1. Zombies spawn out of nowhere, right behind you when you have no health, and kill you.
2. Mobs appear in groups between 5 and some number between 10 and 20. I counted 17 Creepers...In 1 spot.
3. Skeletons dont run out of arrows and they appear in groups of 5 or more. 5 Things attacking 1 person at once. Who will win? The person with the limited suply of arrows and little life? Or the 5 skeletons with infinite ammount of arrows.
4. Zombies are faster than you. If thats true, you must be really out of shape.
5.Zombies see you from ACROST THE ENTIRE MAP and attack you. Great.
6.You cant make shelter because stupid zombies and creepers will come and blow up the place. They spawn right next to you.
7. Why cant we reload on the SAME map? I got some pretty epic maps, and i get killed in the first few seconds because an angry mob of...mobs.
8. I resorted to putting myself on a sky pillars and started making houses in the sky. I still am not safe.
9. There is no way to drop Mushrooms. I go looking for brown ones but then a creeper comes and explodes. Any red ones near by get picked up as well because i cant just ignore them.
10. No way to store amounts of materials without making a giant mass.
11. Zombies and Skeletons can swim. That is totally unfair. They should drown the second they hit the water. or if they are in water for a certain ammount of time. some time between 10 and 12.
12. Mobs are way too over powered, mainly skeletons. They run faster than you, can jump and kill you in about a single hit. I died on 8 different maps in less than 10 minutes because of zombies.
13. Fall damage is way to sensitive. You fall down 3 blocks and you get hurt.
/end rant
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Creepa stole ma bike. [SSSS]
Sooo... when's the next seecret Friday update topic going up? =[
1. Carry 'shrooms at all times, consider 10 'shrooms to be a VERY LOW amount. Void.
2. The More the Merrier I say. Void.
3. Exactly, the person with a brain will win. Apparently, that's not you... Void.
4. It's a game get over it. Void.
5. Exaggeration me thinks. Void.
6. Stay vigilant. Build lots of small lockable rooms, escape tunnels help and again, carry 'shrooms. Void.
7. Load Level > X Map or F5 Void.
8. Same rant 3 times? Void.
9. Carry lots of brown 'shrooms, eat the red ones fast (so you don't lose more than 2HP) then recover with brown 'shrooms. Void.
10. This was here in the first public version. Void.
11. See 4. Void.
12. That's cause you suck ass, whiny *****. Void.
13. Only one I agree (partially) on. But still, it's a beta, fine tuning hasn't been done yet. Void.
Possible solutions/alternatives/explanations/responses (?):
1. I've never had monsters spawn on my back. I would just keep moving.
2. 17 creepers!? I would just stay away from them, or at least lure them down a cliffside or something where they can't reach you.
3. Hm, I never consciously noticed that they had infinite arrows, but I never seem to have a problem with them. Can't you just run from five skeletons? Their arrows rarely hit you if you're a distance from them.
4. Why would you automatically be faster than your enemy?
5. They do spot you from afar, but then again, you can see for miles.
6. Zombies and creepers can't explode at will, so you're either killing them first or they're getting into fights with the zombies, and losing. (I don't see zombies damaging creepers very often, though...)
7. You can load maps. Don't you save them?
8. EH!? How on earth?
9. Yes, mushrooms should be able to be dropped. A lot of people are complaining about that.
10. It's not much of a mess for me, but it's very annoying when I can't place a block because a flashy block is sitting in the way and I can't pick it up because I have 99 of them already.
11. I really don't see how swimming is unfair. I mean, you can swim. You would just be able to sit in the water forever and watch your score rack up. Also, seeing as zombies and skeletons are undead already, they really don't have to worry about air. Skeletons don't even have lungs. But I think that they should sink, because bones do not float.
12. They do not one-hit kill you. And why shouldn't they be able to jump? That'd be like shooting fish in a barrel.
13. I do think that the fall damage should be loosened a little. If I fell that far, I wouldn't damage myself.
Really, zombies giving you trouble? I've been playing this game for like.. a day or two, and I have no problems with them.
Only problems I really have with Survival Mode are..
