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    posted a message on How do you die in hardcore mode?
    ...I was fighting a creeper when lightning struck me and the creeper (in between). The lightning damaged me and the charged creeper finished me off.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 7

    posted a message on The Origin of Herobrine
    Chapter 1- Morning
    John woke up to the smell of bacon cooking. He sat up and saw Alex and Paul, his roommates, grabbing for some cooked porkchop out of the furnace. And Zane, another roommate(he had 6 roommates in all) was searching in his chest for something, along with Jack. Lastly, Steve and Nat was nowhere to be found. John called for a meeting, and everyone except Steve and Nat, hastily grabbed a chair and sat down, Alex and Paul both chewing on porkchop. "So, what are we going to do today? Who are we going to grief?" asked Zane, the griefing maniac. He was clutching a block of TNT in his hand and seemed eager to light it up. John looked cautiously at the TNT and said " Stop playing with that! We don't want to blow up our room, do we? Now, lean in and listen carefully..." Zane, Alex and Jack leaned in as he said. "Tonight, we are going to blow up... the chief's house! At this point, Zane was smiling with glee.

    Chapter 2- Night
    "Shh..."said John as he led his 3 friends to behind the chief's house. Steve was not a griefer. but a builder and thus, John and the others rarely talked to him. Steve was unaware of their activities so far. "Zane, place that TNT right over there!" "Jack, dig a tunnel and place the redstone wiring!" "Alex, pass me that lever!" John hurriedly ordered his friends as the moon slipped from its throne high in the sky. "All set! Let's go!" John led his friends to where the lever was located. They built an cobblestone wall just to be safe. Just as they were about to finish, Steve appeared behind them. "Aha! I knew you were up to no good!" Steve shouted as his angry blue eyes shone from behind his iron helmet "I'm going to tell the chief, and you can't do a thing about it." As if on instinct, John, Alex, Jack and Zane unsheathed their iron swords, furious looks upon their faces. Steve turned and ran in fear...

    Chapter 3- The Mine
    "Stop! Get here right now!" Angry shouts echoed through the huge mine system. Steve tumbled into an unexplored cave system, and the horrors began... "Hey, we split up and find him! I go that way and you all go that way!" John shouted, and they went their separate ways. John ran and ran through the cave system. "A dead end?" John pondered as he hit a dead end made of a block that he did not recognize. Then, all he saw was a pair of green eyes, and he passed out.

    Chapter 4- The Enderman
    John woke up with a ringing head and the world seemed to spin around. When he finally stabilized, he saw that the world was tinted white. "Ahhh!" he screamed in fear when he saw his reflection in a puddle beside him. His eyes were white. Solid white. But only the eyes were changed. Then, a deep voice whispered into his ear, "Do not worry unnecessarily about your change in appearance or the way you perceive colors. It is a small price to pay." John turned around and stared right into a pair of eyes. Green eyes. The creature which owned those eyes was very tall, about two meters in height, and was totally black. "I am the Enderman. Do not fear me." it said, "I have witnessed your actions on the surface of this earthly world, and I saw that you, are the only one worthy of my gift.". "Huh, so what powers do you have?" sneered John. The Enderman gave a little chuckle and looked away. Suddenly, smoke floated into the air and formed a circle, and in the circle, John could suddenly see Nat mining away at stone with a iron pick. "Watch." The Enderman boomed in his deep voice. Nat, who was still mining, suddenly gave a scream as both his legs turned green and liquefied. The rest of Nat's body quickly became the same, and soon Nat's screams disappeared along with the features that had made him human. Not long after, Nat was nothing but a cube of gelatinous goo, which slowly bounced away. John slowly nodded his head, unsure of what to make of this and fearful of what this, Enderman, might do to him. "Come, I have things to show you." The Enderman beckoned at John to follow him. John saw him disappear into a dark tunnel, and followed.

