
About Me
Ummmm........ I like tea. So if you ever wanna get me a present then get me some Twinings Irish Breakfast. My favourite colour is black, 'cuz it's really symbolic to me and stuff. I love Harry Potter, and I'm in Ravenclaw(I wanna be in Gryffindor, but Ravenclaw fits me better, or so everyone who knows me says lol 'cuz they think I'm smart). I ramble on a lot, and tend to cause awkward points in conversations. Beans are disgusting, especially refried ones.

Sometimes when I'm bored or whatever I get all random and stuff and say weird things and insult people saying stuff I don't mean and stuff....... yea I think I have something wrong with me too.
Santa is a convict, no matter what people say. I think that he runs the North Pole with a dictatorship, making all the elves work overtime, in that stuffy factory with no potty breaks. I think he's been in prison too, 'cuz he breaks into people's houses and steals their food. He's immortal though, so the 7 year sentence didn't do much, at least I don't think it did. I mean he'll never die, so what's 7 years? I'm like, 'Hide yo' kids, Hide yo' wife' on Christmas Eve. ;p
Ever heard of The Fae? Well they love cake and tea, so if you ever make any cake and tea and have some left over, put it outside on a plate and they'll gobble it up and you'll be on good terms with them forever. Do it a lot too. But never, whatever you do invite them inside your house. They'll run rampant all over the place. Your house is the only place that's safe from them. I mean, their not bad, but sometimes they go coocoo in the head and just lose it. There are also some bad faeries, too, but mostly good. I wish I could see one someday. ):

lol ;p but I seriously do believe in Faeries. Santa can go take a hike up to The Tower Of London for all I care.

Ummmm...... I talk-type, which normally means like I type what I'm thinking, I mean like I type exactly how I talk with all the 'Umms' and 'likes'. I believe in the chaos theory or whatever it is called, basically it means that everything has an effect on something else, like for example a butterlfly's wing beating in Japan has an effect on a tsunami in India(hopefully there aren't any more of those, I don't like it when people get hurt D:). I also am constantly refering back to myself in conversations, and I don't try to do that it just happens, so sorry about that if it annoys you. ): I'm not an egotistical person, and lol my Minecraft name AngelofPoetry is a reference to The Phantom Of The Opera(LOVE), because Erik(The Phantom) is 'The Angel of Music' and I like poetry, so 'AngelofPoetry'. lol I'm not good at writing poetry, btw, but I love reading it. The Lady Of Shalott is AMAZING.

I'm also really lovey-dovey in the way that I call people sweetie and dearest and say xoxo a lot, it's also really hard to not go up to people on the street and hug them because they look like they are having a bad day. Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, it's who I am but if you tell me you don't like it I'll stop or at least try to.

wow this is long and weird and long......... bye for now person who I probably don't know. xoxo Have a really amazing and long life filled with joy, for at least my sake, if not your own.
Interests Music, Minecraft, Elder Scrolls, poetry, Harry Potter, Youtube, Doctor Who, thinking, Wikipedia, trying to set up a server so my sister and I can play Minecraft together(I have a computer disabilty lol ;p), Tea, Chocolate, Pasta, I also have a real talent for finding out what ticks people off and using that to annoy them . :)

Profile Information

Minecraft AngelofPoetry