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    posted a message on Custom Ore Generation: First Revival
    Quote from noogenesis

    Try removing mods to see if it fixes it. For example, remove half the mods and try, if it still breaks, remove another half, etc. Until you narrow it down. There's no way I can install all those mods.

    Yeah I was afraid I would have to do that, sadly for me each load-time of MC is about 7 minutes (because of the sheer amount of mods). Oh well it's worth it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Custom Ore Generation: First Revival
    Quote from noogenesis

    Ok, which options are you giving COG, and which other mods? Just the default options? Preferably you could narrow it down to a specific mod interaction.

    Well i'm mainly generating a new world to see if it'll work at all so i'm not changing any options from default yet. And well i'm not your average minecrafter. I use an ungodly amount of mods and they all work fine without COG, but I think it may be COFH conflicting with your COG. In total I use 238 mods. I'm hesitant to remove COFH though because of Thermal Expansion. Below is a almost complete list of mods to my current iteration.

    Forge by LexManos & The Minecraft Forge Team
    World Core
    Forge Multipart Universal by ChickenBones
    Computer Craft by Dan200
    BD Lib by bdew
    BspkrsCore by bspkrs
    Cofh Core by Team CoFH
    Custom Mob Spawner by DrZhark
    DenLib by denoflions
    Dragon Api by Reika
    Calclavia Core
    Universal Electricity
    Code Chicken Core by ChickenBones
    MC.1.6.4 v.
    Aroma 1997 Core by aroma1997
    Applied Energistics by AlgorithmX2
    Applied Energistics Peripheral by AlgorithmX2
    Industrial Craft
    Inventory Tweaks
    Iron Chest Universal
    Advanced Machines by AtomicStryker
    Advanced Power Management by Pantheis
    Advanced Reactors by ProgrammerHero
    GregTech by GregoriousT
    IDFix Minus
    Immibis Core
    Immibis Peripherals
    Atomic Science by Calclavia
    Autoutils by Automatic_Maiden
    Buildcraft Tools by Maexx97
    Additional Buildcraft Objects
    Blood Magic
    Thaumcraft Gates
    Thaumic Tinkerer
    Thermal Expansion
    Tinkers Construct
    Tinkers Mechworks
    Ars Magica 2 by Mithion
    DenPipes by denoflions
    Obsididian Plates
    Open Blocks
    Open Components
    Open Computers
    Open Mods Lib
    Open Peripheral Addons
    Open Peripheral Core
    Player API
    Extra Biomes XL
    Extra Cells
    Galacticraft Planets
    Gany's End
    Gany's Surface
    Gas Craft
    Gate Copy
    Map Writer
    Mic Doodle Core
    Minimap Sync
    Mob Amputation
    Mob Dismemberment
    IC2 HUD Upgrades
    Engineers Toolbox
    Emasher Resource by Emasher
    iChun Util
    Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
    MC.1.6.4 v.
    Compact Windmills by Aroma1997
    Creeper Collateral by denoflions
    Damage Indicators by rich1051414
    Defense by Emasher
    Drzharks Mo'Creatures
    Dynamic Lights
    Ender Forest by Reika
    Ender IO by CrazyPants
    Ender Storage
    Ex Aliquo
    Greg's Lighting
    Crowley Skyblock by Erasmus_Crowley
    Hunger Overhaul
    IC2 Nuclear Control
    Infini Bows
    Infini Tubes
    Item Scanner
    Lighting Fix Mod
    Logistics Pipes
    Mad Science
    Magic Bees
    Magic Yarn
    Meteor Craft
    Mine Factory Reloaded
    Modular Force Field System
    Modular Power Suits
    Power Crystals Core
    Nei Addons
    Nei Plugins
    Nether Eye
    Nether Ores
    Not Enough Items
    Pam's Harvestcraft
    Player Beacons
    Plugins for Forestry
    Pneumatic Craft
    Portable Recharger Plus
    Powersuit Addons
    Project Red Base
    Project Red Compat
    Project Red Integration
    Project Red Lighting
    Project Red Mechanical
    Project Red World
    Quarry Plus
    Reactor Craft by Reikia
    Realistic Pain
    Redstone Arsenal
    Resonant Induction
    Rock Crusher Metal Dusts
    Rotary Craft
    Shoulder Surfing
    Smart Moving
    Soul Shards
    Status Effect HUD
    Steve Carts
    Steves Factory Manager
    Super Crafting Frame
    Truss Mod
    Tube Stuff
    Twilight Forest
    Underground Biomes
    Update Checker
    Biomes O' Plenty
    Wild Caves
    World State Checkpoints
    Carpenters Blocks
    Better Breeds
    Better Archery
    Better Signs
    Biblio Woods Biomes O' Plenty
    Biblio Woods Extra Biomes XL
    Biblio Woods Forestry
    Biblio Woods Highlands
    Biblio Woods Natura
    Big Reactors
    Binnie Mods
    Better World Generation 4
    Crafting Suite by _bau5
    ModJam Options by Tommsy64
    Iguana Tweaks
    Jammy's Furniture
    Mutant Creatures
    Misc Peripherals
    Not Enough Keys
    Secret Rooms
    IC2 Backpack Hud
    Animation Api
    Multi Mine
    Chest Transporter
    Dimensional Doors

