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    posted a message on ZZZZZ Custom Configs 2 - Create your own recipes using XML files!

    Thanks, man. :)

    If it's not immediately apparent why its doing this then I wouldn't worry about it much until I can isolate the lines causing it through trial-and-error. (whenever I get time to)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ZZZZZ Custom Configs 2 - Create your own recipes using XML files!

    I managed to get full (besides the armors/tools/weapons that I config'd out, recipe remover works great) BoP support for Thaumcraft aspects, but in the process somehow my conifg causes weirdness with default Thaumcraft's aspects on vanilla objects.

    For example, dirt has no aspects at all "nothing can be learned" from it, and pressure plates have aspects assigned to them with 0 quantity. Any ideas on what sort of screw-up I made that would cause that?

    In the mean-time, however, I've been re-setting the aspects on the broken vanilla items and that seems to be working fine, so it's not that pressing of an issue.

    In case it helps, here's the config. (If anyone wants the duct-taped version just let me know)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!--The syntax for an item stack is the same as you'd use in the /give command. NBT tags are supported! (e.g. minecraft:skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:"ganymedes01"})
    The syntax for a fluid stack is simiar to the item stack, it should be the fluid name followed by the amount. NBT tags are also supported! (e.g. water 1000)
    The syntax for ore dictionary values is the value between double-quotes. (e.g. "ingotIron")
    Aspects: aer, terra, ignis, aqua, ordo, perditio, vacuos, lux, tempestas, motus, gelum, vitreus, victus, venenum, potentia, permutatio, metallum, mortuus, volatus, tenebrae, spiritus, sano, iter, alienis, 
    praecantatio, auram, vitium, limus, herba, arbor, bestia, corpus, exanimis, cognitio, sensus, humanus, messis, perfodio, instrumentum, meto, telum, tutamen, fames, lucrum, fabrico, pannus, machina, vinculum
    There is not limit to the number of aspects you add to an item (unless Thaumcraft has one...)
    	<stack>minecraft:diamond 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aer 5</aspect2>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aer 5</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mudball 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mudBricksStairs 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>ignis 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mud 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>Artifacts:quicksand 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>vinculum 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mud 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>vinculum 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:driedDirt 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:rocks 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:rocks 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>ordo 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:rocks 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:rocks 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>ordo 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:rocks 1 4</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:rocks 1 5</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>ordo 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:ash 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>ignis 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flesh 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>corpus 3</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>mortuus 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 4</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>spiritus 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 5</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>telum 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 6</stack>
    	<aspect1>messis 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 7</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 8</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 9</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 10</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 11</stack>
    	<aspect1>messis 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>fames 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 12</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 2</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 13</stack>
    	<aspect1>mortuus 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>fames 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 14</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:plants 1 15</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>terra 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>venenum 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>lux 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>lux 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 4</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 5</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 6</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 7</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 8</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 9</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 10</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 11</stack>
    	<aspect1>alienis 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>herba 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 12</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>victus 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 13</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>corpus 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 14</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>corpus 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers 1 15</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers2 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers2 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers2 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers2 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers2 1 4</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers2 1 5</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers2 1 6</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>herba 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers2 1 7</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>gelum 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowers2 1 8</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>permutatio 1</aspect3>
    	<aspect4>victus 1</aspect4>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:stoneFormations 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:stoneFormations 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mushrooms 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>tenebrae 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mushrooms 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>tenebrae 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mushrooms 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>tenebrae 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mushrooms 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>victus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>lux 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mushrooms 1 4</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>tenebrae 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mushrooms 1 5</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>tenebrae 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:willow 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:ivy 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:treeMoss 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:flowerVine 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:wisteria 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:lilyBop 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:lilyBop 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:lilyBop 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 4</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 5</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 6</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 7</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>venenum 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 8</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 2</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>fames 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 9</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 10</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 11</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 12</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 13</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 14</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:foliage 1 15</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:fruitBop 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>fames 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:fruitBop 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>fames 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:fruitBop 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>fames 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:fruitBop 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>fames 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:fruitBop 1 4</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:turnip 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:coral1 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:coral1 1 11</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:coral1 1 12</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>victus 2</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>aqua 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:coral1 1 13</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>victus 2</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>aqua 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:coral1 1 14</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>victus 2</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>aqua 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:coral1 1 15</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>victus 2</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>lux 2</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:coral2 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:coral2 1 8</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:ashStone 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>ignis 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:hardIce 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>gelum 4</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:appleLeaves 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:persimmonLeaves 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:moss 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aqua 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:bamboo 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>aer 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mudBricks 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 2</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>ignis 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:originGrass 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>terra 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>perfodio 1</aspect3>
