Ever had a skeleton spawn in your face while fighting a zombie? yeah.
Nope. The whole base's enemies were there, besides the spider that killed me.
Anyway, since I forgot killer8000's password, I made this guy.
Also, this is just a reply, and an easter egg in the thing.
Simply there were heck of ALOT of furnaces in the Barracks. And somehow, workbenches. Heck, even alot of bookshelfs or whatever they are (picture= ).
EDIT: There was only 1 workbench in the barracks, but however it was still good. Also, an special song by Bobby Yarsulik.
Really, this is an OFFICAL song. Also, the chest still can't find where the heck you are hiding. That chest is a spah! (hits with an axe, then removes sapper put on Furnace.) Really what is behind this text? The void, of course. Beware or this will happen.
Ever had a skeleton spawn in your face while fighting a zombie? yeah.
Nope. The whole base's enemies were there, besides the spider that killed me.
Anyway, since I forgot killer8000's password, I made this guy.
Also, this is just a reply, and an easter egg in the thing.
Simply there were heck of ALOT of furnaces in the Barracks. And somehow, workbenches. Heck, even alot of bookshelfs or whatever they are (picture= ).
EDIT: There was only 1 workbench in the barracks, but however it was still good. Also, an special song by Bobby Yarsulik.
Really, this is an OFFICAL song. Also, the chest still can't find where the heck you are hiding. That chest is a spah! (hits with an axe, then removes sapper put on Furnace.) Really what is behind this text? The void, of course. Beware or this will happen.
Ever had a skeleton spawn in your face while fighting a zombie? yeah.
Nope. The whole base's enemies were there, besides the spider that killed me.
Anyway, since I forgot killer8000's password, I made this guy.
Also, this is just a reply, and an easter egg in the thing.
Simply there were heck of ALOT of furnaces in the Barracks. And somehow, workbenches. Heck, even alot of bookshelfs or whatever they are (picture= ).
EDIT: There was only 1 workbench in the barracks, but however it was still good. Also, an special song by Bobby Yarsulik.
Really, this is an OFFICAL song. Also, the chest still can't find where the heck you are hiding. That chest is a spah! (hits with an axe, then removes sapper put on Furnace.) Really what is behind this text? The void, of course. Beware or this will happen.
I wanted to show my friend how TNT worked in minecraft so I placed a block of TNT at the top of my mining shaft, suspended about 50 blocks in the air. I punch it, it drop and I try to get a better look at it by moving closer to the edge. That better look turned into a front row experience as I plummeted said 50 blocks, hit the ground before the TNT did, died, dropped all my stuff, then miliseconds later the TNT goes off next to me a destroys all of my equipment including 3 or 4 steel picks.
Not the greatest loss but it made me look like an idiot infront of my friends, not that they didn't know I was one already :tongue.gif:
Was playing on hard and decided to leave my home to check out how bad the monsters were. Zombies, no problem. Skeletons...kind of a pain with their arrows giving them advantage. Spiders...daunting but I can handle them. What I was not prepared for was somehow a skeleton got merged with a spider and it looked like a skeleton was using a spider as a mount and was charging my ass to make me dead quick! RUN!!!!
Was digging a tunnel, got about eeh, 20 or so blocks down, (I had a dirt block 1 block up at the entrance so I could still get out, but the lake wouldnt eat me), then 5 creepers appear with 1 skeleton arecher, he shoots, a creeper explodes, I manage to fend off the remaining creepers as they rush down my stairwell, BUT NOTHING could stop the seemingly never-ending onslaught of water rushing down the stairs!! I got lost in the tunnel (Because I recently found a cave with much golds and irons :biggrin.gif: ) And drowned to death...
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by GreyAcumen » Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:26 pm
Tree punchers. Everyone knows you use a pickaxe for rock, not your fists.
When I first played and I first saw a skeleton, I was a little scared because I had low health and it was chasing me with projectiles. I kept on running and I never looked back. To this day I don't know what happened to that skeleton.
