Useing Origonal World started 9/19/10 view map below. ::hMod (b126e) With Many Plugins:: Current player cap @ 20
Auto World-backup every hour!
Whitelist DISABLED, First time users /default will have no construction/destruction powers untill they apply for VIP status.
This is a Freebuild (if you have the Resources) and Explore World. Some Kits have been made for starters and other stuff.
List of active Plugins with some info on post 2, command list on post 4. Ill keep updating this post 2, 3 and 4 with information and commands.
This is a no grief server .
Rules are in the /Motd or /rules Server Rules as follows
1)If you didnt Build it, DO NOT destroy it.
2)If you didnt place it, Do Not take it.
3)If there is a door its probably not yours.
4)No Hacking or Dupeing.
5)Do not Grief. Breaking thies Rules will cause us to use the Ban-Stick.
VIP status is requiered for many of the plugin features (see below, requierment listed on plugin post), If you want VIP Post your game name here with a statement as to what we will do if you break the rules listed above, and I will add you to the list, Or ask ingame and If I'm there ill set you up if you can answer me that question.
Links to content (plugins/mods)in use, so you know how to use it and so I have quick refrance.
## are plugins that are disabled currently due to a bug or error, these mods will be reinabled or changed, once working on the Test server.
hMod (b126e) server Mod = viewtopic.php?f=1012&t=23340
Hey0 server Mod, many functions and plugin manager.
*Pre-release beta*
Mods added:
## Removed not needed for bucket fix # LlamaCraft = viewtopic.php?f=1012&t=23483&hilit=bucket+fix
Bucket & Furnace fix ++various other fixes and changes.
Will keep checking, if needed will reinstall this plugin/mod. Looking more and more like this mod will not be needed again.
##RuneCraft = viewtopic.php?f=1012&t=29244
Magic rune (block pattern) system. If you don't know read up there is alot to it.
not used enough to keep updating the files.
Plugins in Use: Consistantly changing and updating.
flyRidgeFly =
Get a feather, R-click it on a block, and flap away. 5 flaps per wing.
Chest security read it, to know how to use it.
Lock down your chests. Make sure to set a sign so no one places items in a locked chest and loses their stuff.
Session Protect =
Server utillity anti dupe mesure
No double logging here and Dont use that last inventory slot or you'll lose stuff.
I give little justice to the functionality of most of thies mods and plugins, But thats it in short. Read up if you must know more or log in and try them out.
Thank you, Hey0 and all the Crazy plugin and mod writers out there.
I will use this post to update the "On Server" Maps, activitys, construction, and findings.
Up and running well, have a few members sofar, looking for more so come join us.
Many projects currently are active, We still have plenty of room to grow for all.
Command List with some functions.
Listed commands by group, Each group can use commands from lower groups. i.e. sip user can use all commands listed, vip can not use sip commands but can use all default commands, default can only use commands from its group list.
Format will be Group and color then, /command - functions - usage - need to know info.
Be sure If you use a command that needs to be turned off that you do so, Most will disable on logout but some Don't.
When new plugins are turned on with features users can use, I will update this list.
##admins## N/A (Purple)
##super## N/A (Off Red)
##mods## N/A (Light Blue)
##sip## (Off Dark Blue)
/adminchat -command followed by message - for chatting to only sip group and higher groups.
/fabulous -command followed bt message - Multi color chat for fun.
/dungeon -command no arguments - will build random sized dungeon under you with a random chest possably.
/setwarp -command followed by locationname - sets a warp point at your location listed by name given -/setwarp lake - makes a warp point called lake. You can not bring up the warp list so remember your personal warp locations. do not spam warp locations or I'll start deleting them.
/kick -command followed by username - will kick that player off the server temporarly.
/tphere -command followed by username - will teleport player to you.
/eviltorch -command no arguments - a redstone torch to follow you around - use command again to turn off.
/frost -command no arguments - frost will cover what you walk on and freeze water - use command again to turn off - carefull around water it can cause trouble.
/heat -command no arguments - melts all snow/ice you are around - use command again to turn off.
/flyoff -command only here so users could disable flight which they dont have the command to start anyhow.
/plant -command no arguments - once active plant tree sprouts they should grow nicely - use command again to turn off.
/uproot -command no arguments - Any sapling (or base of a tree trunk) that you destroy while this mode is active will be removed from the replanting list.
/is -command no arguments - click a block and you will get that block - use command again to turn off.
