If you shoot an arrow into a block, then mine the block away, the arrow will float in mid air. This would only really become a problem when you get arrows stuck in trees and you don't want to make up a set of stairs to get to it.
i don't get wat you are trying to say...
but... even if it's floating in mid-air... once you walk through it... the arrow gets into your inventory...
even if it's just jumping...
Soviet, a bug is still a bug and a glitch is still a glitch. I highly doubt Notch intends to have arrows floating around everywhere, even if you can just pick them up by jumping up to get them.
but... even if it's floating in mid-air... once you walk through it... the arrow gets into your inventory...
even if it's just jumping...
All that's left is floating arrows
It's as if every single one has a story.