• 0

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Quote from Xyvius

    would also need to DL the Git software?

    Yes, you would have to fork the SimpleServer repository on github and install git on your computer. Take a look at github's help pages if you're interested. (I recommend using github even for your personal projects.)

    Quote from Xyvius

    Any other constructive comments concerning the above would also be appreciated...

    I would advise you to start off with a simpler project than SimpleServer, especially if you're not familiar with object oriented programming at all. SimpleServer is not very well designed and the source code is a mess in certain places (StreamTunnel, I'm looking at you), so don't think this is how you should build your own projects in the future. Further, most of the problems iBotPeaches currently has to deal with have little to do with programming itself and rather require him to debug quirks in the minecraft protocol which isn't very well designed either (it's a bit better in 1.7).
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Quote from Apendrag0n3

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: simpleserver/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

    You're using a very old version of Java and ginbot86 appears to have compiled it against a newer one. Just update to JRE 7 and everything should work fine. (You should do that anyway, JRE 5 is extremely outdated.)
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Here is the official update: SimpleServer 8.4.7

    If you already downloaded iBotPeaches' build and don't rely on bots you don't need to update to this version.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Quote from yrthilian

    Ok so i have been trying to get this workng on a clean server install
    mostly there but have one major issue.

    The simpleserver keeps changing online-mode=true to false
    and leave the server open.

    This is a major flaw as i can see it.

    in this you can see it is set to true

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM "http://simpleserver..../config.2.dtd">
    <property name="announceBackup">true</property>
    <property name="announceRestart">true</property>
    <property name="announceSave">true</property>
    <property name="areaMaxX">50</property>
    <property name="areaMaxZ">50</property>
    <property name="autoBackup">true</property>
    <property name="autoBackupMins">30</property>
    <property name="autoRestart">false</property>
    <property name="autoRestartMins">240</property>
    <property name="autoSave">false</property>
    <property name="autoSaveMins">5</property>
    <property name="chatConsoleToOps">false</property>
    <property name="chatToConsole">true</property>
    <property name="custAuth">false</property>
    <property name="debug">false</property>
    <property name="defaultGroup">1</property>
    <property name="exitOnFailure">true</property>
    <property name="forwardAllCommands">true</property>
    <property name="forwardChat">false</property>
    <property name="keepBackupHours">24</property>
    <property name="localChatRadius">30</property>
    <property name="logMessageFormat">%1$s->%2$s\: %3$s</property>
    <property name="logMessages">true</property>
    <property name="maxPlayers">16</property>
    <property name="meCommandFormat"> * %1$s%3$s%2$s</property>
    <property name="msgFormat">§%3$s<%1$s>§f</property>
    <property name="msgForwardFormat">%2$s</property>
    <property name="msgTitleFormat">§%3$s<[%2$s]%1$s>§f</property>
    <property name="msgWrap">true</property>
    <property name="onlineMode">true</property>
    <property name="serverDescription">A server running SimpleServer</property>
    <property name="serverLanguage">en</property>
    <property name="showListOnConnect">false</property>
    <property name="useMsgFormats">true</property>
    <property name="useWhitelist">false</property>
    <property name="xmlInlineAttributes">true</property>
    <property name="xmlPCDATA">true</property>

    <player group="5">yrthilian</player>

    <ip group="5"></ip>

    <group id="0" name="Guest" color="f" showTitle="true"/>
    <group id="1" name="Player" color="f"/>
    <group id="2" name="Trusted" color="9"/>
    <group id="3" name="Mod" color="9" ignoreChestLocks="true"/>
    <group id="4" name="Admin" color="2" ignoreChestLocks="true" ignoreAreas="true"/>
    <group id="5" name="Owner" color="3" ignoreChestLocks="true" ignoreAreas="true"/>