    Chapter 5- The Transformations

    The Enderman glided over to a pool of white water, and gestured at John to follow his gaze. John did, and he looked into the pool. Suddenly, the pool rippled, and he could see Alex, stumbling in the dark caves, placing torches sparingly. Just then, John was shoved roughly into the pool, and he fell and fell and fell........
    "Uh!" groaned John as he landed on his behind on the hard rock ground. Alex, oblivious to John's existence, went on walking. He was visibly scared as strange noises echoed through the tunnels. "Hello? Anyone?" Alex shouted, his face pale. "Alex! Here!" John replied, but Alex did not seem to hear him. John ran at Alex, trying to tap him on the shoulder, but in vain as he passed right through him. "Looks like I am currently non-existent," mumbled John.
    Alex tripped and fell down a sheer drop, screaming all the way, then landing on a bow left behind by other explorers with a loud crunch and dying. "ALEX! NOOO!" screamed John, as he witnessed the death of his friend. Just then, the Enderman appeared beside him, and with a wave of his hand, Alex's body started decomposing quickly, until he was nothing more than a skeleton. The Enderman then breathed upon the skeleton of Alex, which woke up and grabbed the bow. After making some arrows out of thin air, Alex, or to be more accurate, the Skeleton, started walking alone in the caves.
    As John watched this miraculous scene, he was sucked away. "SSSSSHHWOOOOOOPPP" went the white liquid as John was flung out of it. When gravity got back control of John, there was a different scene in the white liquid, Zane! John fell back through the gloopy liquid and fell onto a vein of iron ore. Zane was walking quickly, without even placing torches. In fact, he was running. "HELP! JOHN! JACK! ALEX! ANYONE?!" Zane screamed as he ran as quickly as he could through the caves. Zane was apparently creeped out by the weird sounds in the cave. But, he ran and ran and... he fell into a hole.
    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" screamed Zane. John was surprised that the hole could be that deep for Zane to scream that long. Not long after, there was a sickening sound as Zane landed on his feet. " ARGH!" cried Zane in agony as both his legs snapped off just below the knee, and his voice faded away along with his blood as he died. The Enderman appeared again and with a wave of his hand, Zane's inner organs transformed to TNT, the block which he adored the most, and his legs reattached, albeit on his butt, one on each side. And most amazingly, his arms detached and rotted away, and his body became green. With the Enderman's breath, Zane woke up and travelled away without a sound. "Oops. I was planning to make it more realistic." the Enderman said without a trace of a smile. John decided to call it the creeper after the way it walks. And up he went again...
    "This is irritating." grumbled John as he landed on his butt again, this time in lava. But, he was not on fire! "Wow, some gift, huh?" John thought as he watched Jack and Paul stumble into a room. In the room, there was a Nether Portal.
    "Hey, if there is a portal, there will be people!" said Jack, as they both went in the room. At once, they both jumped in the portal. John decided to test his 'gift', and thought hard,"I want to go to the Nether". When he opened his eyes again, he was in the Nether! "Sweeeet!" laughed John. Jack and Paul stumbled for a few more days, before Jack succumbed to hunger and thirst. "That ain't fun at all!" cried John, already used to seeing his old friends dying away gruesomely one by one, and coming back to life. Paul stumbled on, not knowing that his buddy had died already. Jack had fallen on Soul Sand, the block itself nourishing Jack's fallen body once again, but not enough yet, for Jack's risen body was one of a dead one, and he was decomposing. John decided to name it a Zombie, as people always do. As he followed Paul, nothing notable happened, other than some Ghasts circling around Paul, like vultures ready to strike once Paul had fallen. All of a sudden, the Enderman appeared out of nowhere and said, "This one is taking far too long," as he waved his hand at Paul. Paul instantly transformed into a spider, a BIG one, and teleported back to the surface by the Enderman, leaving John behind to head back to the Overworld himself. And he did.

    Chapter 6 - Creation
    John sat on the cool grass, contemplating what just happened. "Okay, I just got my humanity sucked away, saw my friends die one by one, and got superpowers. What a day." Standing up, he looked at his new soldiers, the Enderman nowhere to be seen. Deciding to try out his powers, he looked at the spider. "An arachnid. Fast, agile, all I need is more soldiers of your type." With a blink of his (white) eyes, two new comrades stumbled into existence. "The cave spider, smaller than the normal spider, but venomous. The silverfish, small and non-lethal on its own, but able to call out more of its own kind." He stepped back, considering his work. "Let there be fire!" He wove his arm, and the very air burst into flames. Yellow rods could be seen within the creature's fiery body as it floated into the air, sending fireballs all around and igniting trees. Looking at the slime, John got another idea. Again, with a thought, a fiery cube of red jelly oozed out of the dirt, forming itself into a big lump much like the other slime. "What's left? Ah! The zombie. What can I do with it?" Pondering, John raised his fist, and a zombie burst from the ground... and started getting larger and larger... until it was taller than mountains and could take the ocean as its bathtub. Looking at all of his creations, he decided to send some to the Nether. "The blazed ones shall go." Sending the Blaze and the Magma Cube to the Nether, he looked at the Giant. "You shall be a fragment of human imagination, only coming out when foolish mortals call to you, and destroy them." The Giant turned into a puff of smoke which sped through the air, looking for humans minds to inhabit. Then, the Cave Spider and Silverfish called to their master. "Ah, I have not forgotten you. The Cave Spider shall spends its life spinning webs in the mortals' mineshafts, prohibiting them from fulfilling their lust for rare materials. The Silverfish shall be the guards of my new homes, the Stronghold. It shall thrive within the stone brick, waiting for unsuspecting mortals to free them. My job here is done." John deftly duplicated all of his soldiers and sent them around the infinite world, letting them prey on the weak mortals. Just then, the Enderman arrived in a puff of purple sparks. "Shall I teach you my ways now, young one?" John nodded.

