If MP survival looks anything like /indev/ i can imagine a scenario like this happening:
1) everyone starts out. a few people go underground and start mining, and some stay above building bases. there are, however, a few that have a plan. They decide to destroy any and all trees and wood with fire, and hoard a small amount of seeds and wood for themselves.
2) a small amount of trees are left, in a largish fort built by the tree-killers. This fortress, almost impenetrable (lava moat, possibly deep underground (With holes so the trees can grow.) these are the only trees in the game left. the tree-killers have a monopoly on wood, and own the majority of it.
3) many people want wood, (because of some special purpose that it does, unknown as of yet, probably for use with making weapons or other devices, not to mention maps.) and cant get it. These people have to deal with the exuberant rates the tree-killers are selling it for
4) the tree-killers, whose clan(or other group. idk what they will be called, if anything) have grown strong, though small, and everyone wants them dead. they still hold a monopoly on wood, and still hold the only seeds.
5) everyone bands together to kill the tree-killers. the whole area turns into a war zone, and the tree-killers base is badly damaged. the siege on their base, however has cost the the other team (teams?) dearly: they have lost a lot of people. at this time everyone left is very powerful, or very weak.
6) The weak team-up and form a new clan/team. the strong, who probably hold the seeds now, rebuild the best base they can (probably the old tree-killers base) and hold up there, getting ready to destroy the weak (who, as they are probably more populous, can still defeat the strong).
7) the arms race between the two still surviving teams is very heated. the weak have built a fort and are trying to get as powerful as they can. the strong, with better weapons, are ready to invade.
8) another all-out war. The weak, with their massive tunnel system have invaded the Strong when they have left their base. (ironically to invade the weak base, which may be booby-trapped). this war is a war of stealth as each side slowly kills the others. either side can win at this point.
9) The side with the most resources (such as wood, for paper and maps, and metals) will ultimately win, while sustaining heavy losses.
This assumes a few things, but i hope that they happen:
The ability to have a game not allow new entries once it has begun, with a lobby (maybe a random creative map?) and voting to start.
Multiple tiers of weaponry, with multiple types of weapons for both melee and Range
a block that TNT cannot destroy (maybe the metals)
A currency, or barter system
Something the wood is needed to make, that everyone will want (maybe TNT, paper(for books that teach skills and maps), bolts/arrows and some form of armour)
Books, so people dont have to reinvent the wheel. anyone who knows a skill (and knows how to read and write.. xD) can make a skill book that anyone who knows how to read can read to learn that skill. This would make the Tree-killers much richer, as they can also sell skill books, not only wood.
It seems possible but it would only happen on a few servers because many servers will probably only have around 5 people on at a time. Unless notch made it like there is a lobby and the game doesn't start until a certain amount of people join.
It seems possible but it would only happen on a few servers because many servers will probably only have around 5 people on at a time. Unless notch made it like there is a lobby and the game doesn't start until a certain amount of people join.
Thats basically what i meant by "The ability to have a game not allow new entries once it has begun." maybe there would be a placeholder map until 15 or so people showed up, but it was like creative is now. then when 15 people showed up they all voted to start the game.
back on topic: you would, but there is only a small amount of people in the Tree-killers clan (i would expect) and they can patrol the entire thing at all times
The assault on the tree killer base would be something like my idea in suggestions :tongue.gif:. Or you could just set environmentalists on them. Great idea.
I think your missing one thing. In the second war, people will be more stealthy. I would guess the strong would make a secret base, and the weak would make tunnels and secretly break into the strong base. Also, as I doubt wood would be the only material, another strong would arise from a monopoly on the other. But trees would be the best.
Yeah that would be awesome if it turned into the Vietnam war, with tunnels all over the place, and secret underground bases only certain people would know how to navigate.
Maps! Made from paper! Paper made from wood! Wood is rare - therefor paper is rare - combined with the fact that the literacy skill will be rare - MAPS SUPER RARE!
Maps! Made from paper! Paper made from wood! Wood is rare - therefor paper is rare - combined with the fact that the literacy skill will be rare - MAPS SUPER RARE!
HRM! that is amazing. the Tree-killers, with their high ability to make paper can learn literacy faster... ill add that.
Maps! Made from paper! Paper made from wood! Wood is rare - therefor paper is rare - combined with the fact that the literacy skill will be rare - MAPS SUPER RARE!