    	<aspect4>fabrico 1</aspect4>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:longGrass 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:overgrownNetherrack 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>ignis 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>herba 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:bopGrass 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>vacuos 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:bopGrass 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>ignis 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:newBopGrass 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>terra 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:newBopGrass 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>terra 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:newBopGrass 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>terra 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:newBopDirt 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:newBopDirt 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:newBopDirt 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:newBopDirt 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:newBopDirt 1 4</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:newBopDirt 1 5</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs1 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 2</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>victus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>sano 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs1 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 4</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs1 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 3</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>tenebrae 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs1 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 4</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs2 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 2</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>vacuos 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>auram 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs2 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 3</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>praecantatio 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs2 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 4</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs2 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 4</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs3 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 4</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs3 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 4</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs3 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 2</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>mortuus 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs3 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 2</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>victus 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>sensus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs4 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 4</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs4 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 2</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>ignis 1</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs4 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 4</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:logs4 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 4</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:petals 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 2</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 2</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 2</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:petals 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 2</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>sensus 2</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>victus 2</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>herba 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>herba 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>herba 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect3>praecantatio 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 4</stack>
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    	<aspect3>tenebrae 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 5</stack>
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    	<aspect2>herba 1</aspect2>
    	<aspect3>mortuus 1</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 6</stack>
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    	<aspect2>herba 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 7</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>herba 1</aspect2>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 8</stack>
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    	<aspect2>herba 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 9</stack>
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    	<aspect4>fabrico 1</aspect4>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 10</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 11</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>herba 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 12</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 13</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 14</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:saplings 1 15</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect2>herba 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedSaplings 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<aspect3>vitreus 1</aspect3>
    	<aspect4>victus 1</aspect4>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedSaplings 1 1</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedSaplings 1 2</stack>
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    	<aspect2>herba 2</aspect2>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedSaplings 1 3</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedSaplings 1 4</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedSaplings 1 5</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedSaplings 1 6</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedSaplings 1 7</stack>
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    	<aspect1>terra 2</aspect1>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gemOre 1 5</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gemOre 1 6</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gemOre 1 8</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gemOre 1 9</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gemOre 1 11</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gemOre 1 12</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gemOre 1 14</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:hive 1 1</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:hive 1 3</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 1</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 2</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 4</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 5</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 6</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 7</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 8</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 9</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 10</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 11</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 12</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 13</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:planks 1 14</stack>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:woodenSingleSlab1 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:woodenSingleSlab1 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:woodenSingleSlab1 1 4</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:woodenSingleSlab1 1 5</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:woodenSingleSlab1 1 6</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:woodenSingleSlab1 1 7</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:woodenSingleSlab2 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:woodenSingleSlab2 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:woodenSingleSlab2 1 4</stack>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:etherealStairs 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:jacarandaStairs 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mahoganyStairs 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>arbor 1</aspect1>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedLeaves1 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedLeaves1 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedLeaves1 1 3</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
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    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedLeaves2 1 1</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedLeaves2 1 2</stack>
    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:colorizedLeaves2 1 3</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 1</stack>
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    	<aspect3>fames 1</aspect3>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 3</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 4</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 5</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 6</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 7</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 8</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 9</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 10</stack>
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    	<aspect3>fames 4</aspect3>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 11</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 12</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:food 1 13</stack>
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    	<aspect1>herba 1</aspect1>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 1</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 2</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 3</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 4</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 5</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 6</stack>
    	<aspect1>sensus 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 7</stack>
    	<aspect1>sensus 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 8</stack>
    	<aspect1>sensus 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 9</stack>
    	<aspect1>sensus 1</aspect1>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 10</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 11</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 12</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:misc 1 13</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gems 1 1</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gems 1 2</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gems 1 3</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gems 1 4</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gems 1 5</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gems 1 6</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:gems 1 7</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:mudball 1 0</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:jarFilled 1 2</stack>
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    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:record_corruption 1 0</stack>
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    	<aspect3>sensus 3</aspect3>
    	<aspect4>vitium 3</aspect4>
    	<stack>BiomesOPlenty:biomeEssence 1 0</stack>
    	<aspect1>terra 6</aspect1>

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Plunder Rummage [Forge][Treasure Hunting][Scripting!]
    I must say, this mod works flawlessly. It does exactly as it says and I haven't encountered any bugs!