    <command name="addevent" allow="5"/>
    <command name="area" allow="0+"/>
    <command name="areasay" allow="0+" alias="a"/>
    <command name="back" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="backup" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="ban" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="banip" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="chat" allow="1+" alias="c"/>
    <command name="dimension" allow="0+" alias="d"/>
    <command name="enchant" allow="4+" alias="e"/>
    <command name="gamemode" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="give" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="giveplayer" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="global" allow="0+"/>
    <command name="gps" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="group" allow="0+" alias="g"/>
    <command name="help" allow="0+" alias="commands"/>
    <command name="home" allow="1+">
    <argument allow="4+">inspect</argument>
    <command name="iddqd" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="kick" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="kit" allow="1+" alias="kits"/>
    <command name="listips" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="local" allow="0+" alias="l"/>
    <command name="lock" allow="1+"/>
    <command name="login" allow="0+"/>
    <command name="me" allow="0+"/>
    <command name="motd" allow="0+"/>
    <command name="mute" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="myarea" allow="2+"/>
    <command name="mystats" allow="1+"/>
    <command name="rcon" allow="5+"/>
    <command name="read" allow="0+"/>
    <command name="register" allow="1+" alias="passwd"/>
    <command name="reload" allow="4+" forward="true"/>
    <command name="reply" allow="1+" alias="r"/>
    <command name="restart" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="rollback" allow="5+"/>
    <command name="rules" allow="0+"/>
    <command name="save" allow="4+" forward="true"/>
    <command name="servertime" allow="0+"/>
    <command name="setgroup" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="setipgroup" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="setopt" allow="5+"/>
    <command name="spawn" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="stop" allow="-"/>
    <command name="teleport" allow="4+" alias="tp"/>
    <command name="tell" allow="1+" alias="t"/>
    <command name="time" allow="0+">
    <argument allow="4+">*</argument>
    <command name="toggledownfall" allow="4+" alias="rain"/>
    <command name="unban" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="unbanip" allow="4+"/>
    <command name="unlock" allow="1+"/>
    <command name="unmute" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="unwhitelist" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="visit" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="warp" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="warpmeto" allow="3+" alias="tpto"/>
    <command name="warpto" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="warptome" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="whitelist" allow="3+"/>
    <command name="who" allow="0+" alias="list"/>
    <command name="xp" allow="4+"/>

    <allblocks place="1+" destroy="1+" use="1+"/>

    in this it is set to true

    #Some of the options which used to be here are now stored in config.xml
    #Sat Nov 24 10:12:15 GMT 2012

    in this it is set to false and no matter how i edit any of the files this keeps changing to false

    #Minecraft server properties
    #Sat Nov 24 10:12:16 GMT 2012

    NOTE the server console tells me this

    2012-11-24 10:12:16 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file.
    2012-11-24 10:12:16 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
    2012-11-24 10:12:16 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.

    Setting onlineMode to true in config.xml is enough for SimpleServer to authenticate your players. Authentication will always be disabled for the vanilla server running behind SimpleServer, the only bug you found is that the warning no longer gets suppressed.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    I just updated SimpleServer for Minecraft 1.4.4, you can download the new version on github.

    SimpleServer 8.4.6 should work with Forge, the easiest was to install it is to put the Forge zip file into a folder called plugins and activating the enablePlugins option in simpleserver.properties.

    In case you missed it, SimpleServer now comes with an improved backup and rollback system. Visit our wiki for more information.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Here's a pre-release of SimpleServer 8.4.5 for Minecraft 1.4.2. I will do a full release in a few days if nobody encounters any severe bugs.

    • Fixed backup bug
    • Fixed XP command
    • Revised and improved backup system
    • Added rollback feature

    Attention Bukkit users
    From now on, you must use bukkits "world-container" option for usage with SimpleServer.
    See the bukkit section in our wiki for details. This makes sure that even with multiple worlds (addon Multiverse) all worlds are considered for backup/rollback.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    SimpleServer 8.4.4 (for Minecraft 1.3.1) can now be downloaded here. I am releasing this version one day early because I won't have time to do so tomorrow.

    Improvements to the event scripting system:
    • in event xml element: type="plate|button" replaces isbutton attribute
    • in area xml element: onenter + onleave attributes replaced by event attribute
    • Removed #CURRTIME special variable -> replaced by currtime stack operator
    • almost all commands/flow control structures support postfix expressions where it makes sense
    • Change argument passing for called events... now using Array + multiple assignment to retrieve
    • All events return a value (if none, then empty array), return command accepts values -> non-void
    • -> makes thread-stack usage move more into the background, language more usable
    • improved single-quote escape behaviour
    • New commands: npc, npckill
    • new operators: Acontains, Aexplode, getplayers, isinarea, getcoord, currtime, getitemalias, getitemid
    • removed give command -> use execcmd #PLAYER give ...
    • execcmd requires now a player name as first argument
    New: Shops

    Along with SimpleServer 8.4.4 comes a new feature: in game shops.

    This has nothing to do with the trading system of Minecraft 1.3, it is a
    stand-alone feature of SimpleServer.

    Shops make it possible to trade Minecraft items against "credits", now the currency on SimpleServer.
    The players interact with vendor bots that show up in the world.
    Everything about shops like position, items available, stock sizes and prices can be
    set individually when defining a shop.

    The shop system is based on the SimpleServer event scripting system,
    so shops are scripting code inside the "config.xml" file.

    Anyway, creating shops is very easy because we designed
    a tool for it: ShopTool.

    So try it out and get started quickly: ShopTool Quickstart-guide

    For SimpleServer specific information (credits, how to use shops, ...) consult the "Usage" section of the Wiki page.