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Custom Ore Generation: First Revival
    Quote from noogenesis

    Are you using the current version? I encountered this pre 1.0.23, but haven't been able to reproduce it since.

    I'm using 1.0.24 currently.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Custom Ore Generation: First Revival
    Well I gave a few days to try to fix the incompatibility I've been having with my current mod list. But alas I've failed and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working so can you take a look?

    java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempting to rotate into a null vector
    at CustomOreGen.Util.Transform.rotateZInto(Transform.java:366)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenClusters$ClusterComponent.buildWireframe(MapGenClusters.java:187)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution$StructureGroup.buildWireframes(MapGenOreDistribution.java:694)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution$StructureGroup.<init>(MapGenOreDistribution.java:592)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution.func_75049_b(MapGenOreDistribution.java:464)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution.recursiveGenerate2(MapGenOreDistribution.java:436)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution.func_75036_a(MapGenOreDistribution.java:411)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution.generate(MapGenOreDistribution.java:210)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.ServerState.populateDistributions(ServerState.java:182)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.ServerState.onPopulateChunk(ServerState.java:307)
    at CustomOreGen.FMLInterface.generate(FMLInterface.java:68)
    at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld(GameRegistry.java:103)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73153_a(ChunkProviderServer.java:259)
    at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76624_a(Chunk.java:1243)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73158_c(ChunkProviderServer.java:153)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73154_d(ChunkProviderServer.java:166)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72964_e(World.java:529)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72938_d(World.java:521)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72825_h(World.java:1999)
    at drzhark.customspawner.CustomSpawner.performWorldGenSpawning(CustomSpawner.java:760)
    at drzhark.customspawner.EventHooks.peformCustomWorldGenSpawning(EventHooks.java:51)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_199_EventHooks_peformCustomWorldGenSpawning_Populate.invoke(.dynamic)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:39)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:108)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.TerrainGen.populate(TerrainGen.java:36)
    at micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.event.GCCoreEvents.populate(GCCoreEvents.java:270)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_267_GCCoreEvents_populate_Post.invoke(.dynamic)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:39)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:108)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderGenerate.func_73153_a(ChunkProviderGenerate.java:597)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73153_a(ChunkProviderServer.java:258)
    at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76624_a(Chunk.java:1238)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73158_c(ChunkProviderServer.java:153)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73154_d(ChunkProviderServer.java:166)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72964_e(World.java:529)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72798_a(World.java:414)
    at factorization.common.WorldgenManager$2.clear(WorldgenManager.java:61)
    at factorization.common.WorldgenManager$2.doGeneration(WorldgenManager.java:182)
    at factorization.common.WorldgenManager$2.generate(WorldgenManager.java:74)
    at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld(GameRegistry.java:103)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73153_a(ChunkProviderServer.java:259)
    at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76624_a(Chunk.java:1253)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73158_c(ChunkProviderServer.java:153)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71222_d(MinecraftServer.java:294)
    at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71247_a(IntegratedServer.java:119)
    at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71197_b(IntegratedServer.java:142)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:445)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:583)
    A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
    -- Head --
    at CustomOreGen.Util.Transform.rotateZInto(Transform.java:366)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenClusters$ClusterComponent.buildWireframe(MapGenClusters.java:187)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution$StructureGroup.buildWireframes(MapGenOreDistribution.java:694)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution$StructureGroup.<init>(MapGenOreDistribution.java:592)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution.func_75049_b(MapGenOreDistribution.java:464)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution.recursiveGenerate2(MapGenOreDistribution.java:436)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution.func_75036_a(MapGenOreDistribution.java:411)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.MapGenOreDistribution.generate(MapGenOreDistribution.java:210)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.ServerState.populateDistributions(ServerState.java:182)