Maps! Made from paper! Paper made from wood! Wood is rare - therefor paper is rare - combined with the fact that the literacy skill will be rare - MAPS SUPER RARE!
He means that because wood and literacy are both rare, maps will be very rare. (my idiot speak level is high. :tongue.gif: jk agarett)
What about the creeper ranchers that make them head towards the enemy base that will, most likely, be made out of wood, because of their large wood supply?
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What about the creeper ranchers that make them head towards the enemy base that will, most likely, be made out of wood, because of their large wood supply?
for some reason i doubt anyone would make a bose out of wood, because of the ease of making/having TNT/creepers blow up on the base, as you said. i think wood will be much more of a commodity for use in weapons, papers and maps.
1) everyone starts out. a few people go underground and start mining, and some stay above building bases. there are, however, a few that have a plan. They decide to destroy any and all trees and wood with fire, and hoard a small amount of seeds and wood for themselves.
2) a small amount of trees are left, in a largish fort built by the tree-killers. This fortress, almost impenetrable (lava moat, possibly deep underground (With holes so the trees can grow.) these are the only trees in the game left. the tree-killers have a monopoly on wood, and own the majority of it.
3) many people want wood, (because of some special purpose that it does, unknown as of yet, probably for use with making weapons or other devices, not to mention maps.) and cant get it. These people have to deal with the exuberant rates the tree-killers are selling it for
4) the tree-killers, whose clan(or other group. idk what they will be called, if anything) have grown strong, though small, and everyone wants them dead. they still hold a monopoly on wood, and still hold the only seeds.
5) everyone bands together to kill the tree-killers. the whole area turns into a war zone, and the tree-killers base is badly damaged. the siege on their base, however has cost the the other team (teams?) dearly: they have lost a lot of people. at this time everyone left is very powerful, or very weak.
6) The weak team-up and form a new clan/team. the strong, who probably hold the seeds now, rebuild the best base they can (probably the old tree-killers base) and hold up there, getting ready to destroy the weak (who, as they are probably more populous, can still defeat the strong).
7) the arms race between the two still surviving teams is very heated. the weak have built a fort and are trying to get as powerful as they can. the strong, with better weapons, are ready to invade.
8) another all-out war. The weak, with their massive tunnel system have invaded the Strong when they have left their base. (ironically to invade the weak base, which may be booby-trapped). this war is a war of stealth as each side slowly kills the others. either side can win at this point.
9) The side with the most resources (such as wood, for paper and maps, and metals) will ultimately win, while sustaining heavy losses.
This assumes a few things, but i hope that they happen:
The ability to have a game not allow new entries once it has begun, with a lobby (maybe a random creative map?) and voting to start.
Multiple tiers of weaponry, with multiple types of weapons for both melee and Range
a block that TNT cannot destroy (maybe the metals)
A currency, or barter system
Something the wood is needed to make, that everyone will want (maybe TNT, paper(for books that teach skills and maps), bolts/arrows and some form of armour)
Books, so people dont have to reinvent the wheel. anyone who knows a skill (and knows how to read and write.. xD) can make a skill book that anyone who knows how to read can read to learn that skill. This would make the Tree-killers much richer, as they can also sell skill books, not only wood.
Discuss. criticize my ideas. Do whatever.
THANKS! i was hoping other might like it. if those few things at the end were possible id definitely run a server like that.
Thats basically what i meant by "The ability to have a game not allow new entries once it has begun." maybe there would be a placeholder map until 15 or so people showed up, but it was like creative is now. then when 15 people showed up they all voted to start the game.
also crstfer, sorry to be offtopic, but can you connect to my server? I think I set it up wrong.
EDIT: forgot link: http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=61 ... 97606c1215
nope i got a failed to connect. sorry
back on topic: you would, but there is only a small amount of people in the Tree-killers clan (i would expect) and they can patrol the entire thing at all times
OH YEAH! except that their will be pigs (for meat) and shrooms deep underground...
HRM! that is amazing. the Tree-killers, with their high ability to make paper can learn literacy faster... ill add that.
He means that because wood and literacy are both rare, maps will be very rare. (my idiot speak level is high. :tongue.gif: jk agarett)
Raise my dragons please!!
for some reason i doubt anyone would make a bose out of wood, because of the ease of making/having TNT/creepers blow up on the base, as you said. i think wood will be much more of a commodity for use in weapons, papers and maps.