/isb -command block-id - will place selected block at your pointer, useing blocks from your inventory. - use command again to turn off - /isb 20 - would place glass at your pointer location If you have glass to use.
##vip## (Light Green)
/hp -command no arguments - shows your current server side HP value.
/Togglewho -command no arguments - remove your self from the /wholist.
/tp -command username - teleports you to that user.
/bubble -command no arguments - creates a glass bubble around you. Warning will remove Glass you come in contact with. - use command again to turn off.
/mailsend -command username message? - will create a mail sent to the user even if offline.
/spawn -command no arguments - will teleport you to the server spawn point/ start point.
/warp -command location - will warp you to the location listed - this group does not have setwarp so they will need to rely on user lists of personal warp locations.
/compass -command no arguments - Reports the direction your faceing.
/magictorch -command no arguments - a torch will follow you around. - use command again to turn off.
/magicladder -command no arguments - after use and ladder in hand click where you want the ladder , it will use only the stock of ladders you have in your inventory. - use command again to turn off.
/rain -command no arguments - will make water fall on your head - use command again to turn off.
/xray -command no arguments - will allow you to see through things like they are glass. - use command again to turn off.
/hover -command no arguments - will place a water block under you that will allow you wo scale walls. -use command again to turn off.
/flowerchild -command no agruments - Flowers will sprout up where you walk. - use command again to turn off.
/familiar -command no arguments - summon a critter to follow you around. - use command again to unsummon critter.
/who -command no arguments - reports members online if not blocked.
/left -command no arguments - reports how many more TNT you can place befor you need to blow up the ones you have already placed.
/isn -command no arguments - will remove block you click your stick on but will not return any blocks.
/throwbuild -command no arguments - once active hold a block you want to place and hit "Q" that will throw a block to stick where your pointer is located. - use command again to turn off.
##pip## (White)
/kit -command several options - will show kit list and allow you to summon that kit of items for use.
/playerlist -stock /who list - will report players online even if blocked by /togglewho
/sethome -command no arguments - sets a warp point for your home only you can use.
/home -command no arguments - will send you to your set home location.
##default## (Grey)
/rules -command no arguments - reports server rules list and other things.
/mail -command usage ? - to recieve mail that has been sent to you.
/help -command with pagenumber - shows ingame command list with some descriptions - /help , /help 2 or /help 3 up to the page you have max, most will be 6-8 pages /help 8.
/me -command function ?
/msg -command username message - will send a private message to the user listed.
/motd -command no arguments - lists log in message
/tell -stock PM command same as /msg I think.
/m -command usage ? another message command?
/roadwalker -Command function here
•/road - Toggles road creation on and off
•/rset [option] [value] - Sets option for your current road building session
•/rundo - undo your latest road
•/rredo - redo your lastest road
rset options and values: (all of these have defaults in
•road [block type] - set the block type for the road surface
•wall [block type] - set the block type for walls
•wall [on|off] - turn on or off the creation of walls
•ceiling [block type] - set the block type for ceiling
•ceiling [on|off] - turn on or off the creation of ceiling
•tunnel [on|off] - turn on or off the creation of tunnels
•width [#] - how many blocks wide the road surface will be (walls will be build 1 block wider on either side if needed)
•height [#] - how many blocks high the tunnel will be
•distance [#] - how far in front of you the road will start building
/BlockDoor -command functions here
•/ddoor <doorname> (or /blockdoor) - This creates a door with the given name and starts door selection. Right click two blocks to select the door region.
•/dtrig [triggername] This starts trigger selection. Right click to select a trigger block, which will toggle the door when right clicked.
•/dfill [doorname] <blockid> - Sets the specified door to be made of the given block. (COMMAND NAME CHANGED)
•/dzone [zonename] - This creates a trigger zone which toggles the door when you enter or exit. Right click two blocks to select the zone region.
•/dtoggle [doorname] - Toggles the specified door. This state is also what is saved to file, and will be the state when the plugin reloads.
•/dzero [zonename] - Zeroes the occupant count in zones (sometimes loses track of people - zones only trigger on first player in and last player out)
•/dlist - Lists all doors, zones, and triggers you created.
•/dlist - Lists all doors, zones, and triggers.
•/ddel <door/trigger/zone> <doorname> - Deletes specified door, trigger, or zone
•/dlink <trigger/zone> <triggername> <doorname> <toggle/open/close> - This is the new way of connecting triggers and zones to a give door (or doors). It adds a little extra work for your basic doors, but makes it a LOT more flexible.