    Although, I would like to suggest a feature: The small structures that spawn should get reverted after a time automatically.

    While they are small enough to be unintrusive to vanilla Minecraft, they are markers for PR chests, and so when enough accumulate in a small area, its hard to tell if a new one has spawned in or you are just searching old ones. (This mostly happens with the wooden platforms in oceans)

    I know Minegicka (http://www.minecraft.../1897122-152164) alters revert the world after they are used, so Will.Eze might be able to tell you how he did it.

    Regardless if you take that tiny suggestion into account, thanks for Plunder Rummage as-is, its awesome. :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Unique Artifacts - Powerful, Randomly Generated Items - 1.1.3 Bug Fixin's
    Display case rendering is a bit weird on "Fast" graphics. You can only see the item properly when facing directly south or north. When facing east or west it disappears completely. It might be better to just render it like a dropped item when in fast graphics mode.

    Awesome mod by the way, just wanted to let you know about that small issue. ^_^
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Dimensional Doors v2.2.4
    I agree, the loot is just way too much.

    I have to say though, the dungeons are devious and very deadly. The loot is only worth a bit more than the danger. The biggest problem I can see is that there is no initial requirement. You just spawn in, find a door and if you are careful come out with full iron, some diamonds and whatever else you might have grabbed.

    I found on hardcore mode, it is balanced perfectly. Due to the danger, I forced myself to avoid them as much as possible. It wasn't worth it if I couldn't just run in with nothing to lose. (Eventually I needed enderpearls and could not find endermen, so I went in and almost died twice, got the pearls though).

    If there was a way to have a % chance at a chest even spawning, and then multiply that the farther you go down, that would balance itself out more. You could potentially get just as much stuff, but it would take more time, would be less certain, and you would have more chances to screw up and die. This would work really well if you do end up changing the physics of the pockets the deeper you go.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Dimensional Doors v2.2.4
    Quote from TheLoreSeeker

    So THIS just happened.

    We were playing fine for the past few days and then last night....one of my players enters a rift door that we had gone through many times before and falls into the abyss (the entire dungeon was missing as well as the door)..... then the server goes down. I tested it again and got this log when it crashed.

    Now it crashes whenever I or the player that it crashed on last night try to log in.

    Any help?

    First off, I can give you only one answer that you won't like.

    Remove Dimensional Doors to get back into the game. You WILL lose all your dimensions, and dimensional doors stuff, so, back up your save just in case Stevenrs can find how to fix it.

    I have had this problem a couple times (I didn't report it because I have 40+ manually added mods, this stuff happens alot), but I haven't been able to fix this problem any other way. :(
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Dimensional Doors v2.2.4
    Quote from TheEmWily

    Hey, I got this totally weird... I don't even know what to call it. But it's really freaking me out.
    So, I spawned in a copy of a world, cuz I liked the seed, then, I went to this village and I found a dimensional door there, without the door part, that randomly spawns there... y'know, like normal.
    Everything was all fine and dandy, so, I decided to walk in.
    But as soon as I got in, something sorta... creepy/freaky/werid happened; I walked inside, and I found a hallway with a four-way intersection. Then, I began to travel to the right of me, where there was an iron dimensional door, but as soon as I turned, I began to see weird particle effects, like you'd get from the ender chest. Idk if this is part of your mod or not, either way, I'm really freakd out. Because that isn't the freaky part; as soon as I look over, I see an eye, and then, I hover over it, with my Damage Indicators, I see that it has a name. Called the "Monolith" my first initial thought was 2001 a space odyssey in Minecraft? How can this be?
    So then, all of a sudden, as soon as I stare it down, the eye that is, creepy music starts to play that sounds a lot like 2001 a space odyssey, so, my question is, is this part of your mod, or not?
    My other question is, what the ­ is this ­? Cuz I'm getting goosebumps, and man, they're not the usual kind that you would get with something creepy happening to cause them.
    Thnkx if you reply,

    That's a pretty cool story, bro. Wish I didn't spoil that type of stuff before I even installed the mod... :(

    Those are Monoliths. While nobody is sure what they are, they are most likely the Guardians of the Dimensions. Keeping them safe and untouched until their masters come back. Or possibly, the creators of the dimensions themselves, unamused by your intrusion and theft.

    In any case, they will stare you down and bombarded with dimensional particles, and rip you from wherever you might be. You never touch solid reality again, unless you find, and go through, a hole in reality to escape back to the Overworld. If that's not an option, rarely, you can find doors to another dungeon, and find your way to the surface from there.

