You don't know me, but we have something in common: We both want SMP fixed.
..and i have THE solution, which is no more different than my own solution:
Stop getting yourself frustrated by (1) these forums, (2) comments on "The Word of Notch", or (3) by Minecraft itself.
It will take a few years of bug fixing, and introduction of new bugs for Minecraft to work as it should. Give yourself the piece of mind that haters will always hate. If masochism is your style then keep getting frustrated by people getting frustrated. I get it. Do you really want to be perpetually pissed off for a few years?
Notch is trying, plain and simple.
If you need to find answers or solutions and run into a bad patch of posts, come back here and read this. This post will always be here (or not depending on the mods), so save it. This is your solution.
...and remember: chances are high that there are replies to this inoffensive post from angry fans. Tab out, or scroll back up. Good habits start somewhere.
Yeah, you tell em man. It's alpha, Notch is busy working out his company business and coding. Give him time, relish what he has already done for the game, and keep on crafting. No matter how the alpha swings form stable to completely unstable, it's still an awesome game, and it's only gotten better so far. Especially with how great this game is with modding.
EDIT: the post below this one makes me want to cry, because it's some hardcore trolling.
You don't know me, but we have something in common: We both want SMP fixed
If your frustrated by (1) these forums, (2) comments on "The Word of Notch", or (3) by Minecraft itself. it is well founded!
It shouldn't take years of bug fixing. The introduction of new bugs is unacceptable and should be addressed immediately before passing on to another update. Haters DON'T always hate, we hate when we don't get what we want. The people who get frustrated by others are just lame... This should all be fixed BEFORE years pass
Notch IS trying, but failing, plain and simple.
If you need to find answers or solutions and run into this post, read this! This post will always be here (or not depending on the mods), so save it, This is not a solution.
...and remember: chances are high that there are replies to this offensive post from ME. Don't tab out, reply and scroll down. Good habits start somewhere.
It seems many people here appear surprised with the amount of complaints and criticism that minecraft forums are experiencing. In my experience with previous games (UO, SWG, etc) this is exactly how large fan bases of popular games act. They complain because the game appeals to them and they simply want to play it. It's obvious that there is a wide difference in maturity on both sides of the different arguments going on but this is no different than any other popular game I've followed.
I do want to give props to the mods here. They seem to allow for a wide variety of opinions and posting styles and moderate only the most needed posts.
Time for the Notch Defense League to get over themselves. People are gonna complain because they've invested money into a product, even if it is in its early stages. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and you're not going to stop them from bitching with daily threads like this.
You don't know me, but we have something in common: We both want SMP fixed.
..and i have THE solution, which is no more different than my own solution:
Stop getting yourself frustrated by (1) these forums, (2) comments on "The Word of Notch", or (3) by Minecraft itself.
It will take a few years of bug fixing, and introduction of new bugs for Minecraft to work as it should. Give yourself the piece of mind that haters will always hate. If masochism is your style then keep getting frustrated by people getting frustrated. I get it. Do you really want to be perpetually pissed off for a few years?
Notch is trying, plain and simple.
If you need to find answers or solutions and run into a bad patch of posts, come back here and read this. This post will always be here (or not depending on the mods), so save it. This is your solution.
...and remember: chances are high that there are replies to this inoffensive post from angry fans. Tab out, or scroll back up. Good habits start somewhere.
But... I need my fix! :'(
Seriously though, very true. We're all impatient and everyone needs to just calm down. I know I've been checking Notch's twitter practically every hour. Maybe if I just take a couple weeks off from SMP it'll be playable again.
Also, +5 for your first post being well worded and incredibly sensible!
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Quote from Eylk »
Someone's a tad strong in their use of anti-feminine derogatory metaphors today.
Don't forget it's still alpha, we are basically his testers. There is no better way to find bugs than having thousands of people testing your software. I hope that in beta though, he will test it a little bit more before releasing.
People who are frustrated by the state of the game fall into two categories:
A) People who start new threads with angry messages about it
:cool.gif: People who don't
The vast majority of such people are category B. Your title is written to appeal to people in cat. B, yet your message is really just a hate message towards cat. A players.