1. I feel that 20 arrows is pretty much useless. Maybe start off with 50 - 100 or something. They run out fast.
2. Building a bunker of sorts and having enemies spawn inside. Though I'm not really sure if that will ever change. I should probably start building smaller bunkers.
3. I either can't find any brown mushrooms, or I find them everywhere. More reliable way to get HP would be nice.
But really, it says right there when you're playing:
"This test is not an accurate demonstration of how the final survival mode will be."
So who knows how much all of this will change. It's just a preview.
Usually, I've found that they only spawn in places where they'd started to begin with, so I build high and away from where the groups I could see started. I've been playing several maps regularly since he changed it (all random ones, saved) and the mobs keep coming back in the same places.
I cored out the area around a hill and trapped them below me, killing them as they group up. Eventually, the creepers blow up enough that you hit lava and they just start running right in to that to get to you.
Yes, its tougher, but god damn its fun. Or so I think. I thought it was boring before (original survival test release), and I had been waiting feverently for it. And as has already been pointed out, this isn't the final release.
1. Zombies spawn out of nowhere, right behind you when you have no health, and kill you. While this does happen, its very unlikely. Though I will admit it is annoying.
2. Mobs appear in groups between 5 and some number between 10 and 20. I counted 17 Creepers...In 1 spot. Seeing from flatgrasses, there are usually around 6 or 7 units in a large mob, though these split up. I severely doubt you found 17 creepers.
3. Skeletons dont run out of arrows and they appear in groups of 5 or more. 5 Things attacking 1 person at once. Who will win? The person with the limited suply of arrows and little life? Or the 5 skeletons with infinite ammount of arrows. 3 arrows kill a skeleton. And have you ever thought of running?
4. Zombies are faster than you. If thats true, you must be really out of shape. If you had played the original, zombies were WAY to easy. They are actually a challenge now, and Notch wants a very tough game.
5.Zombies see you from ACROST THE ENTIRE MAP and attack you. Great. IF THEY ARE ACROSS THE ENTIRE MAP they cant hurt you.
6.You cant make shelter because stupid zombies and creepers will come and blow up the place. They spawn right next to you. If it is a small building, rare will they spawn inside. And you should plan for this, make an escape route.
7. Why cant we reload on the SAME map? I got some pretty epic maps, and i get killed in the first few seconds because an angry mob of...mobs. Just save the map, then you can reload.
8. I resorted to putting myself on a sky pillars and started making houses in the sky. I still am not safe. Then you must suck.
9. There is no way to drop Mushrooms. I go looking for brown ones but then a creeper comes and explodes. Any red ones near by get picked up as well because i cant just ignore them. Who cares if you can't drop mushrooms. 1 item slot gone is nothing.
10. No way to store amounts of materials without making a giant mass. Rarely a need for this.
11. Zombies and Skeletons can swim. That is totally unfair. They should drown the second they hit the water. or if they are in water for a certain ammount of time. some time between 10 and 12. Since when does water kill things? having deathly water makes moats way to good.
12. Mobs are way too over powered, mainly skeletons. They run faster than you, can jump and kill you in about a single hit. I died on 8 different maps in less than 10 minutes because of zombies. In about a single hit? Not at full, or even half health. The game is challenging, its supposed to be.
13. Fall damage is way to sensitive. You fall down 3 blocks and you get hurt. Just don't fall down 3 blocks? Seriously, if you fell down 18 feet, it would hurt a bit.
My opinion on the arrows and the amount is that we get just enough. Remember, it is survival.
Usually, I don't even utilize them. What I do when I'm out or low and feel the need to get some is find a single skeleton or a group and build a four to six brick wall and stand behind it. They shoot at you, fruitlessly until the run up to the wall, and then get confused, because you're on the other side of it and they aren't smart enough to just run right around. Then I peek around the corner and swipe at them really quick and duck back behind and repeat the process.
Then I mop up the arrows without having spent one.
This works pretty well with groups up to three.
I use a variation on this for huge groups of zombies. I build a tiny hut with a one block window and a roof and just enough space for me to slide out of view of the window. Do this away from a big group of monsters and make sure to close all the openings. Take out the brick below the window and go wave at the zombies until you get their attention and run back into the hut, putting the block you took out back. They'll run up to you and have a hard time hitting you so long as you keep swinging, and pretty soon you'll have a dead (or re-dead) group of zombies. They aren't smart enough to flank you and get close enough to attack through the wall.
