Minecraft 1.12 Pre-Release 1


We're so close to 1.12 now that we feel like it's time for a pre-release! We expect to have at least another pre-release next week, but if all goes well and no critical bugs are found then a full release is fairly imminent!

A full changelog can be found on the Minecraft Wiki, including a full list of bug fixes.

  • Added new advancements:
    • "A Furious Cocktail"
    • "Postmortal"
    • "Subspace Bubble"
    • "Uneasy Alliance"
  • Advancement trees are now centered in the UI
  • Optimized the recipe book
  • Items & entities in advancements have an extra "nbt" field (string nbt, like in commands)
  • Entities in advancements have an extra "effects" and "location" field
  • Added new "effects_changed", "used_totem", "nether_travel" advancements triggers
  • Removed "commands" from advancement rewards
  • Removed "arbitrary_player_tick" advancement trigger
  • Added "function" to advancement rewards
  • Added new "function" system, plaintext files in world/data/namespace/file.txt
  • Functions are a list of commands, one line per command, with //comment (or #comment) support
  • Added new "/function namespace:file" command
  • Added new gamerule "gameLoopFunction", a function to be executed once per tick
  • Added "hidden" field to advancement display info, defaults to false

To get snapshots, open your launcher and go to the "launch options" tab. Check the box saying "Enable snapshots" and save. To switch between the snapshot and normal version, you can find a new dropdown menu next to the "Play" button. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (In the "launch options" page).


Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com.


Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.


Share your thoughts on how 1.12 is shaping up in the comments below!