
About Me
Hello everyone! It's da Emo Pinata! My friends got me into Minecraft and I have been playing for 6 months or so and already have around 10 or so mods (that I want) like; TooManyItems, SinglePlayerCommands, World Edit, MineColony (my favorite), Fireworks, GUI Mob Spawner*.

*NOTE Im not the creator of these mods and agreed to the terms of it breaking my Minecraft saves, .minecraft.jar, etc. Also I never made these mods I downloaded them from their respective sites*

But I haven't found a good server for MP so I gotta keep trying. I might get my own for my friends and what they want. So in the meantime, Im ThaEmoPinata, loggin' off.


This was made in November-ish 2010
Interests Soccer, paintball, Minecraft, and xbox. I love all of the stuff I do and proud of it :D

Profile Information

Minecraft ThaEmoPinata