Me (no arrows) vs. Armored Skeletons and creepers.
I almost won; I was standing in one of several craters, munching on my last mushroom, and suddenly; Zombies! Everywhere! Falling from the sky!
I was summarily torn limb from limb.
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Ha! I don't even know the meaning of the word, "Illiterate!"
Me(20 arrows) vs creepers=epic win but...then I walked along a cliff torturing zombies creepers and skeletons,AND A FLIPPING SPIDER MADE ME GO OVER THE EDGE!
i was mining down a hole to make a mine from my house. i found every single type of oar, except diamond, and then as i begin to mine, i realize that its night time, so i put a block where i dropped from, and put up some lights, and some walls. as soon as i mine my 1st gold ore, i see a creeper face, staring at me, i quickley slam down on the s key, and hold with all my might, but it explodes, sending me away with 1 heart. I quickley make another wall, and wait until day. im so bored, that i opened my drop to see that it was day! hurray! i get up, run to my house for some meat, turn the corner, and by instinct hit him with my gold pick, he turns, and i just watch.
I was spawned on top of a tree. So i built a treeplatform. I made one wall to protect a spider-vulnerable side(too close to a hillside) and some pits(I call them "gladiator pits") that I led monsters into, to fight to the finish. I eventually got bored and tried to create another gladiator pit so I could expand my platform, but put TNT in the wrong place, and ended up blowing myself into the newly-created(and also monster-filled) pit. I was instantly zombiepwned. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :ohmy.gif:
I had made epic town for survival, i had hid in the hospital cuz i placed mushrooms there, but when i got there, a skeleton killed a creeper exploding the mushroomz. With nothing to lose cept a high score, i started tunneling from the basement with enemies behind meh. I ended up at the catacombs of the church, and ironiccaly full of zombies. I said screw it and run out the front door. The chruch was huge,and enemies comeing out of the tunnel and all over the place. I saw the exit, so close! I ran out the door and- a spider jumped of the roof and crash tackled me.
i'd love to play that level
anyway my scariest/funniest moment was when a spider jumped off the cliff above me and killed me and itself
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Reality is exactly what you perceive it to be
So, I'm in need of testing a failsafe device on a custom map in survival mode.
I had a heck of a time fighting my way to my base, then into the secret entrance.
I finally get there, missing 4 HP. I make my way down a completely enclosed stair case.
Now from this stair case is a line of RED cloth cubes used as a GUIDE. So I step on the cubes.. *crunch* *crunch*
"WHAT!? was that me?" "Yeah, it was just me" I look around for a bit, make sure Im in the right spot.
About to prepare myself to test the failsafe, when a SHEEP falls down the stairs... from nowwhere?
Little *******, I think to myself as I knock off it's wool. "How, did the sheep fall down enclosed stairs?"
SUDDENLY I hear the sound of foot steps on cloth... RED CLOTH. *crunch* crunch* crunch* *CRUNCH* Getting louder, faster.. closer. Before I can even turn around a super zombie smashes me into the wall. I try to fight it off "AAAh!" I shout "@%$!" but it is too late.
I've played thru Dead Space a hardcore survival-horror game, but MINECRAFT got me. LOL. Good job notch.
PS: play with SHORT fog, adds so much to atmosphere.
I decided to start my indev playing on the floating deep map. I subsequently got quite attached to those. I spawned near the top of the map on a fairly small island. I went the first couple days without much happening. I was able to build up a decent fortress, mine some good materials and get myself armed for combat. I decided to go out and search for more ores in a mine I had been constructing and lighting to keep mobs out.
Unfortunately, I stayed in the mine past sunset. I emerged from the mine cursing and quickly looking around for any mobs that had spawned (I hadn't fully lit the island, so mobs would occasionally spawn. Seeing none in the immediate vicinity, I decided it would be safe to high tail it back to my fortress and lock myself in and wait for day. I made it about 3/4 of the way back when a spider lept out of a nearby forest and tackled me off the edge of the island. At this point, I was scared out of my wits by that surprise kamikaze attack and cursing the idiot spider. However, I miraculously flew down past 3 or 4 huge islands and was amazingly lucky enough to land 3 spaces into a lake on a much lower island. The spider didn't fare so lucky though.