IF you find a command you can't use in your group or that seems borken please inform me here.
Thanks and Enjoy
Magic Spells features, Not all thies spells are avalable ingame but i may set a few more.
Thise spells can be learned in the Mossy cobble castle
## represents spells not available
ascend: Causes you to teleport up to the next place you can stand. Shares a cooldown with descend.
blink: Teleports you to your targeted location.
##boom*: Causes an explosion at your target. This spell will attempt to check in with other plugins and prevent an explosion if the area is protected. It's far from perfect, however, so you should still be careful with it. Sure is fun though.
##deathwalk: Kills life around you as you walk.
descend: Causes you to teleport down to the next place you can stand. Shares a cooldown with ascend.
fastgrow*: Causes any sapling you plant to instantly grow into a tree. It uses the actual server tree-generation algorithm, so it makes good trees.
firetools: Causes mined blocks to be instantly smelted, similar to a spell from RuneCraft.
lifewalk: Causes flowers to spring out of the ground around you! (Thanks to Impact for the idea)
lightwalk: Creates a lightblock beneath your feet that moves with you.
mark: Marks your current location for later recall. This by default is a temporary mark, but an option can make it use the player's home position. This means you can take away /sethome and /home and make players use this spell instead!
purge: Instantly kills all animals and monsters near you.
recall: Recalls you to your marked location. This spell has a cooldown.
##stonevision: Allows you to see through stone! (Thanks to Impact for the original idea and some code)
teleport: Teleports you to a specified player's location. This spell has a cooldown.
telehide: Prevents other players from using the teleport spell to teleport to you.
##treetrim: Makes your axe destroy many leaves in one swing.
##vanish*: Causes you to temporarily vanish from sight.
##wand: Allows you to destroy blocks instantly with a swing of your wand.
##wings: Allows you to fly. Kinda. (Thanks to przerwap for letting me use his code for this one.)
##yoink: Steals the item another player is holding. Has a cooldown.
property adjustments, new and adjusted groups, more options, working on buy sell list and adjustment of group commands. Fine tuneing the server working well about to upgrade pc tho :smile.gif:
::admin Stuff::
Server updated notes in upper posts, the above issue was resolved, we are expanding the portal system to cover all the different Biom's should be intresting.
Changed parts of all posts update info mostly.
Created 4th post as a Command list for quick refrance of group color and command usage/function with info.
Several new plugins added - plugin page was rearanged, But new plugins are still at the bottom of each list that it is part of.
Added current world map (11-18)
WhiteList REMOVED open to new members again.
New requierment to get VIP status -stated in OP
New server utilitys Player rollback and loggin enabled you are watched from login.
New builder plugins added for roads and doors WATCH the videos at the plugin page for usage if the commands confuse you.
Default members - i.e. New members will not be able to build- You MUST request VIP to work on our server.
Useing Origonal World started 9/19/10 view map below.
::hMod (b126e) With Many Plugins::
Current player cap @ 20
Auto World-backup every hour!
Whitelist DISABLED, First time users /default will have no construction/destruction powers untill they apply for VIP status.
This is a Freebuild (if you have the Resources) and Explore World. Some Kits have been made for starters and other stuff.
List of active Plugins with some info on post 2, command list on post 4. Ill keep updating this post 2, 3 and 4 with information and commands.
This is a no grief server .
Rules are in the /Motd or /rules
Server Rules as follows
1)If you didnt Build it, DO NOT destroy it.
2)If you didnt place it, Do Not take it.
3)If there is a door its probably not yours.
4)No Hacking or Dupeing.
5)Do not Grief.
Breaking thies Rules will cause us to use the Ban-Stick.
VIP status is requiered for many of the plugin features (see below, requierment listed on plugin post), If you want VIP Post your game name here with a statement as to what we will do if you break the rules listed above, and I will add you to the list, Or ask ingame and If I'm there ill set you up if you can answer me that question.
Server ip:
User Stats Page ... stats.html
Online Status pages ... iew&id=615
New ip posted below also on last post.
## are plugins that are disabled currently due to a bug or error, these mods will be reinabled or changed, once working on the Test server.
hMod (b126e) server Mod = viewtopic.php?f=1012&t=23340
Hey0 server Mod, many functions and plugin manager.
*Pre-release beta*
Mods added:
## Removed not needed for bucket fix # LlamaCraft = viewtopic.php?f=1012&t=23483&hilit=bucket+fix
Bucket & Furnace fix ++various other fixes and changes.