    As this is something new, we would appreciate any feedback on shops and ShopTool.
    Please use the new SimplerServer - ShopTool forum thread for this.
    For bug reports on ShopTool please use the Github issue system (see project page).

    We hope you enjoy the new feature!
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Quote from Chase817

    Hey guys, this has probably been asked before, but is there any way to set it so certian commands are not forwarded to the server?

    This is the default setting for all SimpleServer commands.

    Quote from Chase817

    Another thing I was wondering is when we'll be able to turn off, or edit the settings of the auto ip-bans.

    There is currently no such setting.

    Quote from Wolfensteijn

    I'm trying to get Simpleserver to work with the weekly snapshots, but I can't get it work completely.

    First of, Simpleserver with 1.2.5 works flawlessly. The server runs, I can login and explore the world. No issue's at all. Running vanilla minecraft_server from snapshots 12w23a 23b and 27a also works flawlessly. Server runs, and I can connect without any problem.

    Then the problem, when I run one of the mentioned snapshots with Simpleserver, it runs on the server, the client is able to see the server. But when I try to connect I'm getting a timeout. And I can't figure out why.

    This is the error message I get in the Simpleserver console.
    [SimpleServer] IP Connection from!
    2012-07-09 20:47:34 [INFO] Disconnecting / Took too long to log in
    [SimpleServer] java.io.EOFException
    [SimpleServer] PlayerStream error handling traffic for
    java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
    [SimpleServer] Socket Closed:

    I am open to suggestions.

    btw. This is with snapshot 12w23b. Because that should be protocol version 35, the latest one which is supported by Simpleserver. Or I am missing something there :)

    Each SimpleServer build only supports a single protocol version. If you want to use it with version 35 you have to build the source on github yourself.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    The enchantment system got fixed in today's snapshot, so most mods will work again when 1.3 drops. I might even implement custom packets of popular mods which don't use then intended mechanisms (RedPower, I'm looking at you).
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Quote from Pyrii

    Tried this out with a modded vanilla server and it seems it's a not-so-transparent proxy. If you don't understand a packet, forward it tot he server ffs.

    [SimpleServer] IP Connection from!
    2012-06-14 12:51:21 [INFO] Pyrii [/] logged in with entity id 95 at (771.6434701999727, 65.0, -60.662306203615216)
    [SimpleServer] java.io.IOException: Unable to parse unknown ServerStream packet 0x62 for player Pyrii (after 0x20
    [SimpleServer] ServerStream error handling traffic for (20)
    [SimpleServer] Socket Closed:
    java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
    2012-06-14 12:51:51 [INFO] Pyrii lost connection: disconnect.genericReason
    [SimpleServer] java.io.EOFException
    [SimpleServer] PlayerStream error handling traffic for (1)
    [SimpleServer] Socket Closed:

    It's a shame as it seems like it could add alot of missing functionality for vanilla modded servers, but it's refusal to work with mods and lack of documentation I'm finding are major hindrances.

    Unfortunately minecraft network packets are not prefixed with a length field, making it impossible to forward unknown packets. Also, there are currently some issues with the enchanting system which should be fixed in the 1.3 update. After the mentioned update all mods based on ModLoaderMP and MCForge should work again, assuming they use the networking functionality of those two mod frameworks.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Quote from Lockhead

    Any hints on a wrong setting, /home and /spawn is not working (InGame Error: Teleport failed), but /warp and his siblings works fine.

