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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from Buttons»

    The Queen seems humored by Emma's use of the words "be weary of the other nations, some of them appear to be more violent from the observations of my nation's satellites.".

    Once Emma takes her seat with her soldiers, the Queen looks towards a large arched door, which then opens automatically, allowing entrance of a relatively small, 5 foot tall drone with a large metal platter in her arms. Upon the platter is an assortment of indistinguishable foods, which the drone sets gently on the table.

    The drone then addresses all four visitors at the table, and telepathically announces; Assorted fish intestines.

    The Queen gleams delightfully at her four visitors, awaiting to see pleased faces, and waves her giant, clawed hand towards the many assorted intestine dishes:

    Eat. Enjoy!

    The soldiers faces were not seen, due to their visors, but they didn't speak up, nor did they really do anything, Emma on the other hand raised an eyebrow and looked up at the Queen with a slight, very slight frown. "Umm....I don't really find this appealing...I don't eat meat, neither does my entire nation..." she says nervously.
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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from Buttons»

    The Queen observes the demonstration curiously.

    From what my scouts have observer, our biological status surpasses every other life form on this planet. It would be a vulgar display of technique to fire on us in this way. But I thank you for your consideration in this matter.

    As for your magic. Our people are also capable of many, what some might call, wonders - though in our case it is, again, a product of advanced evolution. To demonstrate would be, once more, a vulgar display of power. As for your combustible spear... it too would be considered nothing more than nutrients for us. We are... unique. Our bodies have learnt to absorb most forms of energy and transform it into food for our bodies. This process is called "Conductive Cellular Assimilation". What is harmful to most species will, in our case, be adapted to fortify and stimulate our cells.

    Alas, unfortunately there is little we can offer each other but friendship. I will look forward to being allies with your kind.

    I have enjoyed our time together today. It has been... intriguing to say the least. However, I am sure you have a busy schedule, as do I. May my servant drones offer you some suitable food before you depart?

    She nods. "Well, then. It has been nice to meet the queen of the first nation we have contacted. I am interested to see what sorta food you have to offer. I appreciate our friendship. I'd say that you should be weary of the other nations, some of them appear to be more violent from the observations of my nation's satellites." with that said, she sits down.

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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from Buttons»

    As the defense minister analyses the weapons, The Queen is directly linked with his mind, knowing everything that he knows.

    The drone doesn't have any real interest in anything but the rifle, maybe, but he does seem oddly fascinated by the laser pistols, and picks one up for a closer look. As he does so, the Queens speaks in a slightly softer, thunderous voice:

    You are a... curious species. I am wondering... why have you offered us food?

    When she finishes speaking, the drone points the gun at his own chest and pulls the trigger. The laser fires, but the power of it merely makes a rippling wave all over his body as the drone absorbs the energy. He then makes a strange groaning sound from deep within, as if deeply pleasured, while at the same time his body increases in size. His muscular formations also seem to grow in mass. He is now a little taller than 10 feet in height, and stronger than he was before.

    He nods as if to say thank you to Emma.

    The Queen: We thank you for the nutrients. My drone has absorbed the energy and learnt from it's source, we will now be able to reproduce this devises ourselves. It has been adapted to our knowledge. We will not be needing your plans.

    the drone then puts the gun back on the table and leaves the room.

    Unfortunately, the Queen says; I feel there is very little to offer you in return in ways of physical attributes. Our prowess is of the mind and a long history of genetic evolution. You're biology is in its infant stage of evolution and is not yet suitable to adapt to our powers. However, in return for your generosity I would like to offer you our gratitude. If you are ever in need of assistance, feel free to call upon us, and we will contemplate your request. Consider us allies.

    A smirk goes across her face. "Well then, perhaps I can have alot more of these things built, and have my soldiers fire upon your kind, feeding them all, making them stronger...better..." she says, then goes silent for a few seconds. "I will show you my magic. I am no regular." she says, and with that she begins floating up, as if she is ignoring the laws of gravity, flapping her arms and cape, allowing her to float through the air effortlessly, she flicks her fingers, and the weapons are all back in their boxes.

    "I also sealed my nation's previous tyrannical rulers into another dimension. Depending on how much energy it takes I can also teleport. Flying is no biggie for me." she says, and snaps her fingers once more, then standing on the table. "Also, I can summon weapons to myself, magical weapons." a sort of spear appears in her hand, it is about her height, and is pure white and appears to glow just a bit. "When this thing strikes an enemy, or something, they will explode." she says. and placed the spear on the table.
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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from Buttons»

    I am satisfied that we have achieved amity upon this planet. the Queen thunders; I wish to know all you have to share.

    Show me what you have to offer us! When she says this, her leading weapon and defense minister enters the room and walks to the table, ready to analyse what the visitors have brought. He is ten feet tall and bows to the Queen upon arrival.

