I sort of felt that Palisade Town could use a quick-play version, although playing it for a long time is part of the level's challenge, huh?
Anyways, I implemented sportsracer48's idea and put a roof over the whole level to make the mobs spawn quicker. Thanks goes to NotSoSilent for this map! http://minecraft.net/survivaltest/?user=feryll&id=1
Oh god.. I love the no mercy.. Combines L4D and Minecraft.. :biggrin.gif: Love how it's exactly like no Mercy (Well almost) and that there are hole in the buildings for monsters to spawn in... XD
NORAD has been updated to 2.0 and please include this text
NORAD 2.0 http://minecraft.net/survivaltest/?user ... oware&id=2
Hals gone nuts! He realesed the genetics labs monsters and you've been hired to shut him off! Go down throgh the facility and destroy his eye then fin a way out again. (Either with the copper or the rocket)
I assume the HAL was that big black bow with a nasty red eye.
You've never watched 2001: A Space Odyssey? :ohmy.gif:
Right now I'm working on an epic Aztec map. Has a few objectives, and awesome traps (one requires an Indiana Jone's-style escape out of the underground temple) but Omen wont cooperate D:
Hopefully, however, it will soon be released.
I have actually. I was just not sure about was that the right one really, and I sure as heck don't want to go trudgning through water and creepers again just because I broke the wrong thing :x
put in order of awesomeness.
Gdude's impression of a base. (with a cool glass dam!)
I dont know yet.
same as above (different map though.)
The name was "Moes Tavern"
All by G_dude
Lord Gold's Tundra.
I have more info here: viewtopic.php?id=2752
Please replace my map with this.
Anyways, I implemented sportsracer48's idea and put a roof over the whole level to make the mobs spawn quicker. Thanks goes to NotSoSilent for this map!
Good luck in Tunnel City:
Pre-survival player. Respect your elders :D.
1: http://minecraft.net/survivaltest/?user=warstorm&id=1 it one map that i found on the wiki and i construct on it XD.
2: http://minecraft.net/survivaltest/?user=warstorm&id=2 its the same map with a lava wave , funny and it dont lag (for me XD)
3: it my MULTIplayer map , and dont know how to have physic on it but i think if i do it , there will be problem
http://minecraft.net/survivaltest/?user=warstorm&id=3 , ps sorry but the spawn rate is low XD
You really just need a roof covering the whole map(Or a big cave). Map size can be anything.
Please try to link them in the good way [ url = link ] link name [ /url ] or I have to do it myself and it's tiring ;-;
---> vede claimed Notch said this (and it is awesome).
http://minecraft.net/survivaltest/?user ... oware&id=2
Hals gone nuts! He realesed the genetics labs monsters and you've been hired to shut him off! Go down throgh the facility and destroy his eye then fin a way out again. (Either with the copper or the rocket)
Mission accomplished on the first try. Got 12110 upon reaching the copter, after some detours through the quickly crumpling base.
xD. Damn, okay. I was waiting for that ;p
---> vede claimed Notch said this (and it is awesome).
steam name-Lunarglare
You've never watched 2001: A Space Odyssey? :ohmy.gif:
Right now I'm working on an epic Aztec map. Has a few objectives, and awesome traps (one requires an Indiana Jone's-style escape out of the underground temple) but Omen wont cooperate D:
Hopefully, however, it will soon be released.