With only a couple of hearts left, I climbed out of the small lake, breathed a sigh of relief, prayed to Notch (lol jk) and started my climb up to the top of the island to start creating a staircase back up to my fortress. I jump up one of the last hills only to find myself sniped by 2 skeletons and then tackled by another spider. I found myself dead but was laughing at the amazingness of it all.
Well, I was in my mine, peacefully chopping at some ores. I hear an odd patter, and turn around. Nothing. I shrug and go back to mining. The pattering continues. I explore a bit, looking for the creepers, but find nothing. I go back to mining. Suddenly, I delete a wrong block and a lake floods my mine! It was really dark, so I couldn't see. I was down to half health when I made it out of there. I finally found the hole and swam up it and discovered that what had flooded my mine was a partially underwater tunnel. I hear the pattering again and turn around AND SEE 5 SPIDERS AND A HORDE OF ZOMBIES (and a few creepers, for good measure) COMING AT ME!! I frantically turn around and start swimming. I get onto dry tunnel and run past a bewildered pig. I don't bother trying to kill it, because I don't want to waste time. The creepers are right behind me. Up ahead I see torchlight, and I make a last dash. I am shot by a skeleton or two and am down to 2 hearts by the time I make it out to my fort. I look around. No creepers. I hear nothing. I enter my castle and then 2 spiders jump out of the crenelations and rape me! Acting quickly, I shoot them and escape with a half a heart. I block the doorway and go up to my tower. I go out on my balcony and see a whole horde of creepers outside my castle. I'm dropping TNT on them, when a stupid sheep spawns in my tower and pushes me over! I fall to my doom into the writhing creeper orgy, and the last thing I see is the ground and the damn kamikaze sheep as it jumps after me. Then, the TNT I had dropped explodes as well, just to add a little overkill.
MORAL: Be kind to sheep.
LESSON: Mining is a lot more dangerous than it may seem.
ADVICE: Stay away from until tunnels and pay heed to ANY sound.
I was just doing my own buisness in Indfev.
I had just about building a tree houses, up in a giant loney tree i found.
i had some farms and stuff under the tree, its was the perfect place.
Then i see in a far distance, a guy that jumps randomly and looking everywhere.
He sees my tree and runs towards it, he kills all my farms, and some pigs around it.
Then he tries to burn down my tree! In this point i realised that he was a griefer.
So i sniped down him with some arrows
Lucky the fire din't spread. so maybe just 2 leaves was destroyed.
You could only kill him on your sweet survival server!
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Hey, try Red Eclipse. It's a free online shooter. It's shweet.
I was in my favorite Iron vein when I hit a pocket of water, flooding the gangways and workings. After spending 20 minutes doing flood control and correction, I went back to my fort via the tunnel. I then proceed to pop my head up through the opening to the fort, and a crowd of zombies and creepers descended on me.
Last save was two hours ago. :roll:
I was digging up some iron next to my spawn house/base when I herd some foot steps. I promptly turned to see a zombie trying to get out of the cave, but he wasn't near me so I left him alone. The next thing I know, I hear a twang, I freak out, the suns going down, and I have a heart attack. GOD DAMN SKELETONS.
Most Epic: So I was traveling in an underground tunnel I found. After I decided to retreat back, a Spider ambushed me. Then I proceed to spam M1 with the Sword, but I kept missing. With one heart left, he charged at me, I sidestepped, and he fell into the lava while I go into my inventory for food.
I was just about finished with my stone trap. My HP was 11 (5 1/2 hearts), and I was about to go back into my wooden fortress. Suddenly, I see a horde of skeletons spawning, then they head towards me. I went inside, for a while, went to the roof, saw the skeletons being trapped in the trap (:tongue.gif:)
Then, when I got back down, I met another horde, this time it was about 13-15 spiders and 2 creepers.
I ran back up, blocked the entrance to the roof, then I jumped down out of the fortress. (The fortress entrance is an absolutely monster-secure one, so that they wouldnt get in OR out.) Then I put a TNT block on top of the trap, clicked on it, and it exploded. I jumped down, got 35 arrows from the dead skeletons, dug my way back up, made a pillar up to the rooftop, then I dug a hole in the roof. It was lower than I'd ever thought, so they could hit me. One of the spiders pounced me down again, I ran back up with HP 2. (1 heart) Suddenly, another mob of creepers spawned behind me. I spammed arrows towards them as I stood at the fortress wall, they all exploded. And so did the wall. Then I made a TNT block tower, then I clicked the upper one. Lucky me. It stood right next to a tree! so, all TNT blocks made a chain of explosions, killing all of the mobs. I survived, and I got a score of 3'465'635 (if you dont believe me, go here: viewtopic.php?id=2143&p=5 )
PS: I died drowning.
