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    posted a message on BSL Shaders - 1.13.1 Compatible - 800K+ Downloads!

    Really enjoying this shaderpack!

    Possible noob questions incoming:

    I'm playing v51p7 on OptiFine_1.9.0_HD_U_B1 and it seems very, very dark in the nether. The contrast is seems super high. Is there a way I can tweak the ambient light to effectively 'turn up the brightness'/'make the unlit areas less dark'? Also, the sky in the nether seems to render as a lovely blue sky, which is odd. I'm not sure how normal these problems are, just curious if there are easy fixes.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)

    Thanks for the previews for the 1.9 update! Shader support is so awesome that I was simply forced to donate. Still the best mod for minecraft.

    A suggestion:

    Could you look into adding the option to enable the old arrow pincushion effect (for mobs, not just players) that was taken out of vanilla a while ago? Similar to this long outdated mod? Thanks for all the great work!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.5.2] Mob Dismemberment [v1]
    Actually, this mod is awesome too. Please update to 1.6.2! :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.5.2] Mob Amputation [v1] Blood and gibs! And an Easter Egg!
    Yes pease! 1.6.2 Versions please! These are the best mods I've seen in a long time!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Difficulty Issues
    Quote from DragonStryk72

    Ah, good, we're going with the "you have no right to complain" stance. That was a world mechanic, not endemic to a single mob. Disingenuous? "Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does." How does that apply here? See words mean things.

    If you're going to try and talk down to me, make certain you have a better grasp of the language than I do.

    I appreciate that you needed to look up "disingenuous" just to make sure you knew what it meant. Since we're learning definitions, I'll explain its use in context to help your learning: the implication I've made is that you're being disingenuous by ignoring your knowledge of other game mechanics which fall to the same scrutiny; of which you wish to apply the same scrutiny to only one (instead of all) because it helps your argument. You would be "pretending to know less about something than one really does." I thought it was rather a compliment. Since you apparently AREN'T familiar with how mobs spawn, I'll just say Horde Spawning makes FAR more sense than Zombies spawning from nothing. At least Zombies spawning from other Zombies is a visible causal relationship.

    Again, if you're going to tell me I don't have a grasp of language, try to understand what I have said before you try and turn it around on me. It will help your case against the hilarious irony.

    Quote from DragonStryk72

    You don't know how smell works, obviously. As well, you clearly missed the spot where I specifically mentioned that even THEY can't pick out a single scent of a person they've never smelled or seen previous, or even heard, and track him down. Even bloodhounds need a scent to work off of, so that falls apart.

    And scenting still doesn't bestow x-ray vision.

    I study the Vomeronasal system (for the layman: 'how snakes smell') as a Biologist, and therefore must be acutely familiar with systems of smell as most people know it, as they are somewhat similar systems built on similar G-protein mechanisms. I have also studied optimal foraging in bees, and tracking in wolves. So actually, I am quite familiar with how smell works.
    The comment was more a joke at the idea that zombies would actually track prey by smell, your implication.

    Since Zombies are animated dead, they don't make any metabolic sense, and are powered by magic. (For your fantasies: a real world zombie would be weaker, slower, and dumber than a non-infected human, and would still be alive- still susceptible (probably more so) than normal humans to all physical limitations of the human anabolism and metabolism. See: Zombie ants)

    Besides... simulating tracking in this manner would make the game far too laggy- having to deal with the pheromone simulation and seeker pathing algorithms is no small feat!

    Quote from DragonStryk72

    So, basically, your whole argument hinges on saying that I cannot complain about anything, because that would mean complaining about everything. So if you ordered a pepperoni pizza, and I made the pizza to your orders specifications, then took a dump on it, you have no right to complain, correct? I mean, you did get a pizza with pepperonis on it, so clearly, by your logic in this post, you must have no issues, and you didn't specify that you didn't want me to crap on it. Anything other stance would be hypocritical of you.

    No, my argument is that you must hold all similar points of evidence to the same critical standard- not ignore those that are inconvenient to your feelings. If you are going to complain about this, you should have a similar problem with other, similar things. Of course, you don't have a problem with those things because it doesn't suit your feelings-based opinion.
    And to your clearly well thought out example: no, I could complain, because I didn't ask you to crap on my pizza. I asked you to put pepperonis on it and deliver it to my house as such under the business contract of the order. Its all very specific.