Will keep checking, if needed will reinstall this plugin/mod. Looking more and more like this mod will not be needed again.
##RuneCraft = viewtopic.php?f=1012&t=29244
Magic rune (block pattern) system. If you don't know read up there is alot to it.
not used enough to keep updating the files.
Plugins in Use: Consistantly changing and updating.
flyRidgeFly =
Get a feather, R-click it on a block, and flap away. 5 flaps per wing.
GraplingHook =
Make a fishingrod, gather up some string and go hillclimbing.
MonoPort =
Kinsa fishy, But if you got whats needed you will get zapped to your destination..(or so you hope...)
Chest security read it, to know how to use it.
Lock down your chests. Make sure to set a sign so no one places items in a locked chest and loses their stuff.
vminecraftPlugin =
Ever wanted funcky chat? we got that come check it out.
MagicTricks =
Nifty tricks you can do with a wand?
MagicSpells =
Mort things you can do with a stick and more.
See post after commands for spells and usage.
DSMail =
Send your friend mail, even when they are not online.
vip can send - default can recive
Flying -
Move around on a floating platform, Make platforms and more.
DungeonMaker =
You can auto create Dungeons with this thing. Really...
ThrowBuild =
Toss Blocks with Q and they stick on your pointer.
ChestCapsule =
Incase your chest in bed rock for security.
Usage Inquier ingame.
Currently limited to 5 chests per player.
Greenwood =
Plant the best forests around, and watch it grow again and again .
iStick =
Soo much more than a stick. It's iStick!
RoadWalker =
Build a road with walls ? and options.
BlockDoor =
Build all sort of moving block doors and walls with triggers.
NaoMod = ... d#pid13200
Bulk block removal of any kind block in any size area and warptimer /limiter.
Clean Inventory =
Utility, I got all your STUFFS.
Invisablitymode =
just what it says. Im soo sneeky..
Background Utilitys:
autobackup.bat set for 60 mins cycles now.
SaveReloadPlugin = Server utility
Now with announcment.
CombatPVE =
So you can kill them critters and more.
May be broken currently.
Session Protect =
Server utillity anti dupe mesure
No double logging here and Dont use that last inventory slot or you'll lose stuff.
Whoisonline =
Get the Who list on log in.
TnT limit =
Limiting all tnt usage. you can not have more than 5 blocks of tnt placed
Daylight =
Server utility
A 3hr night is set currently, Creeps are still spawning and the monster trap is over flowing..
LogBlock =
Server Utility
Block Tracking system - you Block it I see it.
MCStats =
Server Utility
Online player stats page -local- url in OP.
BigBrother =
Severe security
Watching you all the time w/Rollback.
##MasterServerPlugin =
Server Utility / online listing and stats
unsure may cause bugs currently.
I give little justice to the functionality of most of thies mods and plugins, But thats it in short. Read up if you must know more or log in and try them out.
Thank you, Hey0 and all the Crazy plugin and mod writers out there.
Zydoo of BlockLords.
Up and running well, have a few members sofar, looking for more so come join us.
Many projects currently are active, We still have plenty of room to grow for all.
Comments removed , Not needed anymore.
::Our current World:: 11/2
::Our current World:: 11/9
::Our current World:: 11/10
::Our current World:: 11/15
::Our current World:: 11/18
::Our current World:: 12/6
Listed commands by group, Each group can use commands from lower groups. i.e. sip user can use all commands listed, vip can not use sip commands but can use all default commands, default can only use commands from its group list.
Format will be Group and color then, /command - functions - usage - need to know info.
Be sure If you use a command that needs to be turned off that you do so, Most will disable on logout but some Don't.
When new plugins are turned on with features users can use, I will update this list.
##admins## N/A (Purple)
##super## N/A (Off Red)
##mods## N/A (Light Blue)
##sip## (Off Dark Blue)
/adminchat -command followed by message - for chatting to only sip group and higher groups.
/fabulous -command followed bt message - Multi color chat for fun.
/dungeon -command no arguments - will build random sized dungeon under you with a random chest possably.
/setwarp -command followed by locationname - sets a warp point at your location listed by name given -/setwarp lake - makes a warp point called lake. You can not bring up the warp list so remember your personal warp locations. do not spam warp locations or I'll start deleting them.
/kick -command followed by username - will kick that player off the server temporarly.
/tphere -command followed by username - will teleport player to you.
/eviltorch -command no arguments - a redstone torch to follow you around - use command again to turn off.
