What is your MC username? IGN: Logan1217
Why do you wish to join our server? "this server sounds good and i got bored of the same freebuild crap"
What time zone are you in? "eastern"
What do you look for in our server? "funn =D"
What part of our server appealed to you the most? "everything (RPG, ANTI GRIEF and MASSIVE)"
What is your MC username? doomy101
Why do you wish to join our server? I am a very enthusiastic roleplayer, especially when it comes to doing it with other people online. This server seems to be well structured and with your back up systems it may prevent a disaster that plagued Etania that I won't go into here.
What time zone are you in? MST I think.
What do you look for in our server? a good place to sit down and roleplay with some good people.
What part of our server appealed to you the most? the idea of making towns or clans with your friends.
I do have one thing i would like to say. I realize that you have the antigrief system in place to prevent say citizen A
from city A going to citizen B in city B's house and ripping it up and taking his stuff. Which is good and what not but what if citizen A in city A goes to citizen B's house still in City A ? will citizen B's stuff be protected? And what if someone does not wish their town protection then someone could potentially come in while they are offline and literrally take their town down piece by piece and steal all their 's ? now while i myself do often play the role of the theif and this sounds very intriguing ( lets face it what would you say : he stole my town!) it also sounds rather breaking now maybe if someone breaks your chests ur items drop to the ground? this is very plausible for a theif. or they have gold or diamond blocks just laying around? id break it and steal it. ( from a theives perspective im not a douche) and what about strangers placing items. if I was a theif id place a calling card like a sign saying something like.. HI i steelz ur moneyz thanx! but more clever. sorry for the ramble...
What is your MC username? Kalosis
Why do you wish to join our server? Logged in as guest and it looks awesome, I want to be a part of an expansive and friendly community
What time zone are you in? EST (GMT-5)
What do you look for in our server? Friendly community and fairness
What part of our server appealed to you the most? As soon as I logged in there were active chat conversations that were relevant, I enjoy people who are serious about the game.
What is your MC username?milo109
Why do you wish to join our server? TO HAVE FUN :tongue.gif:
What time zone are you in? EST
What do you look for in our server? A fun no griefing place
What part of our server appealed to you the most? Haven't played yet
What is your MC username? Kili_Fili
Why do you wish to join our server? Build my own fortress and look at others cool structures
What time zone are you in? MPS
What do you look for in our server? A place to relax, chat, and get advice.
What part of our server appealed to you the most? Pictures look awesome
What is your MC username?skeeterman1
Why do you wish to join our server?help and explore
What time zone are you in?central
What do you look for in our server?fun
What part of our server appealed to you the most?anti griefing
What is your MC username? NathanMacneil
Why do you wish to join our server? It looks fun.
What time zone are you in? Atlantic Time Zone
What do you look for in our server? Nice people.
What part of our server appealed to you the most? The RPG style.
I want to join because this server looks awesome! and i like rpg servers!
timezone: +1
I want to meet new players, and i want to build cool buildings!(in context ofc!)
I liked the towns, and the wars sounds cool too!
What is your MC username? Kevinside
Why do you wish to join our server? I would like to build with creative and friendly likeminded people. I also like to RP.
What time zone are you in? Pacific
What do you look for in our server? No expectations. They've all been met.
What part of our server appealed to you the most? Everything. (Sorry for generic all-encompasing answer.)
What is your MC username? noahlane15
Why do you wish to join our server? I'm hoping I can build with other people in general peace.
What time zone are you in? Central Standard.
What do you look for in our server? Town building sounds pleasant.
What part of our server appealed to you the most?The rules seemed to be what I was looking for.
What is your MC username?Andrew_Drake
Why do you wish to join our server? My old one is getting too draconian.
What time zone are you in? Central
What do you look for in our server? A friendly community
What part of our server appealed to you the most? The Town system.
What is your MC username? Bringers
Why do you wish to join our server? Its interesting concept, its massive and established.
What time zone are you in? US - CST
What do you look for in our server? Support
What part of our server appealed to you the most? Looked awesome and RPG
What is your MC username? LaZyy
Why do you wish to join our server? i love building citys and also having wars against other towns
What time zone are you in? central Time Zone U.S
What do you look for in our server? Pvp, excitement, building strategy
What part of our server appealed to you the most? everything right now seems pretty neat.