    Either way, while you shouldn't lose your possessions from this trip, you will come out who knows where in the overworld, and will have a long walk ahead of you to ever see home again.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on BiblioCraft [v2.4.5]-Bookcases, armor stands, shelves, printing presses, seats, clocks, the Atlas and more! Updated 06/21/2018
    I love this mod, Its been running on my server for the last few days and everyone is having a blast showing off their books and items.

    There is only problem I have with it: The models are too high-quality! They look great on their own, but they don't fit in with the low-poly regular minecraft stuff, and they sort of draw the attention away from the rest of the build.

    The real big offenders are the Typesetting Table, Printing Press, Wooden Table, and especially the Gold Lanterns. The others are just fine and blend in quite well.

    Getting to the point, would a slightly lower poly option for these models be out of the question?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [v3.7] AMIDST - Strongholds, Village, Biome, Etc. Finder. [1.7.4]
    Quote from BlockypigDude

    Help please. I get this every time I try and run it:

    AMIDST ran in jar mode without -noverify!
    Use: java -noverify jar AMIDST.jar

    For your pride's safety, please read at least two pages back to see if someone else has the same problem before you post. In general you look like an idiot when you don't. But, I'm not a mean person, so I can help you fix it anyway. :P

    The error means you have a modified jar file. MCpatcher, Forge, Optifine, anything where you opened up your minecraft.jar file and changed something would do this to you.

    To Fix It:
    Temporarily move your minecraft.jar file to your desktop, or somewhere other than AppData/roaming/.minecraft/bin

    Let minecraft redownload the original jar file.

    Run AMIDST. It will work now, and will still read your saves (probably).

    To play minecraft again you must move the modded minecraft.jar file back to .minecraft/bin/ .
    You can't have AMIDST and a modded minecraft game up at the same time because it will tell you "minecraft.jar is open in another program!" when you try to complete this step. If you care and know how you can get around this by using Minecraft Portable, but I don't want to explain how all that works right now.

    Hope you understand, I don't have time to go back over it for editing. :(
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [v3.7] AMIDST - Strongholds, Village, Biome, Etc. Finder. [1.7.4]
    Quote from taj1994

    Why does nobody ever listen to us Canadians?

    And what do you think we would do, you already LIED to us about the BACON. :steve_rage:


    More related, I have had AMIDST work even with mods. You need a clean jar in to start AMIDST, but you should get an accurate map if you don't have anything that really messes with the biome code when you move your mods back in.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Minecraft Surpasses 10 Million Sales, 1.6 Feature Spoiler Alert
    Quote from BlackJac

    Its great to see a person here who's not a total tool. Thanks for giving me a shimmer of hope in humanity. I paid the same amount and have absolutely played this game and got more from it than any other big $60 game.

    I can't see the problem either. Half of them say:
    and the other half:

    It won't harm your game any, despite the popular belief that they make Minecraft unplayable and explode your houses.

    PS: InB4 teh Beta. 10$ FTW

    Quote from The_WeatherPony

    Is it wrong of me to hope it's the overfeeding of animals? I want my exploded bacon. :3
    If it's not, I'll make it a mod!

    Yes. Rotten flesh goes in. Bacon comes out flies everywhere.

    You must make this happen, Mr? Weatherman.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on [!Released!] Dimensional Doors [!Released!] - world within a world within a world...
    Uhh... There was a little... accident with my TNT storage..

    Is the Fabric of Reality supposed to be this vulnerable to simple gunpowder charges (albeit 6m3 of them...)?
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [!Released!] Dimensional Doors [!Released!] - world within a world within a world...
    Quote from joezone619

    you should retexure the demension its way too dark. in a weird way

    That's the point. And its awesome.

    I'm having so much fun with this. Thanks for this awesome mod, Stevenrs
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Updating DotMW to Forge 4.0
    Quote from TearlessWyvern

    So everyone else knows, I have been in contact with the author of Obsidian Ingots. All has been going smoothly, and the author is excited to help TheThirdMike with Forge 4.0. TheThirdMike has his contact info now so they should be working on it shortly. Hopefully they can work out a solution. Hang in they guys!

    A winner is you.

    :Notch: :DORE: :DORE: :DORE: :DORE: :DORE: :opblock: :opblock: :VV: :SSSS: :SSSS: :SSSS: :VV: :SSSS: :VV: :Lava: :Lava:
    Posted in: Modification Development
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