heres a thread to tell the forums your best or worst or scariest moments in survival.
My Scariest moment was in a cave. I was looking for mushrooms when a Skeleton Jumped out of know where. I jumped right out of my seat.
My most Annoying was/is the Strength and speed of the Zombie. Its dead, it shouldnt run faster than you unless your really out of shape. It knocks you so far. When zombies appear on my towers, they knock me clear off of it and I die :C
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Creepa stole ma bike. [SSSS]
Sooo... when's the next seecret Friday update topic going up? =[
my funnyes was when I made a tower with tnt inside it when like 50 monster comed did i blow up tnt and half my tower was drestroyed and it was still 50 emenys xD ROFL
I was in my tower, on the middle floor, when suddenly the floor disappeared! I fell into a gang of creepers and skeleton archers. The archer had probably killed a creeper, which exploded and caused the floor to disintegrate.
So, I am mining underground for gold. I am constantly flipping around to ensure nothing is behind me. One time, I find a creeper, and promptly blow him up. Then, karma smacks me in the face. He blows up the dirt wall I had made to block lava I had released.
Now I am trapped in a cave with lava coming down on me. And yes. In both ways.
My reaction could be described as HNNNNNNNNG.
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I had made epic town for survival, i had hid in the hospital cuz i placed mushrooms there, but when i got there, a skeleton killed a creeper exploding the mushroomz. With nothing to lose cept a high score, i started tunneling from the basement with enemies behind meh. I ended up at the catacombs of the church, and ironiccaly full of zombies. I said screw it and run out the front door. The chruch was huge,and enemies comeing out of the tunnel and all over the place. I saw the exit, so close! I ran out the door and- a spider jumped of the roof and crash tackled me.
Scariest: Every time I'd get attacked from behind by a mob of Zombies and Creepers in a cave.
Annoying: When monsters see you through walls.
Funny: When monsters go aggro on each other. :biggrin.gif:
I was minding my own business, when a spider jumped over my head, from behind me.
I ended up doing some heavy breathing, I thought I was having a heart attack.
Strolling along a the cliff where my fortress sat, I was looking out at the view across the map. Everything was in check, most of the time monsters couldn't make it up to my fortress, much less inside it.
Then I turn around, and BAM!!!!!!!!!!! a spider tackles me and knocks me off the cliff! As I'm falling backwards off the very tall cliff I see 3 more spiders on the cliff's edge jump IN UNISON and BLOCK OUT THE SUN WITH THEIR BODIES AS THEY EAT ME ALIVE.
Strolling along a the cliff where my fortress sat, I was looking out at the view across the map. Everything was in check, most of the time monsters couldn't make it up to my fortress, much less inside it.
Then I turn around, and BAM!!!!!!!!!!! a spider tackles me and knocks me off the cliff! As I'm falling backwards off the very tall cliff I see 3 more spiders on the cliff's edge jump IN UNISON and BLOCK OUT THE SUN WITH THEIR BODIES AS THEY EAT ME ALIVE.
I almost pissed myself.
That story was epic. We should write an epic song to go along with it!
I was just about finished with my stone trap. My HP was 11 (5 1/2 hearts), and I was about to go back into my wooden fortress. Suddenly, I see a horde of skeletons spawning, then they head towards me. I went inside, for a while, went to the roof, saw the skeletons being trapped in the trap (:tongue.gif:)
Then, when I got back down, I met another horde, this time it was about 13-15 spiders and 2 creepers.
I ran back up, blocked the entrance to the roof, then I jumped down out of the fortress. (The fortress entrance is an absolutely monster-secure one, so that they wouldnt get in OR out.) Then I put a TNT block on top of the trap, clicked on it, and it exploded. I jumped down, got 35 arrows from the dead skeletons, dug my way back up, made a pillar up to the rooftop, then I dug a hole in the roof. It was lower than I'd ever thought, so they could hit me. One of the spiders pounced me down again, I ran back up with HP 2. (1 heart) Suddenly, another mob of creepers spawned behind me. I spammed arrows towards them as I stood at the fortress wall, they all exploded. And so did the wall. Then I made a TNT block tower, then I clicked the upper one. Lucky me. It stood right next to a tree! so, all TNT blocks made a chain of explosions, killing all of the mobs. I survived, and I got a score of 3'465'635 (if you dont believe me, go here: viewtopic.php?id=2143&p=5 )
I was just about finished with my stone trap. My HP was 11 (5 1/2 hearts), and I was about to go back into my wooden fortress. Suddenly, I see a horde of skeletons spawning, then they head towards me. I went inside, for a while, went to the roof, saw the skeletons being trapped in the trap (:tongue.gif:)
Then, when I got back down, I met another horde, this time it was about 13-15 spiders and 2 creepers.