    A more apt example would be if I ordered a pizza specifically WITH NO PEPPERONI ON IT and the pizza was delivered with pepperoni baked into the crust. I would be obligated to complain by my own logic because the standard is that I don't want to consume pepperoni, whether it is on top of or in the pizza is a meaningless distinction to the point. Consistent critical standards is what I ask.

    Don't complain about Zombies spawning from other Zombies when they spawn from nothing in the first place. It is not logical to draw a distinction based on one making more sense than the other, as neither make sense.

    Quote from DragonStryk72

    Just blatantly WRONG. Suspension of disbelief is something that must be created by the creators, not the audience. The only people who believe otherwise were basically Ed Wood, and Uwe Boll, and both are notorious for their horrible movies. Odd coincidence, dontcha think?

    Notice that I didn't say that suspension of disbelief is the obligation of the audience. No need to argue against an argument that wasn't made, now. My claim was merely that the standard by which suspension is established in the Minecraft universe is NOWHERE near strained by these mechanics in any way. Horde spawning is no different in essence than regular spawning except that it is caused by Zombies getting damaged. Again, consistent critical standards. There is consistency here, hence disbelief is still suspended.

    Now, I don't want to make you mad, I just want to help you realize that your opinion is ill informed and inconsistent with the conclusion of people who's job it is to develop one of the most popular video games of all time. Now, Zombie hoarding may be nerfed in the future- scaled to difficulty, perhaps- perhaps only half of all zombies start a horde, something that reduces occurrence of hording with the sole purpose of putting the player off balance and increasing night playing 'stochasticity'. But not because it is an un-fun game mechanic- only because it becomes predictable.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Difficulty Issues
    Luckily, game developers who know the value of the changes they implement (and even test them with snapshots!) are in charge of the actual game development.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Difficulty Issues
    I don't know about "a lot" of threads... just the standard handful... but since we're bored, I'll bite.

    Quote from DragonStryk72

    Zombies can spawn other zombies out of nothing: Um, why?

    Zombies can spot you directly through walls, floors, and ceilings, and even sixty feet of rock: How?

    Zombies have perfect orienteering skills, combined with absolute 360 degree knowledge of their surrounding terrain for 60 squares to be able to find the fastest route to you as they spawn more and more zombies along the way: Wait, when did every zombie in the world become Bear Grylls? I work with bloodhounds who are specifically trained for tracking that cant do that.

    1) The same way they spawn out of nothing originally when the night comes. *poof* they just appear. Must be some crazy magic. One can't cherry pick this mechanic as nonsensical when they randomly appear when a place is dark enough. That would be... disingenuous.

    2) They have very good senses of smell. Like your dogs!

    3) Again, not an allowable logical conflict given the circumstances which require greater disdain when pressed by the same logical tools of scrutiny. This is a world where fish magically appear at the ends of fishing rods, there are leaf-creatures which suicide bomb you, you can jump from a thousand meters into water and be unharmed, solid materials can float in mid air- and commonly do, crops grow to full size in a few nights, and many other much more serious logical lapses. If this problem gets this questioning, all the other problems should receive equal or greater logical scrutiny...

    Luckily, this is a game! Where suspension of disbelief is required for immersion and enjoyment! Perhaps a deeply malevolent force is implied, which knows the world with deity-like ominpresence and directs the zombies against you with perfect precision? Who knows, either way, based on what we've seen from Minecraft so far, this is hardly a stretch.

    And this mechanic, again, makes the game more fun. The creativity of the player is matched against the calculating precision of the mob- a mob which might perceive a path not accounted for by the player and thus in taking the path be perceived as creative and sentient/competent.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 1

    posted a message on 1.6.2 Zombie reinforcements spawning in your face - WAI?
    Quote from DragonStryk72

    How many times do I have to say "above ground in the daylight" before that has meaning to you? I was in the brightest light you can have in the game, during the day, on easy, ZOMBIE HORDE STILL HAPPENED. Yes, they were burning too, so I took burning on top of zombies. Oh, and some spawned with armor/weapons.

    OOOooo! Looks like somebody missed their nap! Calm down crankypants.
    Zombies don't horde in light. Fact. So, judging that they were burning, they probably spawned in cave and chased you into the sun. That doesn't count. In short: if this happened, it is a bug. I doubt it did happen, because it has been proven to do this by everyone-else-in-the-universe's evidence.
    Quote from DragonStryk72

    And those new people may die until they go, "This game sucks! Who designs a game this crap?!"

