I was just going to dig a random hole in a small island. It turned out WAY better than I expected. I'm still going through the caves, but so far I have found:69 iron ore, A BUNCH of coal(and I haven't even mined it all) 16 gold ores, and 4 diamonds. :tongue.gif: Thank god for peaceful.
I went mining at the bottom of the map for about 3 days and I got 512 Iron, about 30 Diamonds (I made tools with them so I don't really know, could be 40), and I about 120 Gold, and a Zombie Dungeon. Spelunking is fun but not as efficient, so suck it.
I was just going to dig a random hole in a small island. It turned out WAY better than I expected. I'm still going through the caves, but so far I have found:69 iron ore, A BUNCH of coal(and I haven't even mined it all) 16 gold ores, and 4 diamonds. :tongue.gif: Thank god for peaceful.
Once while exploring for stuff, i was playing with blocks while i was walking. I walked across a small desert, and i removed a single block in the middle. The sand next to it collapsed, revealing mossy cobblestone. Score! :biggrin.gif:
The same sort of thing happened to me. When I was in a huge cave, I dug out an iron ore block next to some sand on the ceiling. Little did I know that the sand would all cave in on me and that the ocean was right above it. I almost suffocated and my huge cave had been completely flooded. :sad.gif:
Cool! Thats better than i've ever got and i do a LOT of spelunking. I still havnt found a dungeon on my own worlds. I wish it was that easy for me... 8(
My average that i find in a cave is about
Coal- 34
<-- WANT!
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"More fun than a barrel of monkeys." Has anyone ever stopped to think how cranky, if not downright vicious, a barrelful of monkeys would be, especially once released from the barrel? -Tom Shales
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I built my house in a big mountain. My mine goes downward into the mountain, the entrance to it in a 4 by 2 opening inside my house. This mine has proved to be VERY huge, I've been mining in it for the past 4 days and still have a lot to go. So far I've found 2 dungeons, about 15 diamond, 100s of redstone, at least 500 coal, 56 gold, and around 200 iron. There is Obsidian, but the lava prevents me from mining at the moment. I'm planning on getting a video of it on youtube sometime.
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Quote from UndrinkableMilk »
Hello fellow minecrafters,
I am poor and unable to buy a minecraft account!
Someone, anyone please help me out!
I have no money and all i do is play on my computer, so please, someone help me out !
I'm glad we cleared up whether or not you can find iron in chests. This was a much-needed discussion, You all should receive medals of honor for your service to the nature of iron and the contents of dungeon chests.
I haven't gotten more than 2 diamonds without using methods other than mining and exploring, total.
EDIT: **** YES! I found a dungeon!
Check out this game if you like minecraft!
Not for me, I'm an overworlder
Welcome to spelunking! :smile.gif:
This isnt your personal blog
Scuba-Diving for unlimited air?
Bigger Boats?
Ability to tie boats to a torch thats near them?
Completely off-topic.
Swell job.
Nice one, man. I love finding HUGE caves.
Congrats on your dungeon =D
The same sort of thing happened to me. When I was in a huge cave, I dug out an iron ore block next to some sand on the ceiling. Little did I know that the sand would all cave in on me and that the ocean was right above it. I almost suffocated and my huge cave had been completely flooded. :sad.gif:
My average that i find in a cave is about
Coal- 34
I'm glad we cleared up whether or not you can find iron in chests. This was a much-needed discussion, You all should receive medals of honor for your service to the nature of iron and the contents of dungeon chests.
I haven't gotten more than 2 diamonds without using methods other than mining and exploring, total.