SethBling Presents: Missile Wars!

SethBling and CubeHamster have come up with an incredible game mode for you and your friends to enjoy, called Missile Wars! The premise is simple - two teams on opposing sides of a field have to launch different types of missiles at the other side's base. The team that destroys the other side's portal first wins! Seems simple, right? Like any good game mode, it is very easy to learn, but tricky to master...

Seth let me test out this game mode before it went live, and it is nothing short of incredible. Once the game starts, you will get random spawn eggs in your toolbar, which will spawn a missile when placed against a solid surface. There are many types of missiles - some fast, some with bigger explosions, some that specialize in punching through barriers, and so on - as well as other special objects, like fireballs to shoot down missiles, portable barriers to block them, and more. Clever players can even ride missiles they spawn to the other side, and spawn new missiles on the one they are riding, for a nice tactical surprise! Of course, you could end up on a missile that gets shot down, and that never ends well.

This game mode is very intense, and it will keep your entertained for hours. Want to give it a shot? Get the map here, and see just how good you are at Missile Wars!