Yeah, that health bar is a little hard to distinguish. Can you make the dead health hearts smaller and grayed out in size?
Red flowers are also affected
Yeah, that health bar is a little hard to distinguish. Can you make the dead health hearts smaller and grayed out in size?
Red flowers are also affected
Yeah, that health bar is a little hard to distinguish. Can you make the dead health hearts smaller and grayed out in size?
Red flowers are also affected
I have the same problem. The hearts are gray on gray...
You can see the difference, but not unless your looking at it, because it's a bit hard to tell out of the corner of your eye... I think they should change to black and white when in 3d mode...
EDIT: Also the + in the middle of the screen has a fixed depth, which makes it hard to use for aiming...
For some reason Mine just really doesn't work. like they're not properly overlaying.
Or...something, I dunno, it doesn't work very well at farther distances
All I know is that from my blue lens everything looks fine, and from my red lens I can make out a bit of what I see from the blue, maybe it's just an eye dominancy thing.
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Co-Founder of the PokeCraft Pokemon World Mapping Project
Also known as 'Rils'
For some reason Mine just really doesn't work. like they're not properly overlaying.
Or...something, I dunno, it doesn't work very well at farther distances
All I know is that from my blue lens everything looks fine, and from my red lens I can make out a bit of what I see from the blue, maybe it's just an eye dominancy thing.
If your talking about the "+"...
The + (why can't I remember what it's called -_-') is always the same distance away from you no matter what, it's not just you. Example:
+ - The "plus" :sleep.gif:
[] - Wall
O - You
O +[][][]
Here, it's basically the same depth as the wall, it shouldn't look too strange at all.
O + [][][]
Here, it's much closer then the wall, so if you look at the wall, your going to be seeing double. Same as if you hold your finger close to your face and look at a wall.
O [][]+[][][]
This one is probably the most confusing... It's behind the wall, but you can still see it, even though it's farther away than the wall. Since nothing in real life does this, your eyes probably won't really be able to adjust to this.
Sorry if none of that made sense, I've had a long day and I'm tired XD...
Oh and after i'm done using 3d.... And i take my 3d glasses off, i still get a blue tint in my left eye and a red tint in my right eye, even though my glasses are opposite.
Oh and after i'm done using 3d.... And i take my 3d glasses off, i still get a blue tint in my left eye and a red tint in my right eye, even though my glasses are opposite.
Not weird at all :ohmy.gif:
If you come into a bright place from a dark place, it looks brighter even though the place you came from was dark.
If your eye starts to adjust to lots of blue light, it desensitises itself to all things blue.
Therefore if you then remove the blue filter, everything will seem less blue than normal for a while -- i.e., red. (or something similar to it)
---> I want to get some glasses for 3D anaglyph :sad.gif:
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"I want to see forum posts saying "how do i kill dragon" with replies reading "lol"."
---> vede claimed Notch said this (and it is awesome).
If you come into a bright place from a dark place, it looks brighter even though the place you came from was dark.
If your eye starts to adjust to lots of blue light, it desensitises itself to all things blue.
Therefore if you then remove the blue filter, everything will seem less blue than normal for a while -- i.e., red. (or something similar to it)
---> I want to get some glasses for 3D anaglyph :sad.gif:
Ok, cool... And also, i got my 3d glasses from the "Shrek 3d" movie (dvd), which comes with 4 pairs of red/cyan 3d glasses.... 3d is sooo awesome, lol. I'm suprised at how well it actually works with this game.. I mean, you can tell how far away things are, how high up you are... It's just plain splendid!
Bump because this is still an issue. TNT and hearts are black and white, for some reason. I guess it's because it's red so neither side sees it properly. Still, it's REALLY annoying. Anything to do about it?
Just like others have said, Notch should change that so that when you put 3D on the red hearts maybe go White, the non-health hearts should still be black.
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Quote from MichaeljMM79 »
Talent didn't go anywhere, it just gets lost in all the noise. You have to find it.