    I don't know if you've heard recently, but MC is doing pretty well as a game. Passing HUGE milestones. The verdict is in: the game is great. Nobody is complaining about this but you. It's a fun mechanic, and so far working pretty well, except that there is no direct rule that zombies have to horde out of sight.
    Quote from DragonStryk72

    Having spent rather a good while in the wild, yes at night, no it is not full of terrors. It's only scary until you've been out there before, and learned the ropes. Skill doesn't matter with the horde, ability and experience do not matter with the horde, having full diamond gear and weapon do not matter to the horde.

    By full of terrors I mean things that can kill you, obviously. Missed the major GoT reference. I don't seem to have any trouble with a horde given even iron equiptment, food, and good guerrilla tactics- especially if you build yourself a quick block shield in a corner...
    Basically what I'm saying is if you're having trouble: 1) it is a perfectly normal strategy to run into a hole to recover and 2) you need to get better and learn how to not die. It's not that hard. I've taken hordes on Hard before. Just not head on...
    Quote from DragonStryk72

    That is not survival, that is a bad horror movie, and no, I don't want to play one.

    Then go away. No one is forcing you to enjoy the game this way- let alone even play it. And it is very enjoyable to play this way- to literally have to make life and death strategic decisions because of a horde.
    Quote from DragonStryk72

    And which zombie horde will you be running into there, chief? Run? Run where? The zombies spawn on all sides, above and below you, and they all know exactly where you are if they're within 60 block, yes, even if it's through 59 blocks of solid stone.

    Yes I know how Zombie horde spawning works, CHAMP. You run AWAY. Did you know, for instance, that you can sprint? Only baby zombies know that trick. Find a hole- knock your way out- get out, or die because you got yourself in this situation. The mechanic is fun and forces one to think. If you cant or don't want to- if you wan't just a cakewalk experience (you're playing on easy, so I suspect you do), play on peaceful or don't suck so much. Sorry, I don't know how to say it with greater kindness. :/

    PROTIP: if you can't handle the night, bring a bed on your explorations and sleep through the nights. Still can't handle it? Don't go places in the day that there are going to be zombies. This isn't a problem with the game, it's a problem with you. I know this creates a dissonance (your own brain doesn't want to think that your frustration is your own fault), which makes you wan't to think it's the games fault. It's not. It's your fault.

    Zombies don't horde spawn in light above 7 (MIDDLE LIGHT- this can be near-ish to a torch!). This has been tested, etc. Either you're manipulating your story, you're saying you actually saw Santa Claus, or you saw a bug that can't be reproduced.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 1

    posted a message on 1.6.2 Zombie reinforcements spawning in your face - WAI?
    Quote from DragonStryk72

    Yeah, this is somewhat what happened to me, but it was above ground in the daylight, and it wasn't just on hardcore. It took it all the way down to easy, and the zombies were willing to go from safety to burning death as a whole to get even one hit on me before they keeled over dead.

    In 1.6, I can't even explore anymore, because it's just too tediously punishing if it isn't on peaceful. And I've been playing since the pre-adventure update days. I mean, I can't even imagine how it's going for the people who're new to Minecraft entirely. There's no warning, and nothing in the description of the game that alerts a new player to the zombie horde problem.

    Really? The night is dark and full of terrors. If its too hard for you on normal, play on peaceful. Before this, there was hardly any challenge to exploring- people weren't properly scared of the night time. I've been playing since the pre-beta days, and it's not tediously punishing. A thought occurs: maybe I should run instead of trying to fight a Zombie horde and complaining when I cant?

    I can imagine exactly how new players are going to handle it: they will die. Several times. Several times before 1) Changing the difficulty to peaceful 2) Not prancing around willy nilly at night without being prepared.

    You can explore just fine...

    And above is correct. They wont horde-iffy in the light. So don't fight in the dark.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.3][12w38b] Simple Autumn Pack
    This is just a simple pack that slightly changes the color of forest grass and leaves to be more autumn-y! Not very drastic at all, and that's all it does.

    Made it for myself, but why not post it!

    Enjoy if you download it.

    Autumn Tint!


    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on Thebombzen's Mods
    Yes the enchantview plugin seems to be incompatible with 1.2.5. Thanks already for the fast updates, still!

    Just kidding I installed it wrong through my server provider. Works with 1.2.5!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Teds World Gen Mods - Realistic World Gen Alpha 1.3.2
    Thanks for the update!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thebombzen's Mods
    Thanks for a prompt enchantview update!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Teds World Gen Mods - Realistic World Gen Alpha 1.3.2
    How comes the update good sir?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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