Minecon Updates; Borderlands 2, Now With...Minecraft?

That'sssss a nice game you have there...

As many of you know, Borderlands 2 launched earlier today. What came as a surprise to many was the surprise introduction of Minecraft cameos in the game - and there's more than just a few in there!

During the course of the Borderlands 2 campaign, fpsgeneral.com guru "NateRios" discovered a plethora of blocky goodness; players will meet some familiar enemies, and have access to customization options from everyone's favorite cross-platform sandbox blockbuster. The creeper above is only one such cameo - there are player customization options, Minecraft blocks in the maps themselves, and more! You can check out the full gallery in the links below.

Also, if you're interested in checking out all that Borderlands 2 has to offer, be sure to take a look at fpsgeneral.com for all things Borderlands, and more!

Speaking of borders, Minecon 2012 Paris tickets have once again sold out today! They are going super-fast, but fear not! Another batch of tickets will be released on Thursday, September 20th at 7:00 PM (19:00) CEST! If you have any plans to hit up Minecon this year at Disneyland Paris, get these tickets before they're gone - there is no telling when more will be released - links below!


BL2 Minecraft gallery: Click here

Borderlands 2 Wiki: Click here

Minecon 2012 Ticket Info: Click here


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