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    posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.
    Firstly, excellent work! Yours are some of the most polished and well considered mods out there.

    Secondly, I'd like to see an answer to ^'s question as well.

    Thirdly, can the floodgate be created vertically instead of horizontally? (If not, that functionality should be available.) Also, does the gate block or power block take on the attributes (durability, flammability, etc) of the skin block or just the texture. If not, what are their attributes?

    Finally, would floodgate or light sensor or others conflict with other mods that add block types? (I imagine they might.)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Notch, where is our open source?
    I think I owe a /rant after that :tongue.gif:

    Also: http://xkcd.com/386/

    Sorry guys. I had to get that wall of text out so I could stop being angry.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Notch, where is our open source?
    Infiniminer code is built on XNA and hence is in C# (or it might be C++ - I forgot what Visual Studio said). Minecraft is written in Java and uses LWJGL. I have the source code from the Infiniminer repository. You could not derive Minecraft from Infiniminer source without basically rewriting the entire block engine as well as the packet engine. For example, Infiniminer uses switch statements to figure out which of approximately 12 block types (stored as enums) should be drawn on the screen at any location. Seeing as Minecraft maps use a full byte per block (we have 256 possible block types in Minecraft) it is just not logical to have a 256-case switch statement (if such even existed in Java.) Sorry to the Infiniminer chaps, but their codes is horrendous as far as extensibility goes. As a sub-point, porting C++ or C# to Java is an atrocious task to undertake. Consider all this (I could go on) and the fact that XNA and LWJGL are entirely different API's and we come to the conclusion that no, Minecraft is not stealing code from Infiniminer. Notch wrote his own code. He's proved that he can do so even under pressure (for instance his most recent ludum dare entry and his various demake projects).

    Secondly, Notch has stated that he will make the game open source when he is no longer actively developing it. Yes, sales are relevant. When developing Minecraft ceases to be a profitable use of time, Notch will move his focus to his other (as yet undisclosed) project. This is when we will see our open source Minecraft. (source: http://www.indiegames.com/blog/2010/09/indiegamescom_podcast_2_minecr.html) Yes, this makes me impatient. Yes I would like to see open source Minecraft sooner, but I also can understand Notch's reasoning. If I'm not mistaken, under certain open source licenses, it would be illegal to sell Minecraft any more. Even if Minecraft sold only 1000 copies a week, then that's still 10000 Euros per week, more than enough to pay the bills and certainly not a source of income you'd want to cut off. Secondly, Notch's current development process would greatly hinder any work that a modder would try to accomplish. How can you reasonably stay on track with a mod when the source code is changing weekly? (Huge props to those who have written server mods, though I must disapprove in principal to the reverse-engineering of the code.) Finally, Minecraft is not yet even Beta - how can you hand a game over to the community when you are not yet ready to call the game properly testable?

    Yes, there are things that we want from Notch. He does not answer to us for anything, except to deliver the product that we paid for. Since what we paid for has a feature list that is nebulous (and I am fine with that) Notch is free to deliver the product he chooses. He is not bound by any obligation to release his source code, and certainly not yet in any case.

    Your argument enfuriates me, Kromeh. If you had left it at your original post, I would not have been incensed. Instead you showed us that you are willing to fight to the death over who is right based solely on a minimal amount of information and an injured pride. I believe you owe us (the Minecraft community) and Notch an apology once you can stomach the idea that you just might have been wrong.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Famous Minecraft Last Words
    "I feel like exploring!"
    (Infdev maps are LARGE.)

    "That should be a big enough marker!"
    (A friend got lost and died 5 times in a row.)

    "Alright, no way the lava can flow out of there!"
    (It did. I almost flooded my entire mine from above. The mess took 3 full stacks of sand to clean up.)

    "This is my safe room - it's perfectly safe."
    (Yet somehow a skeleton managed to spawn in a brightly lit, airtight-sealed room)

    "I don't need any more torches yet..."

    "This is a big cave..."

    "Oooo sand-scaffolding!"
    http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?t=11523(It actually works really well if you don't fall off.)

    "It should be taller..."

    "I can survive that drop on peaceful..."

    "I'm just going mining, I don't need ladders."

    "Zombies can't climb ladders."
    (I was explaining this to a friend as a zombie did just that.)

    "I'll just burn down this one tree."
    (Bye bye forest.)

    "I wonder how lava flows work."
    (In a deadly deadly fickle manner.)

    "I hope this shaft doesn't surface underwater."
    (Suddenly the shaft was pitch black and I was drowning.)

    "I wonder if I can land in that waterfall..."

    "I'll just dig strait down till I hit admininum."

    "There. Now I can't possibly fall off that long ladder again."
    (Ladders terrify me now.)

    "Hey, look!"

    "Hah! A lone creeper!"

    "I wonder how well this armor works..."

