Just finished the water stage, really good map, its gonna be really epic to see a boss on this map wen possible, meanwhile you can create a boss made of blocks and to "kill" him you have to flood the place with lava, dunno =p
While that is an AWESOME idea (as well as filling me with other great ideas for traps..) the lava is at the very bottom of the map and there is no way i know of to syphon Lava to higher ground.
You could use a client, (Namely, the new WOM client), to dump the level to a .dat file, then edit it in Omen, in which you could create a block of lava or something.
can i brake silver blocks?
mushrooms and what is CB
No you cannot without the Silver Key (which is cannot be obtained yet), besides theres nothing of interest yet beyond the Silver Door. CB is short for "Color Block".
Mushrooms aren't blocks..they're mushrooms. Of course you can "break" them..lol.
If you've gotten to the Great Tree and passed it's current puzzle you can go ahead and go wherever you want. The Inside of the Golden Tower is pretty awesome to see i think. =D
Quote from Katnipz »
can i brake silver blocks?
mushrooms and what is CB
I would...if that didn't sound like a completely complex and tedious process...and if i knew how in the hell to use OMEN. I'll stick with traditional methods thanks. =s
The Great Tree Dungeon is done....be prepared for a maze that will undoubtedly make you insane.
The Purple Key is now available to grab at the top of the Great Tree
All White Keys are now RED Keys due to the sheep add-on and all white blocks are replaced with RED. (Please tell me if you see any white blocks i missed)
Also...good luck with the Upper Levels of the Great Tree...i get lost easily myself. x.x;
Quote from spycat811 »
I found your secret lair.....
with all of the key colors and lava windows and library books...
how can I post an image of this place?
Finally I've been watching then switching to sign up-form and back and now I'm here waiting to play a super Adventure I still think you should make a Tiny Tunnel of Pizza Squares.
got the purple key, yey
this is becoming a full lenght game very fast.
I used flowers to help me with the maze, yellow ones in places i been and red ones to dead ends.
but really, if you want lava, omem its ultra easy to learn, just wait for the new version that will suport the new blocks.
Damn it.. i keep forgetting that one. Thanks..i'll go fix it.
Fixed..there should no longer be anymore white blocks.
Also of funny note:
During the stream i tested the map when i finished the dungeon...the Great Tree got infested by Creepers. I have that on recording (a much better recording than the last ones).
Though I found that its very USEFUL to block the creeper's path with a block in your inventory. This way they cant chase you and you dont blow the whole maze to peices. Though i did make use of the Creepers' presence and I found it wasn't as detrimental to the game balence as i thought. So if you come across Creepers then avoid them or kill them. Just know that killing them may make things HARDER or EASIER. But most assuredly you will be using your inventory blocks to get to where you need to go if Creepers explode things.
1. For lazy people like me who have absolutley NO idea how to get through that awesome maze (I love how you can see other floors), could you post, like, a mini walkthrough for us?
I know, it'll ruin half of the fun, but I REALLY need it.
2. is there anything to do after obtaining the purple key? I mean, I found that passegway to the water maze, but I mean another step into the game. Like, an underground tower or somethin'.
And unlike the tree maze don't tell me what the next step is.
1. For lazy people like me who have absolutley NO idea how to get through that awesome maze (I love how you can see other floors), could you post, like, a mini walkthrough for us?
I know, it'll ruin half of the fun, but I REALLY need it.
He'll post a video walkthrough of it at some point.
2. is there anything to do after obtaining the purple key? I mean, I found that passegway to the water maze, but I mean another step into the game. Like, an underground tower or somethin'.
And unlike the tree maze don't tell me what the next step is.
It's not complete yet, and he seems to work on it almost daily.
1. For lazy people like me who have absolutley NO idea how to get through that awesome maze (I love how you can see other floors), could you post, like, a mini walkthrough for us?
I know, it'll ruin half of the fun, but I REALLY need it.
In all honesty i CANT give you a walkthru of the maze because i can't find a definate path either. x.o; Though the maze IS reletively simplier than you would think, the main thing to do is to get to the 2nd floor and find the path that leads to the outside of the tree. Then it's a matter of finding the switch on the 3rd floor then the exit to the Garden at the top of the tree. Once i go through the maze a few more times i'll likely change some things so you do go through most of the maze instead of the "easy path" i found.