    Chapter 7- The Near End
    The Enderman explained everything to John, including how to make use of his powers, how to disappear at the right time in a puff of smoke, and how to control the others, like when they were still alive. "Only the Ghasts and I will not be controlled by you, as the Ghasts and I are much, much older than you. The Ghasts are a species that extends back all the way to when this world was made, they are extremely powerful, don't be fooled by their appearance, they only hold back to humans because... because they were once them.""What? Ghasts were once human?""Yes, they were humans in the world before this world was made, and was transformed by this god, this Notch!"He pronounced the word with vengeance in his tone. "He cast me out from the Aether, just because I wanted to destroy all the humans. They are a filthy species, with souls rotten to the core, if they look at me, I must look back, for I cannot stand their souls. Once they look away, I kill them. To avoid killing you, I got the Ghasts to remove your soul and trap it within Soul Sand somewhere in the Nether. That explains your eyes. And don't ask me how, because even I do not know their methods. You see those Zombie Pigmen down there? They were created by bored Ghasts out of pigs that stumbled into this Hell. If they wanted too, they could simply reduce the whole Overworld to dust with just a thought. And if you were wondering what the Aether is, it is Heaven for this world, except with that annoying bugger called Notch." He spat out the name again as if he was trampling upon it. "And now i have to go, for I am due in a meeting with the Ghasts on whether or not to make a lava pool just a meter below the surface of this world. Just for fun. And I won't be back till," the Enderman checked his watch, "1.8, so you take care of the humans until then, Herobrine." John nodded, smiling. He liked his new name and powers, and he was not going to misuse it. He looked at the creatures he had at his disposal: The Creeper, The Skeleton, The Zombie, The Spider, The Slime, The Giant, The Cave Spider, The Silverfish, and the Blaze and Magma Cube. And he was certainly going to kill Steve.

    In 1.7, Herobrine's actions was noticed by Notch, and he was made non-existent at the snap of Notch's fingers. But, traces of his existence could still be found, in the form of monsters that did not exist in the past, weird tunnels, underwater pyramids and others. Steve is still alive, the last of the people ravaged by Herobrine and his armies. And before Notch could get rid of Herobrine, he set a curse on Steve so powerful that no one, including Notch, could ever remove it. It was that Steve was doomed to walk the lands of Minecraftia forever and ever. Even when he died he would be reborn right back in Minecraftia, instead of the Aether, where all the good souls go when they die. And he did that, just so he could kill Steve over and over and over... such is the evil that Herobrine was.

    People say that Herobrine is gone for good, but if you set your render distance to far and peer deep in the fog, you might just see the human figure in the distance, staring back at you, only with soulless, white eyes.

    And watch out for The Enderman.

    This story was made by me, Spiskellepigreeperjockey. The ideas for The Enderman was taken from a story written by a fellow Minecrafter in this forum, and I am very sorry that I did not ask your permission, but since I already written this story, I give you some diamonds for helping? :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: By the way, the zombie pigmen are controlled by the Ghasts, for they are their creators, after all. Please leave comments!
    Posted in: Literature
  • 1

    posted a message on Highly advanced redstone vending machine
    Everyone should rate down that idiot who stole this epic machine.
    Posted in: Redstone Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on All dem Dimensions! Updated with another anouncement!
    Hey there I have a few suggestions to make :D

    First is the boss that I'm suggesting for the new water dimension (My suggested name for it: "Aquaether"/ Ay-ku-ey-th-urrr)


    How the boss looks, what it is. They should NOT be dragons, as we already have a boss dragon. They should probably also not be re-skinned, overpowered versions of existing mobs. The point of a boss is that it is very special, and as such, unique.
    A bloated, giant whale, called "Gigapisces" meaning giant fish. Should have spikes on its back. and red eyes.

    How to reach

    Where is the boss found? How does the fight initiate? E.g. End Portal.

