Minceraft Easter Eggs: There Are Many


For some, today is Easter! While we could spend some time talking about eggs, bunnies, or other related things, it seems like a wonderful time to talk about another sort of Easter Egg - Minecraft ones! There have been many Easter Eggs over the years - some obvious, some weirdly subtle - and this is a collection of only some of these!


  • Missingno: if the splashes.txt file is removed without deleting META-INF, Minecraft's title screen splash text will only read "missingno", a referential nod to an early Pokemon glitch of the same name
  • Naming any mob "Dinnerbone" or "Grumm" (first letter must be capitalized) using a name tag or a renamed spawn egg will cause it to turn upside-down

  • Naming a sheep "jeb_" (must have underscore) using a name tag or a renamed spawn egg will cause it to appear to constantly fade through all colors
  • There is a 0.01% chance that the title screen will display "Minceraft" instead of "Minecraft"
  • When the ogg for record disc 11 is converted to wave and run through a spectrogram, an image is created (believed to be Steve's head, and C418's signature)
  • "Achievement get!" is a reference to the Japanese video game Super Mario Sunshine. When mistranslated into English, the collecting of a "shine" would be proclaimed with the words "Shine get!"

There are quite a few others. How many have you found? Have you found one that isn't documented yet? Tell us about it!