    (I usually plummet to my death chasing sheep)

    "How is that sand floating?"

    "I'll fill it with lava!"
    (Never run around with your lava bucket selected. You tend to accidentally click.)
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Interesting things to do with gold?
    Here's an idea that I had for my own SSP game; Temple of the Sun and Temple of the Moon. The only solid plan I have is to fashion a gigantic sun emblem of gold and a moon of iron (let's pretend it's silver.) The look of the temples is completely undecided, but I like the idea of mirrored cathedrals etched into the living rock underground, with large windows that somehow manage to catch the sun and moon at morning or evening. So yeah. Solid gold sun-shaped plaque approx 32x32x1. Go.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Minecarts: Curved Tracks
    I'll admit I have minimal actual experience with minecart tracks - I intend to remedy that immediately. Nevertheless from what I have seen via youtube and the little I have done myself, riding a minecart on a track with frequent turns is a gut-churning experience which needs some attention.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecarts: Curved Tracks
    Let me retract my previous 'less iron for your track' statement. I wasn't thinking straight since 6 iron produces 16 track. If anything the track should cost two more sticks:
    :Iron: :|: :Iron:
    :Iron: :|: :Iron:
    :Iron: :|: :Iron:

    However I abide by my wooden track proposition:
    :wood: :|: :wood:
    :wood: :|: :wood:
    :wood: :|: :wood:
    Maybe wooden track would not allow carts to travel as fast as they do on iron.

    But back to the issue at hand. Curved tracks, people. We NEED these. At least I do.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecarts: Curved Tracks
    It bugs me that minecart tracks can only turn at 90 degree angles, making for very disorienting rides. I would very much like to see curved corner tracks ala Rollercoaster Tycoon (the original). The curved track pieces could be retroactively created in the same wway that stairs currently adjust their directions according to their surroundings.
    To illustrate:
    ( :|: will indicate minecart track laid on ground, [] will symbolize empty ground, all diagrams are birds-eye-view.)

    :|: :|:
    :|: []
    Would create a sharp curve. (This is what we have now, but it would be nice if it was a smooth transition rather than a 90 degree snap.)

    [] :|: :|:
    :|: :|: []
    :|: [] []
    Would create a medium curve.

    [] [] :|: :|:
    [] :|: :|: []
    :|: :|: [] []
    :|: [] [] []
    Would create a wide curve - the largest possible

    [] :|:
    :|: :|:
    :|: []
    Would create an s-bend. (Basically a smooth shift by one block where the track reaches a maximum of 40 degrees deflection from the straight path.)

    Diagonal (45 degree) track would not go amiss either though it would be harder code-wise to differentiate from curved track:
    [] [] [] :|:
    [] [] [] :|:
    [] [] :|: :|:
    [] :|: :|: []
    :|: :|: [] []
    :|: [] [] []
    :|: [] [] []
    As you can see it is virtually indistinguishable from the curves except for the direction of entry and exit. The entry and exit direction on the large curve would be perpendicular while diagonal track would exit parallel to the entry.

    My goal is smoother minecart rides for everyone and more aesthetically pleasing tracks all around.

    As a side note I support the cheaper mine tracks movement: either less iron per track or alternate track material like stone or wood. You could make wooden tracks in the real world and I think they should be the poor man's alternative in Minecraft. </rant>

    Edit: An alternate and more collision-box-accurate model of the wide turn would be this:
    [] :|: :|: :|:
    :|: :|: :|: []
    :|: :|: [] []
    :|: [] [] []
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on SMP Smelting Bug!
    Hmm when I tried to :Furnace: my :cobblestone: to make :stone: it worked perfectly. Well, I guess I shouldn't say PERFECTLY. I was missing one stone block - 63 yielded instead of 64. (This was using a lit-furnace block that an admin spawned.) I even left my stuff to go tree-punching. Idk if the lit-furnace block is the difference or what. Anyone have more insight?
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on Global ban list?
    Quote from Eylk »
    Someone's a tad strong in their use of anti-feminine derogatory metaphors today.

    Aa-and sigged.

    I agree with the general sentiment here though; a global ban list would probably be abused (and not necessarily intentionally either.) I think it would cause more trouble to legit players that got incorrectly banlisted than it would be worth. In my experience, news about griefers spreads fast enough by word-of-mouth (word-of-chat?) to be potentially dangerous to constructive players. I think a global banlist might exacerbate that problem.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on Where do I access my extra registration?
    Thank you.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Where do I access my extra registration?
    I purchased minecraft a while back with intent to gift the secondary registration (the one you get from ordering during Alpha) to my girlfriend. I remember finding the page which would let me send this gift, but that was months ago and I have no idea how I got there. I searched the forums and the FAQ for as many related terms as I could come up with, but I didn't find any relevant information. Could someone help me out?

    Where do I access my extra registration and how do I gift it?

    Posted in: Legacy Support
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