/frost -command no arguments - frost will cover what you walk on and freeze water - use command again to turn off - carefull around water it can cause trouble.
/heat -command no arguments - melts all snow/ice you are around - use command again to turn off.
/flyoff -command only here so users could disable flight which they dont have the command to start anyhow.
/plant -command no arguments - once active plant tree sprouts they should grow nicely - use command again to turn off.
/uproot -command no arguments - Any sapling (or base of a tree trunk) that you destroy while this mode is active will be removed from the replanting list.
/is -command no arguments - click a block and you will get that block - use command again to turn off.
/isb -command block-id - will place selected block at your pointer, useing blocks from your inventory. - use command again to turn off - /isb 20 - would place glass at your pointer location If you have glass to use.
##vip## (Light Green)
/hp -command no arguments - shows your current server side HP value.
/Togglewho -command no arguments - remove your self from the /wholist.
/tp -command username - teleports you to that user.
/bubble -command no arguments - creates a glass bubble around you. Warning will remove Glass you come in contact with. - use command again to turn off.
/mailsend -command username message? - will create a mail sent to the user even if offline.
/spawn -command no arguments - will teleport you to the server spawn point/ start point.
/warp -command location - will warp you to the location listed - this group does not have setwarp so they will need to rely on user lists of personal warp locations.
/compass -command no arguments - Reports the direction your faceing.
/magictorch -command no arguments - a torch will follow you around. - use command again to turn off.
/magicladder -command no arguments - after use and ladder in hand click where you want the ladder , it will use only the stock of ladders you have in your inventory. - use command again to turn off.
/rain -command no arguments - will make water fall on your head - use command again to turn off.
/xray -command no arguments - will allow you to see through things like they are glass. - use command again to turn off.
/hover -command no arguments - will place a water block under you that will allow you wo scale walls. -use command again to turn off.
/flowerchild -command no agruments - Flowers will sprout up where you walk. - use command again to turn off.
/familiar -command no arguments - summon a critter to follow you around. - use command again to unsummon critter.
/who -command no arguments - reports members online if not blocked.
/left -command no arguments - reports how many more TNT you can place befor you need to blow up the ones you have already placed.
/isn -command no arguments - will remove block you click your stick on but will not return any blocks.
/throwbuild -command no arguments - once active hold a block you want to place and hit "Q" that will throw a block to stick where your pointer is located. - use command again to turn off.
##pip## (White)
/kit -command several options - will show kit list and allow you to summon that kit of items for use.
/playerlist -stock /who list - will report players online even if blocked by /togglewho
/sethome -command no arguments - sets a warp point for your home only you can use.
/home -command no arguments - will send you to your set home location.
##default## (Grey)
/rules -command no arguments - reports server rules list and other things.
/mail -command usage ? - to recieve mail that has been sent to you.
/help -command with pagenumber - shows ingame command list with some descriptions - /help , /help 2 or /help 3 up to the page you have max, most will be 6-8 pages /help 8.
/me -command function ?
/msg -command username message - will send a private message to the user listed.
/motd -command no arguments - lists log in message
/tell -stock PM command same as /msg I think.
/m -command usage ? another message command?
/roadwalker -Command function here
•/road - Toggles road creation on and off
•/rset [option] [value] - Sets option for your current road building session
•/rundo - undo your latest road
•/rredo - redo your lastest road
rset options and values: (all of these have defaults in
•road [block type] - set the block type for the road surface
•wall [block type] - set the block type for walls
•wall [on|off] - turn on or off the creation of walls
•ceiling [block type] - set the block type for ceiling
•ceiling [on|off] - turn on or off the creation of ceiling
•tunnel [on|off] - turn on or off the creation of tunnels
•width [#] - how many blocks wide the road surface will be (walls will be build 1 block wider on either side if needed)
•height [#] - how many blocks high the tunnel will be
•distance [#] - how far in front of you the road will start building
/BlockDoor -command functions here
•/ddoor <doorname> (or /blockdoor) - This creates a door with the given name and starts door selection. Right click two blocks to select the door region.
•/dtrig [triggername] This starts trigger selection. Right click to select a trigger block, which will toggle the door when right clicked.
•/dfill [doorname] <blockid> - Sets the specified door to be made of the given block. (COMMAND NAME CHANGED)
•/dzone [zonename] - This creates a trigger zone which toggles the door when you enter or exit. Right click two blocks to select the zone region.
•/dtoggle [doorname] - Toggles the specified door. This state is also what is saved to file, and will be the state when the plugin reloads.
