Game name: SuperBlizzard
Age: 13
Faction: Paladins
Why i want to join: I've been looking for a good server that will hopefully be my permanent server. This sounds really good.
I accept the rules
P.S. This server had me drawn in at paladin
The server is laggin like hell, because some guy named Blackd3vil spawned a lavablock. I also don't think Veening is fit to be bandit leader as most likely he ordered it. Please restart the server when you read this.
If the whole server reset I'll kill myself. To Lumoc; wallpapers=epicness. To everyone else; what towns are there? I've found the Paladin Gamlet or something, Empire Town or whatever, and Valhalla blank. What are the actual names and how do you even make a town?
Did it seriously die or did Foxxy just bring it down for a little?
Why do you want to join?: I bought Minecraft only yesterday with a friend of mine and fell in love with the creative sandbox concept. I have been role playing for years and would like to dabble in Minecraft RP. I think this faction idea is excellent! It sounds compelling and I would like to give it a try. I would prefer joining the faction empire, I love mining and exploring the deep with the cooperation of others. I also enjoy building structures. I could also be placed as part of the paladin faction if there are a lack of them on the server. I am not picky of which faction I will receive. See you in game!
I read the rules, agree with the rules, and will follow the rules! :biggrin.gif:
I will accept the rules.
Faction Idea:
Iron Mining Cart Co
There is a neutral faction (Empire), evil factions (Bandits & Dagranoth, Blade's Edge (?)), and a good faction (Paladin). There seems to be a lack of an economic based faction that acts like the "middleman" for all the other factions. This is where Iron Mining Cart Co comes in! People in this faction will have the role of hunter/gatherer/miner and view every faction as a potential customer for their services. Since there is no currency on the server, it will use a bartering system. Let's say the Empire is in need of gold and Iron Mining Cart Co has a need for armor pieces for its employees. They both can sign a barter agreement and supply each other for what they need.
"Tired of mining, hunting, and gathering wood? Wouldn't you want other people to do that sweaty work for you while you gain the profit? Well Iron Mining Cart Co is for you! Through barter agreements, Iron Mining Cart Co workers will go into the dangerous depths to gather what you need, when you need it! Find the nearest Mining Cart Co shop and let us do that dirty work for you!"
Why would I be a good leader for this faction: The faction needs to be structured in a way so that it works properly in the Luna world. It also needs someone who is able to keep track of the current barter contract agreements and make sure that they are completed (I'll probably keep track with everything through an Excel File or something :smile.gif:). I am able to accomplish the latter. In time once the faction gets larger and more people join in, I will probably form a hierarchy where higher ranked members will become managers and take some of the work load off me (which is probably not much anyway).
The whole goal is to make a faction that is gathering focused. People who like gathering may want to join this faction. It is all about the exploration and the faction's goal is for people to have fun doing it!
Game Name: xnomercyx
Age: 15
Faction: Bandits
Why you want to join: I would like to join because i love faction based servers and i have much experience in these types of servers, i can abide by the rules and keep the server interesting and fun because i know the ways of raiding and how to be a good bandit.
Luna Eve:
- The creation of Paladins and Empire.
- The unrest between Paladins and Empire.
- The Peace Agreement of Empire and the Paladins.
- Paladin Outpost is set on fire.
That's about it right?
To Foxxy:
Game Name: hchris96
Why you want to join: I would like to join because i love faction and PvP based servers and i have lots o' experience in these types of servers, i can follow the rules very easily and keep the server entertained because i would say that I am very good at the art of raiding and know how to be a very classy bandit.
is the server down again if so i think its annoying that all the servers that are actually building tensions between factions the server messes up and the admin some reason does everything EXCEPT recover the old map.
Updated for you :smile.gif:
Welcome to teh server :smile.gif:
nvm now it lets me connect
Age: 13
Faction: Paladins
Why i want to join: I've been looking for a good server that will hopefully be my permanent server. This sounds really good.
I accept the rules
P.S. This server had me drawn in at paladin
Game Name: Saamu
Age: 15
Faction: Paladin
Why you want to join: i saw my friend IETR9610 playing it and it looked EPIC so i want to join :smile.gif:
i second that the servers lagging
Did it seriously die or did Foxxy just bring it down for a little?
Age: 23
Faction: Empire or Paladin
Why do you want to join?: I bought Minecraft only yesterday with a friend of mine and fell in love with the creative sandbox concept. I have been role playing for years and would like to dabble in Minecraft RP. I think this faction idea is excellent! It sounds compelling and I would like to give it a try. I would prefer joining the faction empire, I love mining and exploring the deep with the cooperation of others. I also enjoy building structures. I could also be placed as part of the paladin faction if there are a lack of them on the server. I am not picky of which faction I will receive. See you in game!
I read the rules, agree with the rules, and will follow the rules! :biggrin.gif:
I will accept the rules.
Faction Idea:
Iron Mining Cart Co
There is a neutral faction (Empire), evil factions (Bandits & Dagranoth, Blade's Edge (?)), and a good faction (Paladin). There seems to be a lack of an economic based faction that acts like the "middleman" for all the other factions. This is where Iron Mining Cart Co comes in! People in this faction will have the role of hunter/gatherer/miner and view every faction as a potential customer for their services. Since there is no currency on the server, it will use a bartering system. Let's say the Empire is in need of gold and Iron Mining Cart Co has a need for armor pieces for its employees. They both can sign a barter agreement and supply each other for what they need.
"Tired of mining, hunting, and gathering wood? Wouldn't you want other people to do that sweaty work for you while you gain the profit? Well Iron Mining Cart Co is for you! Through barter agreements, Iron Mining Cart Co workers will go into the dangerous depths to gather what you need, when you need it! Find the nearest Mining Cart Co shop and let us do that dirty work for you!"
Why would I be a good leader for this faction: The faction needs to be structured in a way so that it works properly in the Luna world. It also needs someone who is able to keep track of the current barter contract agreements and make sure that they are completed (I'll probably keep track with everything through an Excel File or something :smile.gif:). I am able to accomplish the latter. In time once the faction gets larger and more people join in, I will probably form a hierarchy where higher ranked members will become managers and take some of the work load off me (which is probably not much anyway).
The whole goal is to make a faction that is gathering focused. People who like gathering may want to join this faction. It is all about the exploration and the faction's goal is for people to have fun doing it!
Luna Eve and Luna Beta for the lack of a better name.
Any changes then? The Peace Agreement? Etc.?
Age: 15
Faction: Bandits
Why you want to join: I would like to join because i love faction based servers and i have much experience in these types of servers, i can abide by the rules and keep the server interesting and fun because i know the ways of raiding and how to be a good bandit.
I accept the rules
- The creation of Paladins and Empire.
- The unrest between Paladins and Empire.
- The Peace Agreement of Empire and the Paladins.
- Paladin Outpost is set on fire.
That's about it right?
To Foxxy:
Why you want to join: I would like to join because i love faction and PvP based servers and i have lots o' experience in these types of servers, i can follow the rules very easily and keep the server entertained because i would say that I am very good at the art of raiding and know how to be a very classy bandit.
I accept and will abide to the rules.