well... at least this is how i did mine to camp in and take innocent kills... XD
though many people might design their forts so that it prevents mobs from getting in... or even near it...
the design of my fort is actually to LURE in mobs so that i can kill them off in the safefy of my own little safe haven...
you may need to gather some mushrooms prior to building this fort to prevent the need of seaching for more in the middle of building...
or save you from being ambushed to death while you are busy building...
start off by finding a large open area...
very much preferably on low land...
so that mobs will be closing in downhill instead of trying to jump up to your fort...
this looks like a pretty good place for my fort...
lets start by building the walls for the fort...
specifications could vary if you prefer them bigger or smaller...
but i made mine 9x9
once you've done the size of your fort...
clear off anyuneven terrain you may find...
hills or craters...
try to make it as flat a land as it can be...
once done...
dig a trench 1 tile deep and 2 tiles wide surrounding your fort...
this is so that they could fall in for you to kill of easily later on...
build some stairs to your fort... buy DO NOT link them to your main fort...
to reduce the chances of mobs entering your fort from the top...
(stairs are for you to access your fort though...)
i didn't want to make too much a complicated entrance system...
i designed it so that i could gain access to my fort as quick as possible without compromising much security...
halfway through building... a bunch of creepers came invading my fort...
one of them blew up the corner of my fort...
this is one of the reasons for you to take note...
NEVER take out a creeper near your fort...
always lure them away to take them out somewhere else...
back to building...
open up a hole just on the floor level of your trench in your fort wall...
this will serve as you "killing" hole later on...
some pigs decided to check out my fort... XD
you may then start to build your tower... (optional)
so that you may see mobs that are quite a distance away...
good for location pigs to hunt for mushrooms though...
then... go into your fort and design the interior...
for the floor... dig one tile down...
make the walls of your fort to look like a spawn jail in multiplayer servers...
this is to prevent arrows of skeletons from hitting you while you are in your fort...
while at the same time... giving you the advantage of killing them with ease...
skeletons prevented from getting near me... or even shoot at me...
as their "heads" are blocked by the fort wall...
and killing of the mobs could be done safely by hitting them at the legs...
you would stay safe and be able to take out even 100 skeletons/zombies that come charging at you at the same time...
but not for creepers though... >.<
this is wat the end result of what my fort will look like...
you could then camp in your fort and wait for mobs to come hunting for you while you laugh at their stupidity... XD
and occassionally go out hunting for mushrooms or mobs if you feel bored...
and keeping in mind that you have a safe haven just waiting for you should you ever be outnumbered...
and remember... never kill creepers near your fort...
i stress... NEVER...
one creeper will be enough to cripple all your defenses...
lure them away to kill them...
this crater is where i killed all the creepers while i was building the fort...
this is just the basic skeleton of what the fort is...
and could still be upgraded further to boost defenses and offensive capabilities...
more traps could be added and structures beautified with other resources...
you need not build this fort as what i said here exactly...
feel free to modify it as you please...
like i've said... this is only the basic structure...
I made a near identical replica of your fort and while i was out gathering supplies, a local pack of creepers had surrounded it and around 4-5 had spawned inside the fort.
I made a near identical replica of your fort and while i was out gathering supplies, a local pack of creepers had surrounded it and around 4-5 had spawned inside the fort.
I've found that you can build a trench one or two blocks into the ground, and as long as you have a floating ceiling hovering directly over the trench, you become nearly impervious to attacks. This is the simplest and most effective way to build, if you want long term survival.
On a flat map (like S.M.U.R.F. Arena), you can dig the trench and snake your way to every group of monsters you can find, without exposing yourself to their attacks.
I haven't yet purchased Minecraft, but I've been reading the forums, and playing around quite a bit, and I think I may have an idea for base defence.
Please pardon the shoddy MS Paint lines
The basic concept is to create a raised fort where you can, not only trap and kill monsters around the mote, but also safely ignore them. Additionally, a runoff moat could be dug to lure away Creepers before killing them.
RED = windy stairs. They're easy for you to get across, but I'm pretty sure monsters would have a hard time. If I'm wrong, then just widen and/or lengthen the curve.
YELLOW = here we see the outline of the moat. *yawn*
WHITE = stairs (not pictured; they are behind the walls) that lead down to the raised middle of the moat (see black dashes), and to the upper sniping platform, if desired.
BLACK (dashed) = raised middle, surrounded by moat. Ideal for mining skeletrons for their arrows.
