The Forum Has Been Upgraded!

The new forum software has rolled out, and we are all very excited about the new changes! As IPB moves their support to 3.2, so too do we upgrade the forum with some of the latest features, bug-fixes and more that will make the forums even better than before. We will continue to make minor adjustments to the site in the coming days, so expect such changes to pop up from time to time.

Listed below are many of the updates included in today's upgrade - take a look!

Writ 2.0.2
  • Social Networking - You can like your favorite articles on Facebook, twitter, and Google +
  • Rate Articles - Vote for your favorites articles to let our authors know how great it is
  • Watch Articles - You can now track articles and watch them for updates.
  • Active Topic Block - This replaced the recent post block which gives a more accurate recent post history.
  • Forum Filters - Now filter by your favorite forums on the active topic block.
  • Tons of Bug Fixes - We fixed a ton issues that many site leads and users were facing.
  • Stability improvements - We wanted writ to run a bit easier on a site, so we fixed up a ton of things to do just that.
CurseAuth 1.3.0
  • Improved Account Merger - We improved our system just a bit
  • Newsletter Signup - You can now sign up for the Curse Newsletter
  • Stability Improvements - Tidy up the code means the site will run it better
Video System - 1.2.3
  • Youtube Subscription - You can now subscribe to the Curse YT channel
  • Stability Improvements - The video system was a little bloated, so we made it run a little bit better on the site.


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