    At the bottom of the Deep, there will be specific trenches, spawned three per map like strongholds. The pressure there will require the player to have a super-strong diving suit, perhaps made of obsidian and diamonds. Once there, the players will have to slay rare mobs like worms that hide in the sand, and find one of the three sacred Temples of Atlantis. There, the player makes a type 2 SS portal with the drops from the rare mobs, like, I dunno. Maybe one of the items to create the (circular) portal is inside the temple itself? Anyways, the portal will lead to the boss dimension, where Gigapisces is guarding a trench leading to the portal to escape. The player will have to kill Gigapisces before he drowns.


    What does the area you fight the boss in look like? What parts of the environment could you or the boss use to your advantages? E.g. The End.

    The player fights Gigapisces in a giant cave with a trench on one side guarded by the boss. There are stalactites on the ceiling that could fall when Gigapisces does his special attack or something (Like updating floating sand so that it falls). The portal out will be inside the trench, and will be static.

    Movement type

    Flying, swimming, walking, etc. Basically, whether the boss is air, water or land based. E.g. flight for the Enderdragon.

    Swimming, basically. It will circle the player and occasionally pounce at the player at high speeds. Maybe if the player dodges, it will slam into the wall, causing the stalactites to fall on Gigapisces and damage it.

    Method of attack

    Whether it be firing projectiles at you, spawning mobs to drop on your head or just plain melee assault. E.g. flying into you, coupled with the threat posed by a large amount of Endermen for the Enderdragon.

    As mentioned above, Gigapisces will try to ram you. Also, if you stay too long on the muddy ground, hostile worms will come out and slow you down and damage you.

    Effects on landscape

    How does this boss change the landscape around it? What can it do to certain blocks or things to give it an advantage? E.g. Enderdragon block destruction.

    Every time it smashes into the wall, the player will get the effect of the nausea potion (not implemented) and the wall might get a dent about like, 10 TNT explosions.


    The way in which you have to fight and ultimately slay the boss, something other than plain brutalizing. E.g. having to shoot the regeneration crystals to break them before you can think of slaying the Enderdragon.

    Gigapisces has spikes on its back, effectively acting as armor for it. They can be destroyed by the stalactites. After that, the player goes in and fights it by melee or otherwise.

    Death/death animation

    The aesthetic effects of defeating the boss, and what happens after it dies? Does the boss split into two smaller, weaker entities on death, or such a thing? E.g. Enderdragon dissolving in a ball of purple energy.

    When it dies, Gigapisces slowly curls up into a ball and becomes a compact block that falls to the ground and when it touches the ground, the player will be blasted back by a wave of bubbles and exp orbs and the ground and walls will look as if it has been blasted by a giant ball of TNT. Note: The player will be damaged by this explosion and all the worms will die.


    What will the boss drop? What unique use will it have? Obviously it has to be something very special, or there is no point in slaying the boss. Of course, one drop could be used to access the next dimension, as well as a second one. E.g. Dragon Egg. Whatever that will eventually be used for...

    1) Crystal of the Deep - Used to activate the static portal mentioned above.

    2) Spikes of Gigapisces - Used to make Dagger of the Deep (Something like a sword?)

    Thanks :D
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 4

    posted a message on What is your absolute favorite block?
    I'll say TNT when a homosexual mountain lion wearing a rainbow wig with a lightsabre creates a rift in space-time and appears in my room and smashes my head on the keyboarnvsdiotfdbg23v64hrdgdfbys463gn4dfhjklrdefiouw53q98c.l[kjp. tv3p1c i1-r0h24

    Fine, TNT.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 1

    posted a message on HeroBrine?
    "Herobrine is the subject of a community-made "creepy-pasta". He is a human entity, but with white eyes, and often seen as a dead miner."

    -Minecraft Wiki
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 1

    posted a message on Careful.... first step's a doozy
    It's an update in 1.8 called ravines.

    Happy falling.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on PvP=Mess
    Quote from DemonCrusher36

    That would take about a stack of easy got cobble...
    lava buckets are patheticaly easy to deal with, and creeper holes are again easy to fill in.

    Not when you pour it around their bed and at their feet, AFTER looting their chests of all their stuff?

    Creepers were to utillise the 'fear' factor, which I think is quite cool :biggrin.gif:

    And it makes their base look more 'abandony'. Hell yeah!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 2

    posted a message on PvP=Mess
    I totally agree. 5 hardcore players looted my house and killed me, three times!

    After looting a dungeon, I returned the favour by giving their base a hard-earned bucket of lava. Or two. Or three.

    And a few creepers.

    EDIT: They used to play in that server, until I gave them lava buckets to the knee and they ran like pussies.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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