2. is there anything to do after obtaining the purple key? I mean, I found that passegway to the water maze, but I mean another step into the game. Like, an underground tower or somethin'.
And unlike the tree maze don't tell me what the next step is.
There's nothing to do after teh Purple Key. You get out of the tree and you can open any Purple Doors i have in the map. As for the next Dungeon...i don't know what that will be next.
If anyone can teach me how to understand and use OMEN, i think the next dungeon may be a "Forge"..meaning craptons of LAVA. But that's if i can learn OMEN...otherwise, i'm running out of ideas.
I have the videos uploaded of me playing through the Map. I try Roleplaying it a bit so try not to mind my incessant talking to myself (lulz..). At the most, you get to see me die twice and freak out. XD
-The Great Tree Maze now has a set path that leads to where you need to go (now you just need to find that path lol)
-added one more door puzzle (which is required to progress in the maze...provided creepers don't ruin it)
-The whole tree should be 'solid' in terms of there being no wasted space (maze dead ends don't count). You WILL need to explore the tree in order to reach the purple key (again, if creepers do not interfere.)
-added a couple more door puzzles
I'll be working on it a bit more today...so check the stream if you want. I'll put anymore notible updates today in this post (if no one posts that is).
ALSO: I've now made Two Saves.. one at the Beginning of the map and one at the Current Dungeon. Now you can play through the Great Tree dungeon without having to go through the whole map -again-. Just be warned...you'll only have the starter inventory (and the current keys found up to that point) available so it might be harder without all those mushrooms you would of found playing through the whole map. I'll post the link on the main post of this thread.
is the sponge behind the gold tower supposed to be there...i removed it and flooded the tower.....not like it makes much of a difference but idk just wondering....
is the sponge behind the gold tower supposed to be there...i removed it and flooded the tower.....not like it makes much of a difference but idk just wondering....
No it's not ment to be there..that was to prevent the water from going into the lava until i did something about it...which i did.
I've started the next dungeon and added the pathway to it (past the purple door by the Sunken Shrine door).
Other than that, that's about it for now. The next dungeon will be a "continuation" of the Sunken Shrine (the cave its being made in is connected to it) so expect some more water puzzles.
Also, could someone show/tell me how to operate OMEN? There's alot of stuff i would like to do but i can't do it normally (like lava traps and whatnot.)
Oh my god! That cobblestone roof is hard! I was unsure if I was supposed to have a different key than just the red one, so I was fuming! I am going to watch the walkthrough up until that point so I know where I have gone wrong.
EDIT: Wow! I thought I was totally cheating by bypassing that two-lock door! Now I know it's A-OKAY! For now, I'll only use the walkthrough when I need it! Thanks!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I am NOT going to see friend requests, so stop sending them.
Oh my god! That cobblestone roof is hard! I was unsure if I was supposed to have a different key than just the red one, so I was fuming! I am going to watch the walkthrough up until that point so I know where I have gone wrong.
EDIT: Wow! I thought I was totally cheating by bypassing that two-lock door! Now I know it's A-OKAY! For now, I'll only use the walkthrough when I need it! Thanks!
Heh..i didnt think of it like that. Yes, you're supposed to use the wall to get to the skywalk. The reason the door is there is for when you return here for the Silver Key and the Underwater City, you have a way back into the castle.
You could use a client, (Namely, the new WOM client), to dump the level to a .dat file, then edit it in Omen, in which you could create a block of lava or something.
mushrooms and what is CB
No you cannot without the Silver Key (which is cannot be obtained yet), besides theres nothing of interest yet beyond the Silver Door. CB is short for "Color Block".
Mushrooms aren't blocks..they're mushrooms. Of course you can "break" them..lol.
If you've gotten to the Great Tree and passed it's current puzzle you can go ahead and go wherever you want. The Inside of the Golden Tower is pretty awesome to see i think. =D
I would...if that didn't sound like a completely complex and tedious process...and if i knew how in the hell to use OMEN. I'll stick with traditional methods thanks. =s
I dont see this working multiplayer-wise. =s Maybe if there were more monsters
I found your secret lair.....
with all of the key colors and lava windows and library books...
how can I post an image of this place?
The Great Tree Dungeon is done....be prepared for a maze that will undoubtedly make you insane.
The Purple Key is now available to grab at the top of the Great Tree
All White Keys are now RED Keys due to the sheep add-on and all white blocks are replaced with RED. (Please tell me if you see any white blocks i missed)
Also...good luck with the Upper Levels of the Great Tree...i get lost easily myself. x.x;
To quote Dynamite Headdy:
You found a secret bonus point!