    Emma nods and looks at the soldiers. They open up the boxes, first in like is some form of red sphere with a small pin on it. "This right here is a firebomb. When the pin is pulled, you have 15 seconds to throw it. It can cause a small area of destruction, aswell as spreading fire onto enemies. We can make them come in all sizes, small for small effect, large for large effect."

    With that said she moves on to a rifle looking thing, however it has a rather large barrel and some switches alongside it. "This is a transfiguration weapon. When fired it can change the molecular structure, and the projectile effects a radius of up to 10 meters, the best effect is towards the center. We can make these weapons of all sizes, but the larger they are the longer they take to build and the more energy they need."

    She moves onto the 2 final weapons, they look like small handguns. "These right here light laser guns, they are made to be built quickly and in vast numbers, They are the easiest to build."

    She pulls out a stack of papers. "These are plans for building such devices, along with building mining equipment. I also theorize that if we dig deep enough into this planet, I can have my workers send down some power rods, to transfer the energy of the planet within, to power plants, along with other plans for building aircraft. Those plans are here." she points to a red piece of paper, along with other pieces of paper.

    "If your interested in magic, thats alot more complicated but can be doable. These plans are made to be adaptable, and efficent." she lines the assortment of items out on the table for the defense minister to look over.
    Quote from alfieq»

    "At this point, I don't have some patience to wait for something small, like waiting for a leader to have a breathing space for a few days. My region officers required my fleet to survey a whole area as sooner as possible, and be back by a few weeks!", said by Admiral of the Western Baliostian Fleet.

    "Acknowledged. "


    Ednorea expands some more.

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    posted a message on The avatar above kidnapped you in a bag your size.

    Ah, crap. This is strange. *plans escape*

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    posted a message on Would you hang out with the above avatar for a full day?

    Don't see why not

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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from alfieq»

    "Oh... So when did your leader has freed from your business meetings?", said by Admiral of the Western Baliostian Fleet.

    "I'm not exactly sure. The next few days seem to be when she is going to be the most busy."
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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from Buttons»

    We are the Aquon.


    We have removed all water from this domain in preparation for your arrival.


    We welcome you.


    Follow us to our mother, Queen Avika of the Aquon Expanse.

    The Queen, however, is standing 70 meters tall on the far side of the room. She has three legs like her children, but six arms, five eyes, adorned in a purple robe that also seems to be alive and moving, and she also has what appears to be wings... or strange looking fins attached to back.

    Being the only one of her kind that can speak without needing to use telepathy, she opens her six arms, expands the fin like wings on her back in a welcoming gesture, and with a thunderous voice that causes everything to convulse violently, she speaks to them:

    I am Avika!

    She then nods to a table nearby in front of her, perfect size for humanoid species, and adds:

    Come. Sit before me at the table I have prepared for your arrival.

    Emma and 2 of her soldiers sit down, and the other soldier brings the boxes onto the table, nervously though because of the 70 meter, monstrous Queen Avika infront of them. They can't help but bow before her, as a sign of respect. "Everything about you seems so...massive and amazing...haven't seen anything quite like your species, the Aquon." Emma looks up at Queen Avika with calm blue eyes, smiling slightly and adjusting her cloak.

    The other soldiers simply take in the greatest moment in their lives, right here, right now. "My name is Emma..." she says. "Hm, so what do you want to know about my nation an I? Our technology? Magic?" she asks respectfully.


    In other news, Ednorea expands more to the south. Stating they will start profitable relations with The Middle Sea trading company when the time comes, as there leader is busy at this time.

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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from Buttons»

    Upon landing on what turns out to be a solid surface, the water of the ocean surrounding the vessel becomes turbulent, rises up in a wall and encloses the vessel in a dome of water before, at an alarming rate, the bubble and the vessel within are pulled down into the depths of the ocean.

    The ocean is miles deep but the journey only takes a moment to end. Everything becomes still for a second, then the ocean floor opens and swallows the bubble once more. The ocean floor closes behind them.

    At first there is only darkness, but after a few minutes a light appears from what seems to be in every direction, lighting up a massive, dry cavern and thousands of soldier drones are there, surrounding the vessel, awaiting Emma and the three other individuals inside to exit.

    They are all a bit afraid at this point, but theres no turning back now. The soldiers step out of the ship, then Emma comes out.

    "So this is it....Impressive..." Emma remarks, shes a bit nervous.

    One of the soldiers goes back into the craft and gets a few boxes, rolling them out of the ship on a handcart.

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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from Buttons»

    One day later, "somewhere" out on the ocean, a biological simulation of the ocean surface is raise to the oceans surface, ready for Emma's ship to set down. The landing platform/simulation, can not be seen or detected, it gives off no heat... by all accounts it looks no different to the rest of the water.

    Hoping Emma trusts her enough, the Queen awaits Emma's vessel to land precisely upon the coordinates, regardless of the fact that there is nothing there to see.