    at CustomOreGen.Server.ServerState.onPopulateChunk(ServerState.java:307)
    at CustomOreGen.FMLInterface.generate(FMLInterface.java:68)
    at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld(GameRegistry.java:103)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73153_a(ChunkProviderServer.java:259)
    at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76624_a(Chunk.java:1243)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73158_c(ChunkProviderServer.java:153)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73154_d(ChunkProviderServer.java:166)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72964_e(World.java:529)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72938_d(World.java:521)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72825_h(World.java:1999)
    at drzhark.customspawner.CustomSpawner.performWorldGenSpawning(CustomSpawner.java:760)
    at drzhark.customspawner.EventHooks.peformCustomWorldGenSpawning(EventHooks.java:51)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_199_EventHooks_peformCustomWorldGenSpawning_Populate.invoke(.dynamic)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:39)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:108)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.TerrainGen.populate(TerrainGen.java:36)
    at micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.event.GCCoreEvents.populate(GCCoreEvents.java:270)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_267_GCCoreEvents_populate_Post.invoke(.dynamic)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:39)
    at net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:108)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderGenerate.func_73153_a(ChunkProviderGenerate.java:597)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73153_a(ChunkProviderServer.java:258)
    at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76624_a(Chunk.java:1238)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73158_c(ChunkProviderServer.java:153)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73154_d(ChunkProviderServer.java:166)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72964_e(World.java:529)
    -- Requested block coordinates --
    Found chunk: true
    Location: World: (-32,4,205), Chunk: (at 0,0,13 in -2,12; contains blocks -32,0,192 to -17,255,207), Region: (-1,0; contains chunks -32,0 to -1,31, blocks -512,0,0 to -1,255,511)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72798_a(World.java:414)
    at factorization.common.WorldgenManager$2.clear(WorldgenManager.java:61)
    at factorization.common.WorldgenManager$2.doGeneration(WorldgenManager.java:182)
    at factorization.common.WorldgenManager$2.generate(WorldgenManager.java:74)
    at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld(GameRegistry.java:103)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73153_a(ChunkProviderServer.java:259)
    at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76624_a(Chunk.java:1253)
    at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73158_c(ChunkProviderServer.java:153)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71222_d(MinecraftServer.java:294)
    at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71247_a(IntegratedServer.java:119)
    at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71197_b(IntegratedServer.java:142)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:445)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:583)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Custom Ore Generation: First Revival
    Quote from noogenesis

    Sure, just enable debugging and use /cogPopulate. See the docs.

    Ah thank you kind sir! Take some free internet points. +1
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Custom Ore Generation: First Revival
    Thank you for reviving this mod but I was wondering if you could add an option to retrogen all ores. I started a server using COFH but I discovered this mod and I want to replace COFH with this, but I don't want to start a new world. Is there already a way to retrogen?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Upgrading my friend's pc
    Quote from jppk1

    There are 1 and 2GB versions of the 7850, but there are only a few situations where it makes an actual difference if he is gaming at 1080p. Can you find out the exact model? Most of the lower end units are not necessarily capable of providing the labeled wattage and the ripple and voltage regulation are quite awful. It's not that the 7850 would even draw more than 100W.

    Well I gave the general build that it's labeled as and it matches the pictures. I don't see what you're trying to say or want me to do.

    edit: I've been looking at this GeForce GTX650 (http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814127701) mainly becuase it has Physx, it's cheaper and it's almost on the same level as the 2GB 7850.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Upgrading my friend's pc
    Quote from EvilCreeper10

    7850, if his power supply is at least 430w.

