and then what survival would there be? They keep spawning in your fort because that seemed like a logical place for the game to place them. They're close to you, you can't see them spawn, and you're probably going to go there soon. It's not smart enough to think 'hey, this is his fort, mobs shouldn't be able to get in there so they can't be there'.
Believe it or not, singleplayer Survival wasn't really meant for forts. You're supposed to roam around randomly, maybe place a few traps, make a few houses here and there if you need a short rest in case you pass by the same area in the future, etc. Making a fort and expecting yourself to be invincible afterwards isn't the point.
One last thing: Don't get the wrong impression and think I hate you, also don't feel stupid - that has been asked more than once. I was just explaining to you :tongue.gif:
(you'd be surprised how much people can over-react)
Oh wait, I forgot one thing: this thread isn't for reporting bugs, it just explains how to report bugs using a new thread, but what you said really doesn't deserve it's own thread so I guess posting is here is better nontheless.
Bug: Sheep are randomly disappearing - Once, I made a small village out of cloth,wood and stone using the sheep I gathered from the near woods. But then, somehow, the sheep all disappeared at once!
Really, sheep are disappearing everywhere because of nothing - bug.
All monsters disappear after a while, new monsters also get spawned. This is to prevent the world from either being flooded with monsters, or all monsters in the world being dead.
Sometimes when I break large amounts of blocks consecutively, a fragment block can get 'stuck' in mid air as seen below:
- It vibrates up and down really fast.
- If you remove all blocks around it, it just stays where it is.
- If you stand on it to pick it up, your resources of this type just fill up until 99.
- It does not disappear if you keep making new debri by mining or throwing out inventory (I've noticed other debri disappearing over time if there's lot's)
I have succesfully reproduced it for sand, rock, wood, dirt and silver. I do not know what the cause is other than massive mining. Easiest way to reproduce (no guarantee): build large single block sand tower and mine it down to the floor from the top down. Doing so has resulted in this glitch three times so far in two sessions.
I have thus far not seen it before, might be related to it being the 'Indev' package. I have not been MCing for a while though, so might happen in the 'open' 0.30 too.
^ It says in red letters in the /indev/ window not to report bugs for that version. It's still heavilly in development, and Notch knows it's not bug free.
^ It says in red letters in the /indev/ window not to report bugs for that version. It's still heavilly in development, and Notch knows it's not bug free.
Yes I am aware of this, but considering the nature of this glitch, it seems very likely it is part of the basic engine, not part of new features in the indev.
I only posted this because of this reason. I promise I will refrain from posting any other glitches found in the Indev in the future.
Q: What is a glitch and what is a bug?
A bug is a game breaking error, something like the openGL error (this). This are marked with the little bug picture. A glitch is something that isn't neccesarily a "problem" but it gives an advantage in survival when it shouldn't. For example, this is a glitch, because it's not intended, it's just overlap from survival.
Q: What are the topic types?
open: This is something which has yet to be categorized, all newly submitted problems are "open".
closed: This is something which has been confirmed to neither be a glitch or a bug.
fixed: This is a bug/glitch which Notch has been made aware of and has fixed.
confirmed: This is a bug/glitch which has been confirmed to exist however is yet to be fixed.
Moderators can change a bug/glitch type, not regular users.
Q: Do I have to use the bug report?
If you're posting a general topic you can go ahead and select "No, I'm not reporting a bug or a glitch".
If you have any bugs with the system post them here and I'll fix them up :smile.gif:
Glitch: a programming error which results in behavior not intended by the programmers. Glitches may include incorrectly displayed graphics, collision detection errors, game-freezing or crashes, sound issues, and others. Some glitches are potentially dangerous to the game save data.
Bug: A bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from behaving as intended (e.g., producing an incorrect or unexpected result). Most bugs arise from mistakes and errors made by people in either a program's source code or its design, and a few are caused by compilers producing incorrect code
well, the one i found was just a little more extensive, so i thought it might help some.
Believe it or not, singleplayer Survival wasn't really meant for forts. You're supposed to roam around randomly, maybe place a few traps, make a few houses here and there if you need a short rest in case you pass by the same area in the future, etc. Making a fort and expecting yourself to be invincible afterwards isn't the point.
One last thing: Don't get the wrong impression and think I hate you, also don't feel stupid - that has been asked more than once. I was just explaining to you :tongue.gif:
(you'd be surprised how much people can over-react)
Oh wait, I forgot one thing: this thread isn't for reporting bugs, it just explains how to report bugs using a new thread, but what you said really doesn't deserve it's own thread so I guess posting is here is better nontheless.
All monsters disappear after a while, new monsters also get spawned. This is to prevent the world from either being flooded with monsters, or all monsters in the world being dead.
Sometimes when I break large amounts of blocks consecutively, a fragment block can get 'stuck' in mid air as seen below:
- It vibrates up and down really fast.
- If you remove all blocks around it, it just stays where it is.
- If you stand on it to pick it up, your resources of this type just fill up until 99.
- It does not disappear if you keep making new debri by mining or throwing out inventory (I've noticed other debri disappearing over time if there's lot's)
I have succesfully reproduced it for sand, rock, wood, dirt and silver. I do not know what the cause is other than massive mining. Easiest way to reproduce (no guarantee): build large single block sand tower and mine it down to the floor from the top down. Doing so has resulted in this glitch three times so far in two sessions.
I have thus far not seen it before, might be related to it being the 'Indev' package. I have not been MCing for a while though, so might happen in the 'open' 0.30 too.
Voyager of the Seas WIP ~~~~~ Big Book of Alchemy ~ Crafting Tech Tree
Yes I am aware of this, but considering the nature of this glitch, it seems very likely it is part of the basic engine, not part of new features in the indev.
I only posted this because of this reason. I promise I will refrain from posting any other glitches found in the Indev in the future.
There is a glitch/bug on iso maps :
output seem wrong sided.
ps : I dont know if i can post it here (if no, sorry...)
Edit: Oh. It's mirrored. I've never seen this, it works fine for me.
I know for a fact, though, that it wasn't always like this.
Once, there was an ugly Barnacle. He was soooo ugly, that everyone died.
The end!
F7 in indev.