Yes, it is really fun. Too bad this kind of 3D glasses makes a lot of colors be lost. They turn black and white, and there is absolutely no way to fix it. Shame.
(As far as I know)-> RealD3D glasses don't work on any kind of CPU screen/TV screen. It has to be done by a special projector that does not take out the polarized light, so that it will reflect on the movie screen and through your 3d glasses to your eyes.
(Also as far as I know)-> Most projectors take out the polarized light automatically, because without the glasses everything looks slightly blurry on the movie screen.
Just watched Toy Story 3 with no problem, so I am curious why Minecraft won't overlay properly for me.
Uodate: After forcing 10min with the glasses and one headache later, it mostly adjusted. Torches seem to be a problem and the tools, everything else was fine. I didn't enjoy the headache it causes so I will stick to 3d movies only.
Red flowers are also affected
I find it quite easy to distinguish in 3d mode.
I have the same problem. The hearts are gray on gray...
You can see the difference, but not unless your looking at it, because it's a bit hard to tell out of the corner of your eye... I think they should change to black and white when in 3d mode...
EDIT: Also the + in the middle of the screen has a fixed depth, which makes it hard to use for aiming...
My brain is weird...
Also, those hearts are an oversight I guess. Solution, edit the texture files.
Or...something, I dunno, it doesn't work very well at farther distances
All I know is that from my blue lens everything looks fine, and from my red lens I can make out a bit of what I see from the blue, maybe it's just an eye dominancy thing.
Also known as 'Rils'
If your talking about the "+"...
The + (why can't I remember what it's called -_-') is always the same distance away from you no matter what, it's not just you. Example:
+ - The "plus" :sleep.gif:
[] - Wall
O - You
O +[][][]
Here, it's basically the same depth as the wall, it shouldn't look too strange at all.
O + [][][]
Here, it's much closer then the wall, so if you look at the wall, your going to be seeing double. Same as if you hold your finger close to your face and look at a wall.
O [][]+[][][]
This one is probably the most confusing... It's behind the wall, but you can still see it, even though it's farther away than the wall. Since nothing in real life does this, your eyes probably won't really be able to adjust to this.
Sorry if none of that made sense, I've had a long day and I'm tired XD...
Uh, so I should play the game in 2D Rendering?
Also known as 'Rils'
but the crosshair really bothers me :/
Oh and after i'm done using 3d.... And i take my 3d glasses off, i still get a blue tint in my left eye and a red tint in my right eye, even though my glasses are opposite.
Not weird at all :ohmy.gif:
If you come into a bright place from a dark place, it looks brighter even though the place you came from was dark.
If your eye starts to adjust to lots of blue light, it desensitises itself to all things blue.
Therefore if you then remove the blue filter, everything will seem less blue than normal for a while -- i.e., red. (or something similar to it)
---> I want to get some glasses for 3D anaglyph :sad.gif:
---> vede claimed Notch said this (and it is awesome).
Ok, cool... And also, i got my 3d glasses from the "Shrek 3d" movie (dvd), which comes with 4 pairs of red/cyan 3d glasses.... 3d is sooo awesome, lol. I'm suprised at how well it actually works with this game.. I mean, you can tell how far away things are, how high up you are... It's just plain splendid!
It's still super awesome though.
I wish I had normal 3D glasses...
For an epic adventure, click here!
Why, thank you.
This sig is big...
What to do, what to do...
(As far as I know)-> RealD3D glasses don't work on any kind of CPU screen/TV screen. It has to be done by a special projector that does not take out the polarized light, so that it will reflect on the movie screen and through your 3d glasses to your eyes.
(Also as far as I know)-> Most projectors take out the polarized light automatically, because without the glasses everything looks slightly blurry on the movie screen.
BTW here is their site, please correct me if the site says that I'm incorrect:
Just watched Toy Story 3 with no problem, so I am curious why Minecraft won't overlay properly for me.
Uodate: After forcing 10min with the glasses and one headache later, it mostly adjusted. Torches seem to be a problem and the tools, everything else was fine. I didn't enjoy the headache it causes so I will stick to 3d movies only.