There's no update..i'm currently dealing with RL stuff. I'm about to be doing coomunity service for a mistake i made years ago and if all goes well with that i might finally have some desperately needed employment. Much as i'd rather work on Golden Tower 24/7..this comes first. =/
Besides with the awesome new stuff Notch is going to be implementing (provided you paid and have access to the dev version) will make for some pretty awesome new ideas for future Adventure Maps.
They likely won't be in GT1 (well except maybe torches and whatnot in the forge if i actually take that long)...but who knows.
Chaz. Idea for next GT. You reach the top and pretty much go, "Holeh shiz, there is a whole world of floating islands up here!" You battle your way up through various dungeons. Hovering way out from all the other islands is a second gold tower, which you must battle your way to by getting to the top. Bottom of the tower=win.
Chaz. Idea for next GT. You reach the top and pretty much go, "Holeh shiz, there is a whole world of floating islands up here!" You battle your way up through various dungeons. Hovering way out from all the other islands is a second gold tower, which you must battle your way to by getting to the top. Bottom of the tower=win.
Yeah..i'm loving the floating islands layout. If there was a way to connect maps together that would make the GT world all the more awesome i'd think.
If i could learn how to program and stuff like Notch, i'd go and try to make GT it's own game. Ah well..something to work for.
I was thinking (please don't flame me if this is a dumb idea) that you could get the archive's server software and modify it to singleplayer so that you can make portals from map to map.
You could probably run The Archives' server as a private server, with the batch file set to also run a WoM client modified to load the server at the default port on localhost.
I know it's possible to modify the WoM client, but I'm not sure where you'd get a download of The Archives' server.
Sorry for the bump, but since you didn't reply to this question before, I wanted to ask again (no offense):
IDK if it's outside your, umm, "range" of things you want to do with the project, but have you ever thought of making a custom skin just specifically for this level/series?
I think that it'll make much more enhancing gameplay for new players, because they can "discover" the new blocks, and therefore feel an ownership over them, making them enjoy the game more.
If that's too confusing, another simpler reason is because it would give a new level of originality to the series.
Hope you like the idea!
EDIT: I did a simple edit to the terrain.png and made the sides of the gold block flow more smoothly. This is just one of the many things that you can do by making your own skin.
Bumping this since it was one of the most awesome maps wen the first survival came out and we had about 10k account registered on minecraft, some new players might want to play in this nice map.
I assume this map no longer works, it uses colored cloth yes? Colored cloth is no longer in the game. I wouldn't mind an update that would let me play this. Also, perhaps someone could pm me a few other similar maps. Been looking for some since I found the four towers map, good map, haven't found any current ones.
I assume this map no longer works, it uses colored cloth yes? Colored cloth is no longer in the game. I wouldn't mind an update that would let me play this. Also, perhaps someone could pm me a few other similar maps. Been looking for some since I found the four towers map, good map, haven't found any current ones.
Thanks for the Epic Bumpage Bro, use Minecraft Survival_Test. Thats what the Map was made for. Survival Test
For an epic adventure, click here!
Why, thank you.
This sig is big...
What to do, what to do...
Besides with the awesome new stuff Notch is going to be implementing (provided you paid and have access to the dev version) will make for some pretty awesome new ideas for future Adventure Maps.
They likely won't be in GT1 (well except maybe torches and whatnot in the forge if i actually take that long)...but who knows.
Good times.
There happy? =p
Yeah..i'm loving the floating islands layout. If there was a way to connect maps together that would make the GT world all the more awesome i'd think.
If i could learn how to program and stuff like Notch, i'd go and try to make GT it's own game. Ah well..something to work for.
Of course, I have no idea how you could do that.
I know it's possible to modify the WoM client, but I'm not sure where you'd get a download of The Archives' server.
I hope it's okay that I cheated a bit... :tongue.gif:
No? Remember Cave Game...?
IDK if it's outside your, umm, "range" of things you want to do with the project, but have you ever thought of making a custom skin just specifically for this level/series?
I think that it'll make much more enhancing gameplay for new players, because they can "discover" the new blocks, and therefore feel an ownership over them, making them enjoy the game more.
If that's too confusing, another simpler reason is because it would give a new level of originality to the series.
Hope you like the idea!
EDIT: I did a simple edit to the terrain.png and made the sides of the gold block flow more smoothly. This is just one of the many things that you can do by making your own skin.
Hope you like it!
Seriously, anyone who hasn't really needs to try this map. It was almost like the start of interactive levels! (aside from the laboratory, of course)
Thanks for the Epic Bumpage Bro, use Minecraft Survival_Test. Thats what the Map was made for. Survival Test