I've already developed tons and tons of strategies that have kept me going and them dying. Just try a little harder. (This wasn't aimed at you, Menen)
1. Zombies spawn out of nowhere, right behind you when you have no health, and kill you.
i actually kinda like it this way... it adds some excitement to the game... you'll never know when some creepy mob would sneak up behind u and ambush you... LOL... makes u turn around scanning the area for sneaking mobs occassionaly while u build your fort... :tongue.gif:
2. Mobs appear in groups between 5 and some number between 10 and 20. I counted 17 Creepers...In 1 spot.
MY GOD!!! i would LOVE to see that happen... you have no idea how much i love creepers... especially in huge groups... just hit a few random ones and watch as the chain reaction happens... i just love holes... if you know what i mean... :tongue.gif: ckeck this out... http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab23 ... Crater.jpg
3. Skeletons dont run out of arrows and they appear in groups of 5 or more. 5 Things attacking 1 person at once. Who will win? The person with the limited suply of arrows and little life? Or the 5 skeletons with infinite ammount of arrows.
there is such a thing called strafe... keep running to your right while moving backwards and shoot them with arrows or hit them with melee... the chances of them hitting you will be very much reduced...
4. Zombies are faster than you. If thats true, you must be really out of shape.
run backwards and hold down your left mouse button... your attacks will knock them back... and it's enough for you to survive their advances...
5.Zombies see you from ACROST THE ENTIRE MAP and attack you. Great.
they dont chase you until you are within 10-15 blocks radius...
6.You cant make shelter because stupid zombies and creepers will come and blow up the place. They spawn right next to you.
lure creepers away from your structures to kill them... since you already knew that would happen... have a minimum of 20 mushrooms in your inventory at all times... running low? go hunt for it...
7. Why cant we reload on the SAME map? I got some pretty epic maps, and i get killed in the first few seconds because an angry mob of...mobs.
yeah... like way everyone would say... S-A-V-E
8. I resorted to putting myself on a sky pillars and started making houses in the sky. I still am not safe.
of course you wouldn't be safe... you wake up one sleepy morning and u find yourself skydiving to your death...
9. There is no way to drop Mushrooms. I go looking for brown ones but then a creeper comes and explodes. Any red ones near by get picked up as well because i cant just ignore them.
first... u do not need to use ALL your slots... how many types of blocks do you actually use? and second... u could go dig up different blocks or pick up the flowers to fill up all your slots... then you won't be able to get a red mushroom even if u run over one...
10. No way to store amounts of materials without making a giant mass.
i agree to this though... but for now... i just plan wat my final fort would look like... and i dig to the specifications... then move to another place and build... when i return to the place i dug... the blocks should be gone by now... and i could start building again... or... just go hunting for mushrooms... blocks should be gone by then...
11. Zombies and Skeletons can swim. That is totally unfair. They should drown the second they hit the water. or if they are in water for a certain ammount of time. some time between 10 and 12.
yes... they could swim... buy hey! you could DIVE!!! isn't that amazing?
12. Mobs are way too over powered, mainly skeletons. They run faster than you, can jump and kill you in about a single hit. I died on 8 different maps in less than 10 minutes because of zombies.
start the map by looking for caves to harvest some mushrooms... you don't go charging into a group of mobs without any mushrooms do you?
step 1: find mushrooms
step 2: collect resources
step 3: build fort
step 4: hunt mobs
13. Fall damage is way to sensitive. You fall down 3 blocks and you get hurt.
watch where you're going... :smile.gif:
It's survival, not "a fun stroll around a map while killing a couple of harmless mobs". The point is to survive, it's supposed to be hard. Also the 17 creeper thing is a rather big exaggeration, afaik no more than 10 can spawn in a single place.
Yes, its tougher, but god damn its fun. Or so I think. I thought it was boring before (original survival test release), and I had been waiting feverently for it.
My exact thoughts. When Survival Mode came out I was extremely dissatisfied. Easiness aside, Mobs were BORING. Creepers were cool until you had seen them explode for the fourth time.