    The specs show that the power supply is at 460w, but wouldn't you think that at least 2gb of video ram would do better and if it was Nvidea?
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Upgrading my friend's pc
    My friend awhile back bought a Dell XPS 8300, well a few days ago he came to me and asked what I could replace to make his pc run better. I looked up his video card and it was suprising that he can play some current games fine on the resolution he claimes he plays most games on - 1920x1080, and well everything else looks okay but his video card needs a major upgrade. I'm stuck though, I don't really know what would be best for his price range $200 or less without replacing anything else - as in he doesn't want to get a new power supply just so he can install a new video card. Any help would be appreciated.

    edit: If there's a card that's going to be releasing soon, he can wait a bit he doesn't need an upgrade now if a month later there's going to be something better.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Buying a new pc
    Quote from CodofMC

    That clears things up a bit. I guess Avadirect doesn't offer any sort of financing on their computers. That really sucks. The only other companies I could find for the US that offered anywhere close to decent pricing was iBuyPower and CyberPowerPC. The problem I found with them however is they only allow for two storage drives including the primary drive. If you want multiples of the same drive, they automatically set it up as a RAID configuration.....With iBuyPower they at least allowed you to buy a 4TB storage drive where as CyberPowerPC only had 2TB drives as the largest and if you wanted two they are automatically put into RAID 1.

    So if you are okay with using one 4TB drive instead of two 2TB ones you can use iBuyPower since they support BillMeLater. For them, it was a bit less than $2000 for a 3770k, an MSI Z77A-G45 mobo, 7950, 120GB SSD, 4TB HDD, 32GB of RAM, a 650W Corsair power supply, and a Graphite 600T case. That's probably the best price you're going to get from any custom configuration that will allow you to pay later.

    Well originally I was going to use CyberPower PC but then I remembered I always get this itch to buy stupid ­ if I have money saved up, so I figured financing would be best because i'd much rather spend $100-$300 a month than save that amount and pay in full a few months later. I know it's a lot cheaper to use Bill Me Later, but financing seems a bit more reliable to me. Also RAID isn't for me at all xD, I like organizing my files and write speeds are a factor since i'm running servers and sometimes recording and i'd much rather have 3HD/SSD than a 'glued' together single HD/SDD.

    I'm not trying to say y'alls ways are bad, i'm just saying it isn't right for me in my current situation. When I posted this topic I was mainly asking if it was an alright setup and if there's anything else I could add or replace inside StealthMachines (or another financing custom pc website) that would make the pc even faster or better, not so much save money but within reason.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Buying a new pc
    Quote from CodofMC

    Since you need to get a prebuilt in order to finance it, I would recommend using Avadirect instead. They have much better pricing compared to the side you had configured a computer on. If you go to the below link, you can configure a system with a 3770k, Z77 motherboard, aftermarket cooler and paste, an HD 7950 graphics card, 16GB of RAM, a 650W Seasonic power supply, a 120GB SSD, and two 2TB hard drives for about $1800. That's a lot more affordable than your original computer and a bit more reasonable specs wise as well. That price is also including Windows 7 ultimate as well since you had that in your configuration.

    Are you sure you need the features of Windows Ultimate though? If you don't need it you can save some money switching to Home Premium.


    I went on AVADirect after you quoted this, I started customizing and I couldn't see any HD that go past 1TB which is a problem because I need at least 3TB (I currently use a external HD with a capacity of 5TB, but I don't really it being a usb hog, plus the write speed is horrific and I don't want to buy another external HD). Also I looked all through their website but I couldn't find where it says they even offer financing.

    About the 32GB of ram, I do host about two local servers daily (too cheap to pay for a hosting company to handle my files and processes) and they can be complete hogs, (especially if I or one of my friends accidently lets a memory leak go by unscathed). So I need to be able to host those servers, especially in a year or so when google fiber comes to my city (and hopefully my area) then that RAM will really come in handy :P . Also I do a bit of 3d projects, like rendering a map for a game i'm helping a friend with and this map is HUGE, which is about all I can say to that because NDA :\

    The reason for Win7 Ultimate was because it really wan't that much more so why not just get ultimate; also Home Premium only supports 16GB of RAM if i'm not mistaking.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Buying a new pc
    Quote from noobcorps

    So you are saying you want our help to help you hack?

