I also think it's too easy. I was playing my city map (which I accidentally saved over, good job I have a backup file) and I got to 87500 score before I started running low on 'shrooms. Then, unfortunately got the beat down by a mob of hungry zombies (whom amusingly jumped off the top of a building to get me XD).
I would like to see some form of aggravation system (agro). Where by, the more you kill the more frequently they spawn. Ofc, it would have to die down as well though hiding away in your safehouse.
like the more u kill... the harder the level?
much like GTA's crime level...
the more police u kill the more stars u get... and the more stronger police they dispatch...
so like...
1 star they send in zombies and skeles...
2 stars they send in creepers...
3 stars they send in vampires...
4 stars they send in liches...
5 stars... they send in... THE CHOSEN ONE!!!
I also think it's too easy. I was playing my city map (which I accidentally saved over, good job I have a backup file) and I got to 87500 score before I started running low on 'shrooms. Then, unfortunately got the beat down by a mob of hungry zombies (whom amusingly jumped off the top of a building to get me XD).
I would like to see some form of aggravation system (agro). Where by, the more you kill the more frequently they spawn. Ofc, it would have to die down as well though hiding away in your safehouse.
like the more u kill... the harder the level?
much like GTA's crime level...
the more police u kill the more stars u get... and the more stronger police they dispatch...
so like...
1 star they send in zombies and skeles...
2 stars they send in creepers...
3 stars they send in vampires...
4 stars they send in liches...
5 stars... they send in... THE CHOSEN ONE!!!
The chosen one = Good guy? Uh...
Perhaps they send if fireball-throwing sexy female demon assassin monkey pirates!
I instantly wanted to make a skin of her, but the batwings would need to physically stick out, so I'm stuck there, unless I went ahead and made it anyway.
I can drop three metres and not break anything... if I land on all fours. IF ONLY OUR CHARACTERS HAD KNEES AND ELBOWS!
Zombies run just as fast as you, so they catch up if you do anything other than run directly away from them. On the flipside, you run backwards just as fast as you run forwards, lol. So, run backwards and melee them. They get knocked back, so you can circle a little and not run into other mobs.
1. Carry 'shrooms at all times, consider 10 'shrooms to be a VERY LOW amount. Void.
2. The More the Merrier I say. Void.
3. Exactly, the person with a brain will win. Apparently, that's not you... Void.
4. It's a game get over it. Void.
5. Exaggeration me thinks. Void.
6. Stay vigilant. Build lots of small lockable rooms, escape tunnels help and again, carry 'shrooms. Void.
7. Load Level > X Map or F5 Void.
8. Same rant 3 times? Void.
9. Carry lots of brown 'shrooms, eat the red ones fast (so you don't lose more than 2HP) then recover with brown 'shrooms. Void.
10. This was here in the first public version. Void.
11. See 4. Void.
12. That's cause you suck ass, whiny *****. Void.
13. Only one I agree (partially) on. But still, it's a beta, fine tuning hasn't been done yet. Void.
/end anti-rant
1. Tried that. Zombies still come up from behind and kill you.
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Creepa stole ma bike. [SSSS]
Sooo... when's the next seecret Friday update topic going up? =[
I also think it's too easy. I was playing my city map (which I accidentally saved over, good job I have a backup file) and I got to 87500 score before I started running low on 'shrooms. Then, unfortunately got the beat down by a mob of hungry zombies (whom amusingly jumped off the top of a building to get me XD).
I would like to see some form of aggravation system (agro). Where by, the more you kill the more frequently they spawn. Ofc, it would have to die down as well though hiding away in your safehouse.
Well, playing on one of the player made maps is a good bit different than the random maps. Firstly, you have a bunch of materials that you don't currently have in survival (Though I'll assume we'll get them later), particularly glass, which has the benefit of letting us see through it while still blocking them from coming through. Huge advantage.
Secondly, the Creepers can't blow up structures or any other part of the environment in player maps, which takes a good part of the danger out. The most trouble I've had is from infighting between the monsters and a creeper blowing up outside my building, or a bunch of them doing it.
Then there's issue that you can build lots of convenient structures specifically for the purpose of blocking the creatures out, which is to say any of them with a wall higher than one block up.
I HATE Zombies spawning inside my base.
THE POINT OF THE BASE IS TO KEEP ENEMY'S OUT. I dont WANT to go down to my basement to find 2 creepers and 3 zombies down there ready to rape me. Its so god damn annoying. The only time a zombie should get in is because an open spot or a creeper exploding near by. Now you're probably thinking "Well Its good to have them spawn because then you cant stay in your base the whole time" Well, If you think about it what if notch adds hunger or thirst? then you'll HAVE to leave.
They only way I can think of a solution to this is wait for notch to come back. Everyone be patient.
like the more u kill... the harder the level?
much like GTA's crime level...
the more police u kill the more stars u get... and the more stronger police they dispatch...
so like...
1 star they send in zombies and skeles...
2 stars they send in creepers...
3 stars they send in vampires...
4 stars they send in liches...
5 stars... they send in... THE CHOSEN ONE!!!
The chosen one = Good guy? Uh...
Perhaps they send if fireball-throwing sexy female demon assassin monkey pirates!
That is a very questionable combination >:ohmy.gif:
( who are 'they', anyway, Soviet82? )
----> I forgot to thank LG_Legacy. Thank you, Legacy. xD
---> vede claimed Notch said this (and it is awesome).
.....................i mean is the chosen one guna be notch, u know uberleet and cant be killed, everyone knows notch
I support this idea! :biggrin.gif:
Then I died, but that was all good fun.
Because it's survival! What did you expect? A stroll in the park?
I can drop three metres and not break anything... if I land on all fours. IF ONLY OUR CHARACTERS HAD KNEES AND ELBOWS!
A stroll in a park full of pissed gangsters with them tommy guns and terrorists tied to bombs and have ak-47s, yes.
Zombies run just as fast as you, so they catch up if you do anything other than run directly away from them. On the flipside, you run backwards just as fast as you run forwards, lol. So, run backwards and melee them. They get knocked back, so you can circle a little and not run into other mobs.
1. Tried that. Zombies still come up from behind and kill you.
If you make a wall, the creepers will try to attack then explode :<
Well, playing on one of the player made maps is a good bit different than the random maps. Firstly, you have a bunch of materials that you don't currently have in survival (Though I'll assume we'll get them later), particularly glass, which has the benefit of letting us see through it while still blocking them from coming through. Huge advantage.
Secondly, the Creepers can't blow up structures or any other part of the environment in player maps, which takes a good part of the danger out. The most trouble I've had is from infighting between the monsters and a creeper blowing up outside my building, or a bunch of them doing it.
Then there's issue that you can build lots of convenient structures specifically for the purpose of blocking the creatures out, which is to say any of them with a wall higher than one block up.
THE POINT OF THE BASE IS TO KEEP ENEMY'S OUT. I dont WANT to go down to my basement to find 2 creepers and 3 zombies down there ready to rape me. Its so god damn annoying. The only time a zombie should get in is because an open spot or a creeper exploding near by. Now you're probably thinking "Well Its good to have them spawn because then you cant stay in your base the whole time" Well, If you think about it what if notch adds hunger or thirst? then you'll HAVE to leave.
They only way I can think of a solution to this is wait for notch to come back. Everyone be patient.