Hmm... are we allowed to add a reed plant :smile.gif:? It would be helpfull :biggrin.gif:! Comeon man
I want to say no, but i kinda just let the reed slip my mind for this one. When island survival 2 comes out it will (possibly maybe probably) have a reed =P So you can just wait until then and do it legit
So has anyone else with their render distance set to far seen the really spectacular looking land mass that *is* just barely visible from our island? Because it looks flat out amazing. I feel like once I've exhausted the challenge of living here for however long, I may have to venture out specifically to explore it further. I mean... I saw a lavafall and a waterfall right next to each other, a couple baby waterfalls, and... It just looks so beautiful!
But for now, I cower at the top of my sand pillar waiting for day to break so I can continue my search for coal...
Entering day 5(I think?) and I have my whole island surrounded by a cactus wall. I have a little bit of coal I found on my second or third day, and I have two saplings I'm waiting on to grow that I got from the tree I grew from the single sapling I got from the starter tree. I'm being verrry conservative about my use of wood for now, until I get a nice number of saplings that I can rely on!
Did I just get lucky or something? I'm on my 8th day and I've got a big house built, a tree farm that has enough wood to last me through anything, and I've got diamonds, pretty bored now :sad.gif:
Nope, I am at about day 7 or so, have not yet had a mob on the island besides a single chicken (have seen them in the distant water, but not for a long time). I have everything I could ever want/need minus mob drops, obsidian, and diamonds.
The play style certainly shifts with the severe lack of wood the first few days (I use a lot less torches now) but overall I found it easier due to a lack of mob spawning area.
Currently day 4, dont know what to do really. Just trying to build a big castle I guess. I have a decent amount of stone from my mineshaft, hopefully it does some good.
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I've been inactive on the forums for atleast a year, I'll try being more active. Any of my previous threads are not going to be used by me anymore.
I want to say no, but i kinda just let the reed slip my mind for this one. When island survival 2 comes out it will (possibly maybe probably) have a reed =P So you can just wait until then and do it legit
Oh well! Time for a fresh start! :biggrin.gif:
God, Been playing for so long!... Ima make it into a house. This is now my perm world.
But for now, I cower at the top of my sand pillar waiting for day to break so I can continue my search for coal...
Awesome :tongue.gif:
Any of my previous threads are not going to be used by me anymore.
im on hard and i almost never get mobs! and if i do i just kill them.
But if u have destroyed all of your grass then u can't get anymore.
lvl 4 light = you can use a torch =P
Also no creatures of the night spawned onto my island which made me rather happy.
Still haven't found any coal, dammit!
Any of my previous threads are not going to be used by me anymore.
Any of my previous threads are not going to be used by me anymore.
Cactus kept damaging me. Annoying.
dug a little bit more in my minecraft, not too much..
2 trees grew, one was humungous. Cut down the small one, made an axe and cut the other down. Got some shrubberys.
Any of my previous threads are not going to be used by me anymore.
Nope, I am at about day 7 or so, have not yet had a mob on the island besides a single chicken (have seen them in the distant water, but not for a long time). I have everything I could ever want/need minus mob drops, obsidian, and diamonds.
The play style certainly shifts with the severe lack of wood the first few days (I use a lot less torches now) but overall I found it easier due to a lack of mob spawning area.
Bigger island next time? (should still be sand)
Any of my previous threads are not going to be used by me anymore.
Any of my previous threads are not going to be used by me anymore.
Wtf boom anyone?
Edit: Oh **** it crashed after doing this shot.