    The soldier at the helm flying the ship looks at the coordinates and then looks at the screen and looks to the top right, the coordinates match, except theres really nothing to be seen except what seems to be regular ocean water.

    "Theres nothing here!" one of the soldiers shouts.

    "Hush it." Emma scolds.

    The soldier sighs and goes silent.

    "They could have similar technology for this sort of thing, if they were to land near one of our entrances, they would only see a few trees and grass, but here we only see water..."

    "Right. Lets land."

    "Roger that." the pilot states.

    The ship uncloaks, and the pilot begins touching down, extending the landing gear.
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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from Buttons»

    (just a heads up, Kuro. XD The Aquon Race, their building and weapons give off no "heat signature". They don't use electronic types or engine types of technology either, everything is biological/biomatter. You can takes pictures of their land colonies, maybe, that is, if you know where to look.... but otherwise they would be undetectable to what you have mentioned. I should probably post a short summary of Aquon lore and technology just for a heads up to everyone who wants to know. save any assumptions being made at any time.)

    Soon the balls begin to vibrate again. A message is sent into Emma's mind. It is the Queen:

    I have decided to accept your offer. Commence proceeding to the coordinates I will send you at the end of this message. We will meet there in exactly one day from now. We will meet in person to see what each other have to offer. For your own safety and the safety of your people, I suggest you keep these coordinates between you and the "three" individuals you bring with you.

    The Queen then sends a separate telepathic message of numeric images to Emma's mind. They are the coordinates.

    The transmission ends.

    Meanwhile, the Queen, also pleased with the way her land colonies have flourished, gives birth to 200,000 more babies and orders the expansion of the West and southern Aquon Colonies.

    She understands the message fully. "Alright, we should get going to those coordinates."

    "What are these coordinates?" the soldier from before asks.

    "Here." she searches for a pen, and takes out a slip of paper, and writes the coordinates down and shows them to the soldier and the 2 guards.

    "I'll tell your staff that we will be going. Its going to take a few hours to get there, and good news that the flying aircraft have fully been built, along with the cloaking device. If the other nations knew where we would be going, we would be tracked down." another soldier says.

    "Excellent. Prepare our craft." Emma commands.

    The soldiers leave and are followed by a guard, it takes about a half hour for the craft to be fully prepared, once ready they go back and tell Emma that it is ready, and then they go into the craft. It is triangular shaped, and made to be aerodynamic. A sample of their weaponry and technology is also loaded into the craft. It is set into a sort of cannon, a cannon specifically built to fire this sort of craft, and it fires the craft down its long barrel, 2 doors open up at the surface, and the craft flies out, cloaking soon after. The doors close, and holographic projections of trees are put over it, looking like a small outcropping of regular trees.
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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from Buttons»

    Seeing that your are near to our occupation, I will consider your request. Keep our communication device at hand and I will contact you once we have made a decision.

    The balls then stop vibrating as the initial communication is disconnected.

    Now that Emma's base location has been verified, the Queen conferences with some of her leading military drones about Emma's offer.

    The Queen is also made aware of water veering vessel activity (Alfieq's Ships) in the Southern areas of the ocean, some of these activities being close to their own Southern land colony. She therefore orders a mass of scout drones to observe these vessels. These scout drones are under strict orders not engage or allow themselves to be detected until they have found out more about the species on board these water veering vessels, and their intentions.

    Emma sits down in a chair, fidgeting with her cloak while she waits for a response. She waits patiently.
    Quote from alfieq»

    The expeditionary group were quite amused for their space rocketry achievement, but they'll continue to stay low so they won't get involved and blaming for their 'space' affairs in a distant future.

    In other times, the admiral of the Western Baliostian Fleet has decided and wanted to make in contact of their leader for a few treaties on his hands as once he's granted by his commander, and aware of their lacking on ground infrastructures after they've received an info about their territories.

    "Our Leader Emma is currently busy at this time, unfortunately. " is the response they get.
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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from alfieq»

    The first exploration contact


    The Admiral of the Western Baliostian Fleet has ordered his recons, photographers and 'signallers' to be departed at their territories in certain parts of allowed areas by using their small boats. They'll eventually started their recon expeditions once they reaching ashore in a nick of time.

    As they recon around Ednorean territories they can see the distinct lack of aboveground infrastructure, apart from small towns, ports and occasional radio towers and things like that. They see something shooting up in the distance, along with the roar of engines. It is a form of rocket, and its headed into space. They are launching the 2nd satellite: Marva.
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    posted a message on Continental World: The Situation of Nations [The Planet Reboot]
    Quote from alfieq»

    "This is Western Baliostian Fleet under our reconnaissance mission orders, one of Alfieq's Army navy core, and I would wishes to depart onto your land and seeking further examination of your civilization. Over."

    "Permission granted. Don't try anything funny, though."
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