Then the update arrived and I tried it again and I was like "THIS IS MORE LIKE IT!" Every enemy is a threat now in their own way, which provides a fun challenge. If you drifted through the enemies like nothing then there would be nothing interesting left to do for three weeks until Notch returned. Personally, I still think it's too easy. :tongue.gif: I've been playing on the same save slot for days and I haven't died on it yet. I probably would have died a couple of times already if I didn't have 60 mushrooms at the ready.
Oh, and I made a mistake on [10.] (I read "mass" as "mess"), but I don't really have anything interesting worth saying.
I also think it's too easy. I was playing my city map (which I accidentally saved over, good job I have a backup file) and I got to 87500 score before I started running low on 'shrooms. Then, unfortunately got the beat down by a mob of hungry zombies (whom amusingly jumped off the top of a building to get me XD).
I would like to see some form of aggravation system (agro). Where by, the more you kill the more frequently they spawn. Ofc, it would have to die down as well though hiding away in your safehouse.
2. Mobs appear in groups between 5 and some number between 10 and 20. I counted 17 Creepers...In 1 spot.
3. Skeletons dont run out of arrows and they appear in groups of 5 or more. 5 Things attacking 1 person at once. Who will win? The person with the limited suply of arrows and little life? Or the 5 skeletons with infinite ammount of arrows.
4. Zombies are faster than you. If thats true, you must be really out of shape.
5.Zombies see you from ACROST THE ENTIRE MAP and attack you. Great.
6.You cant make shelter because stupid zombies and creepers will come and blow up the place. They spawn right next to you.
7. Why cant we reload on the SAME map? I got some pretty epic maps, and i get killed in the first few seconds because an angry mob of...mobs.
8. I resorted to putting myself on a sky pillars and started making houses in the sky. I still am not safe.
9. There is no way to drop Mushrooms. I go looking for brown ones but then a creeper comes and explodes. Any red ones near by get picked up as well because i cant just ignore them.
10. No way to store amounts of materials without making a giant mass.
11. Zombies and Skeletons can swim. That is totally unfair. They should drown the second they hit the water. or if they are in water for a certain ammount of time. some time between 10 and 12.
12. Mobs are way too over powered, mainly skeletons. They run faster than you, can jump and kill you in about a single hit. I died on 8 different maps in less than 10 minutes because of zombies.
13. Fall damage is way to sensitive. You fall down 3 blocks and you get hurt.
/end rant
Former #minecraft channel operator.
Come back and complain when the final is out.
2. The More the Merrier I say. Void.
3. Exactly, the person with a brain will win. Apparently, that's not you... Void.
4. It's a game get over it. Void.
5. Exaggeration me thinks. Void.
6. Stay vigilant. Build lots of small lockable rooms, escape tunnels help and again, carry 'shrooms. Void.
7. Load Level > X Map or F5 Void.
8. Same rant 3 times? Void.
9. Carry lots of brown 'shrooms, eat the red ones fast (so you don't lose more than 2HP) then recover with brown 'shrooms. Void.
10. This was here in the first public version. Void.
11. See 4. Void.
12. That's cause you suck ass, whiny *****. Void.
13. Only one I agree (partially) on. But still, it's a beta, fine tuning hasn't been done yet. Void.
/end anti-rant
1. I've never had monsters spawn on my back. I would just keep moving.
2. 17 creepers!? I would just stay away from them, or at least lure them down a cliffside or something where they can't reach you.
3. Hm, I never consciously noticed that they had infinite arrows, but I never seem to have a problem with them. Can't you just run from five skeletons? Their arrows rarely hit you if you're a distance from them.
4. Why would you automatically be faster than your enemy?
5. They do spot you from afar, but then again, you can see for miles.
6. Zombies and creepers can't explode at will, so you're either killing them first or they're getting into fights with the zombies, and losing. (I don't see zombies damaging creepers very often, though...)
7. You can load maps. Don't you save them?
8. EH!? How on earth?
9. Yes, mushrooms should be able to be dropped. A lot of people are complaining about that.
10. It's not much of a mess for me, but it's very annoying when I can't place a block because a flashy block is sitting in the way and I can't pick it up because I have 99 of them already.