The design could, of course, be simplified, if time is of the essence; and counterwise, be expanded upon (for instance, one could completely surround the moat with raised platforms, or include a mushroom far in the fort).
though many people might design their forts so that it prevents mobs from getting in... or even near it...
the design of my fort is actually to LURE in mobs so that i can kill them off in the safefy of my own little safe haven...
you may need to gather some mushrooms prior to building this fort to prevent the need of seaching for more in the middle of building...
or save you from being ambushed to death while you are busy building...
start off by finding a large open area...
very much preferably on low land...
so that mobs will be closing in downhill instead of trying to jump up to your fort...
this looks like a pretty good place for my fort...
lets start by building the walls for the fort...
specifications could vary if you prefer them bigger or smaller...
but i made mine 9x9
once you've done the size of your fort...
clear off anyuneven terrain you may find...
hills or craters...
try to make it as flat a land as it can be...
once done...
dig a trench 1 tile deep and 2 tiles wide surrounding your fort...
this is so that they could fall in for you to kill of easily later on...
build some stairs to your fort... buy DO NOT link them to your main fort...
to reduce the chances of mobs entering your fort from the top...
(stairs are for you to access your fort though...)
i didn't want to make too much a complicated entrance system...
i designed it so that i could gain access to my fort as quick as possible without compromising much security...
halfway through building... a bunch of creepers came invading my fort...
one of them blew up the corner of my fort...
this is one of the reasons for you to take note...
NEVER take out a creeper near your fort...
always lure them away to take them out somewhere else...
back to building...
open up a hole just on the floor level of your trench in your fort wall...
this will serve as you "killing" hole later on...
some pigs decided to check out my fort... XD
you may then start to build your tower... (optional)
so that you may see mobs that are quite a distance away...
good for location pigs to hunt for mushrooms though...
then... go into your fort and design the interior...
for the floor... dig one tile down...
make the walls of your fort to look like a spawn jail in multiplayer servers...
this is to prevent arrows of skeletons from hitting you while you are in your fort...
while at the same time... giving you the advantage of killing them with ease...
skeletons prevented from getting near me... or even shoot at me...
as their "heads" are blocked by the fort wall...
and killing of the mobs could be done safely by hitting them at the legs...
you would stay safe and be able to take out even 100 skeletons/zombies that come charging at you at the same time...
but not for creepers though... >.<
this is wat the end result of what my fort will look like...
you could then camp in your fort and wait for mobs to come hunting for you while you laugh at their stupidity... XD
and occassionally go out hunting for mushrooms or mobs if you feel bored...
and keeping in mind that you have a safe haven just waiting for you should you ever be outnumbered...
and remember... never kill creepers near your fort...
i stress... NEVER...
one creeper will be enough to cripple all your defenses...
lure them away to kill them...
this crater is where i killed all the creepers while i was building the fort...
this is just the basic skeleton of what the fort is...
and could still be upgraded further to boost defenses and offensive capabilities...
more traps could be added and structures beautified with other resources...
you need not build this fort as what i said here exactly...
feel free to modify it as you please...
like i've said... this is only the basic structure...
hope this helped...
I think I'll rebuild my hideout a bit after this
Great post
Hail Stegriff - Hail Zhatt
This is a great idea.
If only there were a more efficient way of dealing with creepers...
The results weren't pretty... :sad.gif:
open up a block and lure them out... XD
On a flat map (like S.M.U.R.F. Arena), you can dig the trench and snake your way to every group of monsters you can find, without exposing yourself to their attacks.
Please pardon the shoddy MS Paint lines
The basic concept is to create a raised fort where you can, not only trap and kill monsters around the mote, but also safely ignore them. Additionally, a runoff moat could be dug to lure away Creepers before killing them.
RED = windy stairs. They're easy for you to get across, but I'm pretty sure monsters would have a hard time. If I'm wrong, then just widen and/or lengthen the curve.
YELLOW = here we see the outline of the moat. *yawn*
WHITE = stairs (not pictured; they are behind the walls) that lead down to the raised middle of the moat (see black dashes), and to the upper sniping platform, if desired.
BLACK (dashed) = raised middle, surrounded by moat. Ideal for mining skeletrons for their arrows.
The design could, of course, be simplified, if time is of the essence; and counterwise, be expanded upon (for instance, one could completely surround the moat with raised platforms, or include a mushroom far in the fort).