Scariest: I stood in a tree and saw about 16 . then i made a noise like a broken car (lol)
Funniest: jumped off a cliff and bonzai'd me.
Annoyingest(wtfword): pushed me off a cliff
Awesomest(wtfword): Punched eight off a cliff
heh, i love my life
: PEEKABOO! :AHHH! :SSSSSSSSSssssssss : Oh, crud.
(Explosion) : Somehow im still al- oh crud. :(rattle)
(Bow twang) dies.
Scariest moment ever? In a deep cave when I placed a torch in one of the tunnels and right in front of me was a creeper. When I looked up, he was there staring at me chanting SSSSSS... and exploded me and my 13 diamonds ]:
Luckily I got there in time before the items disappeared :biggrin.gif:
i was standing on top of a tall tower i had just finished building and i was fishing for mobs, i hooked a zombie with my fishing pole and i pulled. i didn't expect the zombie to land right next to me. i died. i had 9 diamonds and i coulnt find my tower again until my stuff disappeared
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Reality is exactly what you perceive it to be
(Bow twang)
Luckily I got there in time before the items disappeared :biggrin.gif:
[*:eijkr92w] The first time I reached the spot, I was attacked and killed by 2 skeletons (I should have made armour).
[*:eijkr92w] The 2nd time, I mined them, but I died a rather humiliating death 3 seconds later...