Why do you wish to join our server? "this server sounds good and i got bored of the same freebuild crap"
What time zone are you in? "eastern"
What do you look for in our server? "funn =D"
What part of our server appealed to you the most? "everything (RPG, ANTI GRIEF and MASSIVE)"
Why do you wish to join our server? I am a very enthusiastic roleplayer, especially when it comes to doing it with other people online. This server seems to be well structured and with your back up systems it may prevent a disaster that plagued Etania that I won't go into here.
What time zone are you in? MST I think.
What do you look for in our server? a good place to sit down and roleplay with some good people.
What part of our server appealed to you the most? the idea of making towns or clans with your friends.
I do have one thing i would like to say. I realize that you have the antigrief system in place to prevent say citizen A
from city A going to citizen B in city B's house and ripping it up and taking his stuff. Which is good and what not but what if citizen A in city A goes to citizen B's house still in City A ? will citizen B's stuff be protected? And what if someone does not wish their town protection then someone could potentially come in while they are offline and literrally take their town down piece by piece and steal all their 's ? now while i myself do often play the role of the theif and this sounds very intriguing ( lets face it what would you say : he stole my town!) it also sounds rather breaking now maybe if someone breaks your chests ur items drop to the ground? this is very plausible for a theif. or they have gold or diamond blocks just laying around? id break it and steal it. ( from a theives perspective im not a douche) and what about strangers placing items. if I was a theif id place a calling card like a sign saying something like.. HI i steelz ur moneyz thanx! but more clever. sorry for the ramble...
Why do you wish to join our server? Logged in as guest and it looks awesome, I want to be a part of an expansive and friendly community
What time zone are you in? EST (GMT-5)
What do you look for in our server? Friendly community and fairness
What part of our server appealed to you the most? As soon as I logged in there were active chat conversations that were relevant, I enjoy people who are serious about the game.
Why do you wish to join our server? TO HAVE FUN :tongue.gif:
What time zone are you in? EST
What do you look for in our server? A fun no griefing place
What part of our server appealed to you the most? Haven't played yet
Why do you wish to join our server? Build my own fortress and look at others cool structures
What time zone are you in? MPS
What do you look for in our server? A place to relax, chat, and get advice.
What part of our server appealed to you the most? Pictures look awesome
Why do you wish to join our server?help and explore
What time zone are you in?central
What do you look for in our server?fun
What part of our server appealed to you the most?anti griefing
Why do you wish to join our server? It looks fun.
What time zone are you in? Atlantic Time Zone
What do you look for in our server? Nice people.
What part of our server appealed to you the most? The RPG style.
I want to join because this server looks awesome! and i like rpg servers!
timezone: +1
I want to meet new players, and i want to build cool buildings!(in context ofc!)
I liked the towns, and the wars sounds cool too!
Why do you wish to join our server? I would like to build with creative and friendly likeminded people. I also like to RP.
What time zone are you in? Pacific
What do you look for in our server? No expectations. They've all been met.
What part of our server appealed to you the most? Everything. (Sorry for generic all-encompasing answer.)
Why do you wish to join our server? I'm hoping I can build with other people in general peace.
What time zone are you in? Central Standard.
What do you look for in our server? Town building sounds pleasant.
What part of our server appealed to you the most?The rules seemed to be what I was looking for.
Why do you wish to join our server? My old one is getting too draconian.
What time zone are you in? Central
What do you look for in our server? A friendly community
What part of our server appealed to you the most? The Town system.
Why do you wish to join our server? Its interesting concept, its massive and established.
What time zone are you in? US - CST
What do you look for in our server? Support
What part of our server appealed to you the most? Looked awesome and RPG
Why do you wish to join our server? I've been wanting to try out the multiplayer for some time, and my friend recommended this server.
What time zone are you in? Central Standard Time (-6 I think...)
What do you look for in our server? Something that I can always turn to to have a good time in Minecraft!
What part of our server appealed to you the most? The RPG, creating a town, then possible warring towns thing. Sounded like it'd be fun!
Why do you wish to join our server? My brother (Kafke) is a member of it, and I would like to play with him in this server.
What time zone are you in? GMT -8
What do you look for in our server? A good community.
What part of our server appealed to you the most? Server mods and community
Why do you wish to join our server? i love building citys and also having wars against other towns
What time zone are you in? central Time Zone U.S
What do you look for in our server? Pvp, excitement, building strategy
What part of our server appealed to you the most? everything right now seems pretty neat.