
Interests Well I guess if you are reading this, you want to know more about me. This also means that i'm gaining quite a reputation on the Minecraft forums so yay! Well anyways my name is Brodie and I live in Cincinnati Ohio. I've been into gaming ever since I was about 4 years old maybe and have been obsessed with it ever since. I first discovered Minecraft in about 2009 or 2010, but I never really started playing untill around early 2012. Now I am truly obsessed with this game and know just about everything there is to know about it. Orgin of name: I've heard about Minecraft forums from friends and websites so I decided to check it out. Then I decided to create an account. I didn't think I would be keeping this account, and I really didn't think I would stay for too long on it. I skimmed through threads, made a few posts, and got addicted. If I knew I would be on here all the time, I would've decided to make a more clever and cool username. Well I got the name from my friends Minecraft world. He had a village and one of the resturaunts' name's were "XPLODING PORKCHOPZ!!!!!". This made me laugh every time I saw it, and eventually I made it my username. My gamertag however is "Mr Brotastic" only because my name is Brodie, so... yeah. Some of my gaming interests would be Minecraft of course, Halo, Fallout, Portal and the Elder Scrolls series. While these remain as my favorite games, I do enjoy just about every type of game there is. The only types of games I don't really enjoy are Japenese games. They never really caught my attention or made me want to buy them. The top categories in gaming I enjoy would be first person shooters, RPGs, puzzle games and strategy games.

Profile Information

Minecraft realbrotastic Xbox Mr Brotastic