    I have the following setup on Linux:
    • SimpleServer 8.4.3
    • CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R4.1 (#2225)
      • WorldBorder 1.5.4
      • DynMap 0.40-1169
      • WorldEdit v1173-50b7ef0
    config.xml (whitout user settings)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM "" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">http://simpleserver.ceilingcat.ch/resources/config.2.dtd&quot;&gt;
    	<property name="announceBackup">false</property>
    	<property name="announceRestart">true</property>
    	<property name="announceSave">false</property>
    	<property name="areaMaxX">50</property>
    	<property name="areaMaxZ">50</property>
    	<property name="autoBackup">true</property>
    	<property name="autoBackupMins">30</property>
    	<property name="autoRestart">false</property>
    	<property name="autoRestartMins">240</property>
    	<property name="autoSave">false</property>
    	<property name="autoSaveMins">5</property>
    	<property name="chatConsoleToOps">false</property>
    	<property name="chatToConsole">true</property>
    	<property name="custAuth">false</property>
    	<property name="debug">false</property>
    	<property name="defaultGroup">0</property>
    	<property name="exitOnFailure">true</property>
    	<property name="forwardAllCommands">false</property>
    	<property name="forwardChat">false</property>
    	<property name="keepBackupHours">24</property>
    	<property name="localChatRadius">30</property>
    	<property name="logMessageFormat">%1$s-&gt;%2$s\: %3$s</property>
    	<property name="logMessages">true</property>
    	<property name="maxPlayers">64</property>
    	<property name="meCommandFormat"> * %1$s%3$s%2$s</property>
    	<property name="msgFormat">§%3$s&lt;%1$s&gt;§f</property>
    	<property name="msgForwardFormat">%2$s</property>
    	<property name="msgTitleFormat">§%3$s&lt;[%2$s]%1$s&gt;§f</property>
    	<property name="msgWrap">true</property>
    	<property name="onlineMode">true</property>
    	<property name="serverDescription"></property>
    	<property name="serverLanguage">en</property>
    	<property name="showListOnConnect">true</property>
    	<property name="useMsgFormats">true</property>
    	<property name="useWhitelist">false</property>
    	<property name="xmlInlineAttributes">true</property>
    	<property name="xmlPCDATA">true</property>
    	<!-- Players -->
    	<!-- Groups -->
    	<!-- Commands -->
    	<command name="addevent" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="area" allow="1+"/>
    	<command name="areasay" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="back" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="backup" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="ban" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="banip" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="chat" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="dimension" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="enchant" allow="2+" alias="e"/>
    	<command name="gamemode" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="give" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="giveplayer" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="global" allow="1+"/>
    	<command name="gps" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="group" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="help" allow="0+"/>
    	<command name="home" allow="1+"/>
    	<command name="iddqd" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="kick" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="kit" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="listips" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="local" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="lock" allow="1+"/>
    	<command name="login" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="me" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="motd" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="mute" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="myarea" allow="1+"/>
    	<command name="mystats" allow="1+"/>
    	<command name="rcon" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="read" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="register" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="reload" allow="2+" forward="true"/>
    	<command name="reply" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="restart" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="rules" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="save" allow="2+" forward="true"/>
    	<command name="servertime" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="setgroup" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="setipgroup" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="setopt" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="spawn" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="stop" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="teleport" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="tell" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="time" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="toggledownfall" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="unban" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="unbanip" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="unlock" allow="1+"/>
    	<command name="unmute" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="unwhitelist" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="visit" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="warp" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="warpmeto" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="warpto" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="warptome" allow="2+"/>
    	<command name="whitelist" allow="3+"/>
    	<command name="who" allow="3+" alias="list"/>
    	<command name="xp" allow="2+"/>
    	<!-- Blocks -->
    	<allblocks place="1+" destroy="1+" use="1+" give="2+"/>

    Your configuration looks fine and unfortunately I can not reproduce your problems. Sometimes Bukkit plugins overwrite SimpleServer's commands, but as far as I know none of the plugins you're using are doing that. The "Teleporting failed" error is only displayed when a teleporting bot fails to connect to the server which is also done when using the /warp command. Are you sure the /warp command works and not just /warptome and /warpmeto?

    Quote from csau

    Hi, how did you go with next release?

    I updated the master branch to protocol version 35 today.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    The master branch was updated to 12w17a, I skipped a few versions because Grum couldn't make up his mind on which encryption to use (the early ones were exploitable). I will probably update to 12w21b sometime next week.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Quote from chejrw

    Is there any way to coarsen the permissions for warping? I would really like to be able to allow most of my users to USE warp points without being allowed to CREATE warp points.

    Yes, you can do this using an <argument> tag. Have a look at our documentation for an example.

    Quote from chejrw

    Also, is there any way to make the warp warmup and cooldown limits apply to player-to-player warps (!warpmeto and !warptome)? Right now it only applies to !home, they can warp instantly and as often as they like to each other, and the constant warping is really affecting server performance.

    In most cases players shouldn't be allowed to use the /warptome command and should use /visit instead of /warpmeto. Cooldown and warmup apply to the /visit command.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Quote from OnDaClock

    i have gone throught this fourm many times and seen how people have made them self an admin my scripting skills are realy low my dad is a computer tech that runs his own company and i asked him to take a look at the coding he says it looks fine and when i log into the server i'm still set as a guest could i get some help here ? :D

    Your father should have told you to consult the manual:
    To make yourself OWNER: Just type setgroup [PLAYER] 5 into the server console where [PLAYER] is your In-Game-Name.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper 8.4.7 [1.4.6]
    Quote from Aest47

    ya im not familiar with how to build this either. can you please provide instructions how to compile it properly?

    Quote from NeonJ

    I would if I knew how! Haha, my knowledge of java is next to zero. >_<
    Gonna have to wait for the build.

    Quote from NeonJ

    I've also noticed that this program seems to force the spawn to be 0,0 and not the usual spawn. The only time you visit the usual spawn is when you first log on.

    Could there perhaps be a fix for this?

    I don't think that's true, the spawn point isn't altered in any way.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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