So, regardless of whether I have a full inventory or am completely naked, when I die my items go all over the place. I think it's intened that you drop items but I'm saying items from stashes in my base start popping all over the place.
I died once naked and then noticed where I died my diamond shovel, a bunch of blocks, and other stuff was in the area. To see if this was repeatable I just continued dying naked and before you know it, my storage boxes in my base were completely empty and the landscape was strewn with my hard-earned gear.
I died once naked and then noticed where I died my diamond shovel, a bunch of blocks, and other stuff was in the area. To see if this was repeatable I just continued dying naked and before you know it, my storage boxes in my base were completely empty and the landscape was strewn with my hard-earned gear.
MineScience - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=166560
Dragonator - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=141803
Sand Skiffs - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=233346
Also, this seems like a very wierd bug :/