11. I really don't see how swimming is unfair. I mean, you can swim. You would just be able to sit in the water forever and watch your score rack up. Also, seeing as zombies and skeletons are undead already, they really don't have to worry about air. Skeletons don't even have lungs. But I think that they should sink, because bones do not float.
12. They do not one-hit kill you. And why shouldn't they be able to jump? That'd be like shooting fish in a barrel.
13. I do think that the fall damage should be loosened a little. If I fell that far, I wouldn't damage myself.
2. Stop crying.
3. Quit bitching.
4. Try and try again.
5. You get where this is going....
Just keep trying, practice and it wont be so hard.
Really, zombies giving you trouble? I've been playing this game for like.. a day or two, and I have no problems with them.
Only problems I really have with Survival Mode are..
1. I feel that 20 arrows is pretty much useless. Maybe start off with 50 - 100 or something. They run out fast.
2. Building a bunker of sorts and having enemies spawn inside. Though I'm not really sure if that will ever change. I should probably start building smaller bunkers.
3. I either can't find any brown mushrooms, or I find them everywhere. More reliable way to get HP would be nice.
But really, it says right there when you're playing:
"This test is not an accurate demonstration of how the final survival mode will be."
So who knows how much all of this will change. It's just a preview.
My 2 cents. ~
Give a little. =♥=
If you can't swim, get the hell out of the pool.
Usually, I've found that they only spawn in places where they'd started to begin with, so I build high and away from where the groups I could see started. I've been playing several maps regularly since he changed it (all random ones, saved) and the mobs keep coming back in the same places.
I cored out the area around a hill and trapped them below me, killing them as they group up. Eventually, the creepers blow up enough that you hit lava and they just start running right in to that to get to you.
Yes, its tougher, but god damn its fun. Or so I think. I thought it was boring before (original survival test release), and I had been waiting feverently for it. And as has already been pointed out, this isn't the final release.
Former #minecraft channel operator.
Comments are in BOLD
Usually, I don't even utilize them. What I do when I'm out or low and feel the need to get some is find a single skeleton or a group and build a four to six brick wall and stand behind it. They shoot at you, fruitlessly until the run up to the wall, and then get confused, because you're on the other side of it and they aren't smart enough to just run right around. Then I peek around the corner and swipe at them really quick and duck back behind and repeat the process.
Then I mop up the arrows without having spent one.
This works pretty well with groups up to three.
I use a variation on this for huge groups of zombies. I build a tiny hut with a one block window and a roof and just enough space for me to slide out of view of the window. Do this away from a big group of monsters and make sure to close all the openings. Take out the brick below the window and go wave at the zombies until you get their attention and run back into the hut, putting the block you took out back. They'll run up to you and have a hard time hitting you so long as you keep swinging, and pretty soon you'll have a dead (or re-dead) group of zombies. They aren't smart enough to flank you and get close enough to attack through the wall.
I've already developed tons and tons of strategies that have kept me going and them dying. Just try a little harder. (This wasn't aimed at you, Menen)
Also known as 'Rils'
---> vede claimed Notch said this (and it is awesome).
My exact thoughts. When Survival Mode came out I was extremely dissatisfied. Easiness aside, Mobs were BORING. Creepers were cool until you had seen them explode for the fourth time.
Then the update arrived and I tried it again and I was like "THIS IS MORE LIKE IT!" Every enemy is a threat now in their own way, which provides a fun challenge. If you drifted through the enemies like nothing then there would be nothing interesting left to do for three weeks until Notch returned. Personally, I still think it's too easy. :tongue.gif: I've been playing on the same save slot for days and I haven't died on it yet. I probably would have died a couple of times already if I didn't have 60 mushrooms at the ready.
Oh, and I made a mistake on [10.] (I read "mass" as "mess"), but I don't really have anything interesting worth saying.
Scores are currently meaningless, since they reflect nothing but how much time you spend playing (save/load + pigs = never die).
I would like to see some form of aggravation system (agro). Where by, the more you kill the more frequently they spawn. Ofc, it would have to die down as well though hiding away in your safehouse.