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In a world full of peaches my Johnny, don't ask for applesauce.
i'm runing from the lava and well... i got faled into a lava river =P
one time too i got pawned by a water fall... this is the history: i'm in my cave going to hell for mining... and well i see a good water fall, i step into the water and i fall in a GIANT cave... 2 or 3 Days past and i'm runing in sircles... wen i see i got 64 blocks and some pick aches... i say "Good! I can get out of here and see the sun back again!" well i start the excavation to the surfase... 6 days past and i'm geting out of the GIANT cave... well now i'm outside off the cave and is night... some thing strange ocorred... no creatures arround... i say "Good now i can run out of here" some hours past and i see my tower, I got RUN like wen i'm in HELL to see my house again, and I say again "Good i'm in my house now... but..."... SSSSSSSSSSSSS ... BUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
My wall goes to heaven... R.I.P ...
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I'm sorry for any errors on my grammar. English isn't my native language.
I remember I was exploring in a dungeon I found in one of my miningshaft. It looked safe, so i jumped down there and found some iron/gold. While I was busy harvesting it, I heard the sound of a spider. I was about to leave, but then suddenly a spider jumped down on me through a small hole in the roof. I fell down in another part of the cave. It was dark. I didn't see anything, so I found my torch. I saw water and a lot of wierd sounds from zombies, creepers and skeletons. I had to find my way up, but I didnt see the hole I fell from. Then a skeleton hit my with an arrow. Then I saw 2 creepers, 1 skeleton and 3 zombies in the dark. I almost fell of my chair - seriously. I walled of my path to the mobs and tried to find a way out. But I knew the spider was still alive, cause it didnt kill me. I found the sourceblock for the water which made it a little safer. So I started digging and found the place where the spider hit me. I thought I was safe, until the spider attacked my again. I started firing arrows like crazy. The spider finally died and I started to make my way back to my ladder in the shaft. "Great, now I am safe", I said to myself. But, then a creeper was walking towards me. I blocked it of, and made a "window" in the wall and killed him. Finally I could find the way to my shaft and to safety.
To be honest, the day after I didn't entered any cave - just expanding my house and building a greenhouse.
Nope. The whole base's enemies were there, besides the spider that killed me.
Anyway, since I forgot killer8000's password, I made this guy.
Also, this is just a reply, and an easter egg in the thing.
Simply there were heck of ALOT of furnaces in the Barracks. And somehow, workbenches. Heck, even alot of bookshelfs or whatever they are (picture= ).
EDIT: There was only 1 workbench in the barracks, but however it was still good. Also, an special song by Bobby Yarsulik.
Really, this is an OFFICAL song. Also, the chest still can't find where the heck you are hiding. That chest is a spah! (hits with an axe, then removes sapper put on Furnace.) Really what is behind this text? The void, of course. Beware or this will happen.
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It seems that minecrafter is totally a spy.
Anyway, it seems the chest is teaming up with moar. So be careful, or he will eat you. ALOT. REALLY.
Also, that spider that killed me died from that trap I made.
Also, coal eats turtles.
But I like this chest since it is friendly. ===>
I kinda got a feeling that this reply streak is gonna last a LONG or FOREVER time.[/quote] well i just noticed it so yeah and i think the void is pretty sexy.
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Quote from Wanakilo »
I was making out with my girlfriend, then we both started undressing and I was greeted by the dark, sinister, red eyes of a huge. ****ing. Penis.
Strolling along a the cliff where my fortress sat, I was looking out at the view across the map. Everything was in check, most of the time monsters couldn't make it up to my fortress, much less inside it.
Then I turn around, and BAM!!!!!!!!!!! a spider tackles me and knocks me off the cliff! As I'm falling backwards off the very tall cliff I see 3 more spiders on the cliff's edge jump IN UNISON and BLOCK OUT THE SUN WITH THEIR BODIES AS THEY EAT ME ALIVE.
I almost pissed myself.
That story was epic. We should write an epic song to go along with it!
Sung to the tune of Never Gonna Give You Up (Curse you supa1337killa)
We're no strangers to Minecraft
You know the rules and so do I
A full attention's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this with any other game
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna not look up
Never gonna not look down
Never gonna run around and dismiss you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna miss a chance to hurt you
Up at the fortress, on the cliff
The view was good, and I'm just proud to say it
A hard time for monsters is what I'm thinking of
They just can't get up here, or stay inside
Then a spider turns up right beside me
Attacks and knocks me off the cliff
Never gonna not look up
Never gonna not look down
Never gonna run around and not see you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna miss a chance to hurt you
Nope. The whole base's enemies were there, besides the spider that killed me.