You can survive possibly the worst odds in history yet you get overcome by water?
My funniest moment:
I made it all the way to the bottom found veins of everything but diamond. as i was working my way back up i found a cave full of mushrooms. After making sure there were no enemies nearby i started picking the mushrooms. a few minutes later i started digging again. A couple squares above the mushroom cave was one filled with enemies. They quickly jumped me.
i was in a cavern filled with monsters and had some epic fights, but i got chased out and ran for my life.when i was finnally out i kept thinking monsters will still after me, so i jumped in lava to make sure the monsters didnt kill me :smile.gif:
I almost won; I was standing in one of several craters, munching on my last mushroom, and suddenly; Zombies! Everywhere! Falling from the sky!
I was summarily torn limb from limb. yeah thats epic.
(green are zombies)
(":o" is me)
i'd love to play that level
anyway my scariest/funniest moment was when a spider jumped off the cliff above me and killed me and itself
I had a heck of a time fighting my way to my base, then into the secret entrance.
I finally get there, missing 4 HP. I make my way down a completely enclosed stair case.
Now from this stair case is a line of RED cloth cubes used as a GUIDE. So I step on the cubes.. *crunch* *crunch*
"WHAT!? was that me?" "Yeah, it was just me" I look around for a bit, make sure Im in the right spot.
About to prepare myself to test the failsafe, when a SHEEP falls down the stairs... from nowwhere?
Little *******, I think to myself as I knock off it's wool. "How, did the sheep fall down enclosed stairs?"
SUDDENLY I hear the sound of foot steps on cloth... RED CLOTH. *crunch* crunch* crunch* *CRUNCH* Getting louder, faster.. closer. Before I can even turn around a super zombie smashes me into the wall. I try to fight it off "AAAh!" I shout "@%$!" but it is too late.
I've played thru Dead Space a hardcore survival-horror game, but MINECRAFT got me. LOL. Good job notch.
PS: play with SHORT fog, adds so much to atmosphere.
I decided to start my indev playing on the floating deep map. I subsequently got quite attached to those. I spawned near the top of the map on a fairly small island. I went the first couple days without much happening. I was able to build up a decent fortress, mine some good materials and get myself armed for combat. I decided to go out and search for more ores in a mine I had been constructing and lighting to keep mobs out.
Unfortunately, I stayed in the mine past sunset. I emerged from the mine cursing and quickly looking around for any mobs that had spawned (I hadn't fully lit the island, so mobs would occasionally spawn. Seeing none in the immediate vicinity, I decided it would be safe to high tail it back to my fortress and lock myself in and wait for day. I made it about 3/4 of the way back when a spider lept out of a nearby forest and tackled me off the edge of the island. At this point, I was scared out of my wits by that surprise kamikaze attack and cursing the idiot spider. However, I miraculously flew down past 3 or 4 huge islands and was amazingly lucky enough to land 3 spaces into a lake on a much lower island. The spider didn't fare so lucky though.
With only a couple of hearts left, I climbed out of the small lake, breathed a sigh of relief, prayed to Notch (lol jk) and started my climb up to the top of the island to start creating a staircase back up to my fortress. I jump up one of the last hills only to find myself sniped by 2 skeletons and then tackled by another spider. I found myself dead but was laughing at the amazingness of it all.
MORAL: Be kind to sheep.
LESSON: Mining is a lot more dangerous than it may seem.
ADVICE: Stay away from until tunnels and pay heed to ANY sound.
You could only kill him on your sweet survival server!
Last save was two hours ago. :roll:
I made it all the way to the bottom found veins of everything but diamond. as i was working my way back up i found a cave full of mushrooms. After making sure there were no enemies nearby i started picking the mushrooms. a few minutes later i started digging again. A couple squares above the mushroom cave was one filled with enemies. They quickly jumped me.