•/dzero [zonename] - Zeroes the occupant count in zones (sometimes loses track of people - zones only trigger on first player in and last player out)
•/dlist - Lists all doors, zones, and triggers you created.
•/dlist - Lists all doors, zones, and triggers.
•/ddel <door/trigger/zone> <doorname> - Deletes specified door, trigger, or zone
•/dlink <trigger/zone> <triggername> <doorname> <toggle/open/close> - This is the new way of connecting triggers and zones to a give door (or doors). It adds a little extra work for your basic doors, but makes it a LOT more flexible.
IF you find a command you can't use in your group or that seems borken please inform me here.
Thanks and Enjoy
Thise spells can be learned in the Mossy cobble castle
## represents spells not available
ascend: Causes you to teleport up to the next place you can stand. Shares a cooldown with descend.
blink: Teleports you to your targeted location.
##boom*: Causes an explosion at your target. This spell will attempt to check in with other plugins and prevent an explosion if the area is protected. It's far from perfect, however, so you should still be careful with it. Sure is fun though.
##deathwalk: Kills life around you as you walk.
descend: Causes you to teleport down to the next place you can stand. Shares a cooldown with ascend.
fastgrow*: Causes any sapling you plant to instantly grow into a tree. It uses the actual server tree-generation algorithm, so it makes good trees.
firetools: Causes mined blocks to be instantly smelted, similar to a spell from RuneCraft.
lifewalk: Causes flowers to spring out of the ground around you! (Thanks to Impact for the idea)
lightwalk: Creates a lightblock beneath your feet that moves with you.
mark: Marks your current location for later recall. This by default is a temporary mark, but an option can make it use the player's home position. This means you can take away /sethome and /home and make players use this spell instead!
purge: Instantly kills all animals and monsters near you.
recall: Recalls you to your marked location. This spell has a cooldown.
##stonevision: Allows you to see through stone! (Thanks to Impact for the original idea and some code)
teleport: Teleports you to a specified player's location. This spell has a cooldown.
telehide: Prevents other players from using the teleport spell to teleport to you.
##treetrim: Makes your axe destroy many leaves in one swing.
##vanish*: Causes you to temporarily vanish from sight.
##wand: Allows you to destroy blocks instantly with a swing of your wand.
##wings: Allows you to fly. Kinda. (Thanks to przerwap for letting me use his code for this one.)
##yoink: Steals the item another player is holding. Has a cooldown.
::Admin stuff::
property adjustments, new and adjusted groups, more options, working on buy sell list and adjustment of group commands. Fine tuneing the server working well about to upgrade pc tho :smile.gif:
This rule has not been enforced, and a corrupt admin has kicked me for complaining that some members had been duping.
EDIT: May have been just a server restart or crash*
Here are some screenshots. ... /Dupe1.png ... /Dupe3.png ... /dupe4.png ... /Dupe5.png
I would like Zydoo to personally deal with this, thanks.
::admin Stuff::
Server updated notes in upper posts, the above issue was resolved, we are expanding the portal system to cover all the different Biom's should be intresting.
come enjoy :smile.gif:
Many things are changing, new maps posted.
Whitelist Enforced from now on. All current users will need to ask to be added to the white list.
Everyone has been Demoted to VIP that was higher.
Several names added to the ban list.
New world map to be posted shortly.
Extended Power Outage
curently having a world issue may need to roll it back a bit not sure yet
::Edit:: not a world issue it was one of the plugins :sad.gif:
Server back up.
still working on it tho..
server plugins have been sorted all is back to normal other than down one server status page >.< no worries im sure itll be fixed soon.
Enjoy Alls.
Lawl umm may be two status pages ... dont take my sig banner for truth atm??? seems they are both being affected xD...... :sad.gif:((((((
Changed parts of all posts update info mostly.
Created 4th post as a Command list for quick refrance of group color and command usage/function with info.
Several new plugins added - plugin page was rearanged, But new plugins are still at the bottom of each list that it is part of.
Added current world map (11-18)
WhiteList REMOVED open to new members again.
New requierment to get VIP status -stated in OP
New server utilitys Player rollback and loggin enabled you are watched from login.
New builder plugins added for roads and doors WATCH the videos at the plugin page for usage if the commands confuse you.
Default members - i.e. New members will not be able to build- You MUST request VIP to work on our server.
Server IP change
online and updated.
New plugins to come once i warm up a bit.
Contact me on msn @zip261@hotmail. im logged in atm and will be for abit.