Here's the problem, the people in cat. A are only in this category because they don't read the forums. They post first. If they did read, they would see all the other similar posts, and wouldn't start new threads.
Unfortunately, since people in cat. A are quick to post without reading other posts, they will never find your message. So, you are talking into an empty room. Instead you just flooded the forums with yet another post about nothing. Worse yet, your title makes it sound like you spent hours writing a cool mod, enticing people to click, and then they get here, and see you wasted their time.
I hope I wasted a bit of your time. It's something called revenge. :biggrin.gif:
I really don't get what the big deal is about a few bugs. There's still fun stuff to do. but whatever.
now, to speak in my Official Voice:
Since this thread hasn't devolved into poop flinging yet, I'll let it stay open.
Try to refrain from calling anyone a troll or a notch defense force fanboy or whatever. Consider this a warning that Any such name-calling in this thread, like what happens in the others of this kind, will result in warnings.
You don't know me, but we have something in common: We both want SMP fixed.
..and i have THE solution, which is no more different than my own solution:
Stop getting yourself frustrated by (1) these forums, (2) comments on "The Word of Notch", or (3) by Minecraft itself.
It will take a few years of bug fixing, and introduction of new bugs for Minecraft to work as it should. Give yourself the piece of mind that haters will always hate. If masochism is your style then keep getting frustrated by people getting frustrated. I get it. Do you really want to be perpetually pissed off for a few years?
Notch is trying, plain and simple.
If you need to find answers or solutions and run into a bad patch of posts, come back here and read this. This post will always be here (or not depending on the mods), so save it. This is your solution.
...and remember: chances are high that there are replies to this inoffensive post from angry fans. Tab out, or scroll back up. Good habits start somewhere.
EDIT: the post below this one makes me want to cry, because it's some hardcore trolling.
You don't know me, but we have something in common: We both want SMP fixed
If your frustrated by (1) these forums, (2) comments on "The Word of Notch", or (3) by Minecraft itself. it is well founded!
It shouldn't take years of bug fixing. The introduction of new bugs is unacceptable and should be addressed immediately before passing on to another update. Haters DON'T always hate, we hate when we don't get what we want. The people who get frustrated by others are just lame... This should all be fixed BEFORE years pass
Notch IS trying, but failing, plain and simple.
If you need to find answers or solutions and run into this post, read this! This post will always be here (or not depending on the mods), so save it, This is not a solution.
...and remember: chances are high that there are replies to this offensive post from ME. Don't tab out, reply and scroll down. Good habits start somewhere.
I do want to give props to the mods here. They seem to allow for a wide variety of opinions and posting styles and moderate only the most needed posts.
But... I need my fix! :'(
Seriously though, very true. We're all impatient and everyone needs to just calm down. I know I've been checking Notch's twitter practically every hour. Maybe if I just take a couple weeks off from SMP it'll be playable again.
Also, +5 for your first post being well worded and incredibly sensible!
A) People who start new threads with angry messages about it
:cool.gif: People who don't
The vast majority of such people are category B. Your title is written to appeal to people in cat. B, yet your message is really just a hate message towards cat. A players.
Here's the problem, the people in cat. A are only in this category because they don't read the forums. They post first. If they did read, they would see all the other similar posts, and wouldn't start new threads.
Unfortunately, since people in cat. A are quick to post without reading other posts, they will never find your message. So, you are talking into an empty room. Instead you just flooded the forums with yet another post about nothing. Worse yet, your title makes it sound like you spent hours writing a cool mod, enticing people to click, and then they get here, and see you wasted their time.
I hope I wasted a bit of your time. It's something called revenge. :biggrin.gif:
Customer Support
now, to speak in my Official Voice:
Since this thread hasn't devolved into poop flinging yet, I'll let it stay open.
Try to refrain from calling anyone a troll or a notch defense force fanboy or whatever. Consider this a warning that Any such name-calling in this thread, like what happens in the others of this kind, will result in warnings.