Anyway, since I forgot killer8000's password, I made this guy.
Also, this is just a reply, and an easter egg in the thing.
Simply there were heck of ALOT of furnaces in the Barracks. And somehow, workbenches. Heck, even alot of bookshelfs or whatever they are (picture=
EDIT: There was only 1 workbench in the barracks, but however it was still good. Also, an special song by Bobby Yarsulik.
Really, this is an OFFICAL song. Also, the chest still can't find where the heck you are hiding. That chest is a spah! (hits with an axe, then removes sapper put on Furnace.) Really what is behind this text? The void, of course. Beware or this will happen.
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It seems that minecrafter is totally a spy.
Anyway, it seems the chest is teaming up with moar. So be careful, or he will eat you. ALOT. REALLY.
Also, that spider that killed me died from that trap I made.
Also, coal eats turtles.
But I like this chest since it is friendly. ===>
I kinda got a feeling that this reply streak is gonna last a LONG or FOREVER time.
That creeper is a spy. No offense. SPAH SAPPIN' MAH FURNACE!
Not the greatest loss but it made me look like an idiot infront of my friends, not that they didn't know I was one already :tongue.gif:
Tree punchers. Everyone knows you use a pickaxe for rock, not your fists.
In a world full of peaches my Johnny, don't ask for applesauce.
one time too i got pawned by a water fall... this is the history: i'm in my cave going to hell for mining... and well i see a good water fall, i step into the water and i fall in a GIANT cave... 2 or 3 Days past and i'm runing in sircles... wen i see i got 64 blocks and some pick aches... i say "Good! I can get out of here and see the sun back again!" well i start the excavation to the surfase... 6 days past and i'm geting out of the GIANT cave... well now i'm outside off the cave and is night... some thing strange ocorred... no creatures arround... i say "Good now i can run out of here" some hours past and i see my tower, I got RUN like wen i'm in HELL to see my house again, and I say again "Good i'm in my house now... but..."... SSSSSSSSSSSSS ... BUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
My wall goes to heaven... R.I.P ...
To be honest, the day after I didn't entered any cave - just expanding my house and building a greenhouse.
Anyway, since I forgot killer8000's password, I made this guy.
Also, this is just a reply, and an easter egg in the thing.
Simply there were heck of ALOT of furnaces in the Barracks. And somehow, workbenches. Heck, even alot of bookshelfs or whatever they are (picture=
EDIT: There was only 1 workbench in the barracks, but however it was still good. Also, an special song by Bobby Yarsulik.
Really, this is an OFFICAL song. Also, the chest still can't find where the heck you are hiding. That chest is a spah! (hits with an axe, then removes sapper put on Furnace.) Really what is behind this text? The void, of course. Beware or this will happen.
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It seems that minecrafter is totally a spy.
Anyway, it seems the chest is teaming up with moar. So be careful, or he will eat you. ALOT. REALLY.
Also, that spider that killed me died from that trap I made.
Also, coal eats turtles.
But I like this chest since it is friendly. ===>
I kinda got a feeling that this reply streak is gonna last a LONG or FOREVER time.[/quote] well i just noticed it so yeah and i think the void is pretty sexy.
Sung to the tune of Never Gonna Give You Up (Curse you supa1337killa)
We're no strangers to Minecraft
You know the rules and so do I
A full attention's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this with any other game
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna not look up
Never gonna not look down
Never gonna run around and dismiss you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna miss a chance to hurt you
Up at the fortress, on the cliff
The view was good, and I'm just proud to say it
A hard time for monsters is what I'm thinking of
They just can't get up here, or stay inside
Then a spider turns up right beside me
Attacks and knocks me off the cliff
Never gonna not look up
Never gonna not look down
Never gonna run around and not see you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna miss a chance to hurt you
I. Hate. That. Stupid. Chest. It. Just. Ate. ME.
and another time a creeper got into my home and blew it all to ****.
was pretty ****ing lols xD
For More info, look here:
MineScience - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=166560
Dragonator - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=141803
Sand Skiffs - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=233346