P.S. Tell Emu I said Hi.
P.S.S The framerate is Sexy....
this is becoming a full lenght game very fast.
I used flowers to help me with the maze, yellow ones in places i been and red ones to dead ends.
but really, if you want lava, omem its ultra easy to learn, just wait for the new version that will suport the new blocks.
Fixed..there should no longer be anymore white blocks.
Also of funny note:
During the stream i tested the map when i finished the dungeon...the Great Tree got infested by Creepers. I have that on recording (a much better recording than the last ones).
Though I found that its very USEFUL to block the creeper's path with a block in your inventory. This way they cant chase you and you dont blow the whole maze to peices. Though i did make use of the Creepers' presence and I found it wasn't as detrimental to the game balence as i thought. So if you come across Creepers then avoid them or kill them. Just know that killing them may make things HARDER or EASIER. But most assuredly you will be using your inventory blocks to get to where you need to go if Creepers explode things.
I love the update. But I have 2 questions:
1. For lazy people like me who have absolutley NO idea how to get through that awesome maze (I love how you can see other floors), could you post, like, a mini walkthrough for us?
I know, it'll ruin half of the fun, but I REALLY need it.
2. is there anything to do after obtaining the purple key? I mean, I found that passegway to the water maze, but I mean another step into the game. Like, an underground tower or somethin'.
And unlike the tree maze don't tell me what the next step is.
He'll post a video walkthrough of it at some point.
It's not complete yet, and he seems to work on it almost daily.
In all honesty i CANT give you a walkthru of the maze because i can't find a definate path either. x.o; Though the maze IS reletively simplier than you would think, the main thing to do is to get to the 2nd floor and find the path that leads to the outside of the tree. Then it's a matter of finding the switch on the 3rd floor then the exit to the Garden at the top of the tree. Once i go through the maze a few more times i'll likely change some things so you do go through most of the maze instead of the "easy path" i found.
There's nothing to do after teh Purple Key. You get out of the tree and you can open any Purple Doors i have in the map. As for the next Dungeon...i don't know what that will be next.
If anyone can teach me how to understand and use OMEN, i think the next dungeon may be a "Forge"..meaning craptons of LAVA. But that's if i can learn OMEN...otherwise, i'm running out of ideas.
I have the videos uploaded of me playing through the Map. I try Roleplaying it a bit so try not to mind my incessant talking to myself (lulz..). At the most, you get to see me die twice and freak out. XD
Anyways here's the link (i hope):
-The Great Tree Maze now has a set path that leads to where you need to go (now you just need to find that path lol)
-added one more door puzzle (which is required to progress in the maze...provided creepers don't ruin it)
-The whole tree should be 'solid' in terms of there being no wasted space (maze dead ends don't count). You WILL need to explore the tree in order to reach the purple key (again, if creepers do not interfere.)
-added a couple more door puzzles
I'll be working on it a bit more today...so check the stream if you want. I'll put anymore notible updates today in this post (if no one posts that is).
ALSO: I've now made Two Saves.. one at the Beginning of the map and one at the Current Dungeon. Now you can play through the Great Tree dungeon without having to go through the whole map -again-. Just be warned...you'll only have the starter inventory (and the current keys found up to that point) available so it might be harder without all those mushrooms you would of found playing through the whole map. I'll post the link on the main post of this thread.
No it's not ment to be there..that was to prevent the water from going into the lava until i did something about it...which i did.
I've started the next dungeon and added the pathway to it (past the purple door by the Sunken Shrine door).
Other than that, that's about it for now. The next dungeon will be a "continuation" of the Sunken Shrine (the cave its being made in is connected to it) so expect some more water puzzles.
Also, could someone show/tell me how to operate OMEN? There's alot of stuff i would like to do but i can't do it normally (like lava traps and whatnot.)
EDIT: Wow! I thought I was totally cheating by bypassing that two-lock door! Now I know it's A-OKAY! For now, I'll only use the walkthrough when I need it! Thanks!
Heh..i didnt think of it like that. Yes, you're supposed to use the wall to get to the skywalk. The reason the door is there is for when you return here for the Silver Key and the Underwater City, you have a way back into the castle.
I don't think its that map itself is hard, I just think I am doing it wrong >_>