I ran back up, blocked the entrance to the roof, then I jumped down out of the fortress. (The fortress entrance is an absolutely monster-secure one, so that they wouldnt get in OR out.) Then I put a TNT block on top of the trap, clicked on it, and it exploded. I jumped down, got 35 arrows from the dead skeletons, dug my way back up, made a pillar up to the rooftop, then I dug a hole in the roof. It was lower than I'd ever thought, so they could hit me. One of the spiders pounced me down again, I ran back up with HP 2. (1 heart) Suddenly, another mob of creepers spawned behind me. I spammed arrows towards them as I stood at the fortress wall, they all exploded. And so did the wall. Then I made a TNT block tower, then I clicked the upper one. Lucky me. It stood right next to a tree! so, all TNT blocks made a chain of explosions, killing all of the mobs. I survived, and I got a score of 3'465'635 (if you dont believe me, go here: viewtopic.php?id=2143&p=5 )
A creeper exploded at the top of an edge a couple of weeks later, and the explosion made me fall into the water and into a narrow cave opening. I couldnt find the way back out.
So I made a sweet castle/fort thing out of rock. I went down to the basement/mine to find a load of creepers. I set some TNT down and set it off, and ran away. I waited for it to explode, went back down, and a spider flew RIGHT. INTO. MY. FACE.
My Scariest moment was in a cave. I was looking for mushrooms when a Skeleton Jumped out of know where. I jumped right out of my seat.
My most Annoying was/is the Strength and speed of the Zombie. Its dead, it shouldnt run faster than you unless your really out of shape. It knocks you so far. When zombies appear on my towers, they knock me clear off of it and I die :C
I was in my tower, on the middle floor, when suddenly the floor disappeared! I fell into a gang of creepers and skeleton archers. The archer had probably killed a creeper, which exploded and caused the floor to disintegrate.
I like wood floors too much to change, though.
I believe it went something like this:
*walk up to key*
"I came all this way for a stupid key?!?!?"
*takes key; sees lava*
*high pitched scream*
*backs away from lava into lava*
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
I didn't know zombies could track you underground.
Now I am trapped in a cave with lava coming down on me. And yes. In both ways.
My reaction could be described as HNNNNNNNNG.
My first action was to get high with the pigs and after that I gathered shrooms.
I got 99 but when I turned around I got raped by spiders.
Annoying: When monsters see you through walls.
Funny: When monsters go aggro on each other. :biggrin.gif:
I ended up doing some heavy breathing, I thought I was having a heart attack.
Then I turn around, and BAM!!!!!!!!!!! a spider tackles me and knocks me off the cliff! As I'm falling backwards off the very tall cliff I see 3 more spiders on the cliff's edge jump IN UNISON and BLOCK OUT THE SUN WITH THEIR BODIES AS THEY EAT ME ALIVE.
I almost pissed myself.
That story was epic. We should write an epic song to go along with it!
Then, when I got back down, I met another horde, this time it was about 13-15 spiders and 2 creepers.
I ran back up, blocked the entrance to the roof, then I jumped down out of the fortress. (The fortress entrance is an absolutely monster-secure one, so that they wouldnt get in OR out.) Then I put a TNT block on top of the trap, clicked on it, and it exploded. I jumped down, got 35 arrows from the dead skeletons, dug my way back up, made a pillar up to the rooftop, then I dug a hole in the roof. It was lower than I'd ever thought, so they could hit me. One of the spiders pounced me down again, I ran back up with HP 2. (1 heart) Suddenly, another mob of creepers spawned behind me. I spammed arrows towards them as I stood at the fortress wall, they all exploded. And so did the wall. Then I made a TNT block tower, then I clicked the upper one. Lucky me. It stood right next to a tree! so, all TNT blocks made a chain of explosions, killing all of the mobs. I survived, and I got a score of 3'465'635 (if you dont believe me, go here: viewtopic.php?id=2143&p=5 )
PS: I died drowning.
No? Remember Cave Game...?
Epic win....until the last line
A creeper exploded at the top of an edge a couple of weeks later, and the explosion made me fall into the water and into a narrow cave opening. I couldnt find the way back out.
No? Remember Cave Game...?
I died after running into a creeper's hole.