We just deleted our old world, at the moment we're just screwing around but we'll probably start to build a town very shortly.Hacking will not be tolerated, but for the most part any items you need will be provided. So far we have little to no lag, but we want to take it slowly as far as server population goes, so post here and I'll PM the ip.
(currently only have 3 players, so will be needing mods in the future)
The server i usually play on is a bit crowded (75+ people) so im looking for a secondary server to build on as there is not much room and the chat box fills the screen at times :tongue.gif:
Hey i always love to join new servers and i would love if you let me join this server, i never grief and you can always trust me.
IGN: Bepoplay
If you need admins ill love to be one
(currently only have 3 players, so will be needing mods in the future)
if you need a mod, I'll happily be one =)
I'll be a mod if you need one, if not it's fine :smile.gif:
and i'd happily accept the position of mod as i have been mod on other servers
Wants to be: Mod or anything higher... have been admin/mod in many other servers
Rather new as well if you can tolerate my newbieness
P.s I promise not to smash stuff. :biggrin.gif:
Would liek to help mess around/do constructive stuff
I'm interested in joining. I have been told I am a good worker and mod/admin. Consider me? Thanks
(bump in disguise)
bump in disguise.
The server i usually play on is a bit crowded (75+ people) so im looking for a secondary server to build on as there is not much room and the chat box fills the screen at times :tongue.gif:
IGN : mikee9
username: Rojo66
IGN: Bepoplay
If you need admins ill love to be one
We now have a swimming pool, ice skating rink, free things in a chest + more!
Join now