I've been playing Survival Classic for awhile, to try to get used to how Minecraft works until I can save up the money to buy the full version. With my exceptional hands-on research skills, I've concluded that I do not know what in the world I'm doing.
I'm here to query you, yes you, the veteran player, to give me, Runnerman, some newbie tips for this mode (and this mode only. I don't need tips on crafting, because you can't do that stuff in Survival).
No bit of knowledge to trivial, I will osmose and learn from them all.
I'm here to query you, yes you, the veteran player, to give me, Runnerman, some newbie tips for this mode (and this mode only. I don't need tips on crafting, because you can't do that stuff in Survival).
I've been playing Survival Classic for awhile, to try to get used to how Minecraft works until I can save up the money to buy the full version. With my exceptional hands-on research skills, I've concluded that I do not know what in the world I'm doing.
I'm here to query you, yes you, the veteran player, to give me, Runnerman, some newbie tips for this mode (and this mode only. I don't need tips on crafting, because you can't do that stuff in Survival).
No bit of knowledge to trivial, I will osmose and learn from them all.
Thank you in advance for your time,
-He Who Runs
Take this from the guy who has had this experience.
MineScience - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=166560
Dragonator - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=141803
Sand Skiffs - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=233346
Avoid those green pointy things. They'll try to hug you, and that would be gay on your part.
When you hear a scary ambient sound (like a bat screech)
Run out of the cave as fast as you fcking can.
Always have a house at night;
Whether it be a tiny room built into a cliff face,
Or a wooden shack on the beach.
Just make sure the huggers can't get in.
DON'T ATTEMPT TO MINE Red Rock, Blue Rock and Yellow Rock without an Iron Pickaxe. Or else you'll be reaaally sorry.
When you have an established house,
You should wait for the night to pass;
Then you should search around that area for any large caverns.
Light them up with torches (www.minecraftwiki.net),
Then attempt to get some ores.
You should also go to the wiki to learn some CRAFTING info.
First, cut down a tree;
Take one tree log then press "i".
Put the log in that 2x2 square that says "CRAFTING"
It should make 4 Planks.
Pick up the planks using Left Click,
Then put them in that crafting box in a 2x2 square formation using Right Click.
It should make a "workbench".
The workbench will be used as the #1 spot for your tool making!
Read more on the wiki if you want to know:
How to Make a Pickaxe
Other Tools and Items
he asked for survival test, not indev/infdev/alpha
He said he was going to buy alpha, and I assumed that he wanted tips for the game he was going to buy.