    That's by far the most ignorant post I've ever seen.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Buying a new pc
    Quote from CodofMC

    So you're willing to pay them $1000 just to put this computer together for you?

    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

    CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($249.99 @ Microcenter)
    CPU Cooler: Corsair H100 92.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($89.99 @ NCIX US)
    Motherboard: Asus SABERTOOTH Z77 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($239.98 @ SuperBiiz)
    Memory: Corsair Dominator Platinum 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($339.99 @ Newegg)
    Storage: Mushkin Chronos 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($99.99 @ NCIX US)
    Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($155.97 @ Outlet PC)
    Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($155.97 @ Outlet PC)
    Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 770 2GB Video Card ($419.99 @ Amazon)
    Sound Card: Creative Labs Recon3D Fatal1ty Professional 24-bit 96 KHz Sound Card ($92.13 @ TigerDirect)
    Case: Cooler Master HAF 932 ATX Full Tower Case ($159.99 @ Newegg)
    Power Supply: Corsair Professional 1050W 80 PLUS Silver Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($167.00 @ Newegg)
    Optical Drive: LG WH14NS40 Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer ($59.99 @ Newegg)
    Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($185.98 @ SuperBiiz)
    Total: $2456.96
    (Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
    (Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-06-22 14:01 EDT-0400)

    Yeah pretty much, I need the financing and I have no idea how to even put together all the hardware (I'm more of a software guy/script kiddie although it is fairly obvious that I know somewhat what i'm talking about when I build a pc, just can't do the physical side of it and actually put it together lol.
    Quote from jppk1

    What are you going to do with this? Are you actually going to use something that requires that much RAM?

    Run 15 instances of Skyrim ofc. Lol no but I don't actually plan to buy a pc for a long time after this so this needs to be the best as I can get it to survive the time. Plus I run a lot of high-requirement games and use a lot of high-requirement programs for projects that I work on and hobby projects.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Buying a new pc
    Well i'm buying a new PC later on today, and I thought I may as well get some opinions before it's finalized.
    Processor: Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge 3.5GHz (3.9GHz Tubro)
    Ram: Corsair Dominator Platinum 32GB (4x8GB) DDR3 1600
    Graphics Card: EVGA GeForce GTX770 ACX Superclocked 2GB
    Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth Z77

    If you want to know exactly what i'm getting click here and click Load Config and enter 10009093
    Stealthmachines because I need financing that's not overseas because well I simply can't afford 3.5k in a single day, mainly because my job doesn't make me rich XD.

    edit: Before somebody says "Why no RAID", I don't need raid because i'm using each HD to help me organize. For example my SSD is going to host my OS and other confidental files that I can't afford to lose. While my second HD is going to host my game installations and program files. Lastly my 3rd HD is going to host my recorded videos, torrents, and anything else that takes up a lot of room :3.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Help locating feature and turning it off.
    Quote from webrosc

    can you list all of the mods your using

    These are the one's I was able to find in a list.
    013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file 1.4.7_Jammy_Furniture_Mod_V4.1.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [1.4.6]ReiMinimap_v3.2_06.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [1.4.6]StartingInventory.ML.1.4.6.r04.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file [1.4.7]bspkrsCorev1.01.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file AdvancedMachines_1.4.6.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file AdvancedPowerManagement-1.1.55-IC2_1.112.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file AnObsidianPlate1.0.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file appeng-rv9-b.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file AtmosMobs.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file betterAnvil - 147 - 3.2.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file buildcraft-A-3.4.3.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file BuildCraft-Z-ValvePipeAM.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file cccable-1.4.1-universal.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file chestTransporter_1.1.5_Universal.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Chococraft_2.5.3.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file CoFHCore-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file compactsolars-universal-1.4.7-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate mod directory ComputerCraft
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ComputerCraft1.5.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file CraftAndEnchant(2.10_1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file CustomMobSpawner 1.11.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file dimensional-anchor-52.1.9.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file DimensionalDoors-1.4.6R1.2.1RC1-12.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file DrZharks MoCreatures Mod v4.5.1.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file DungeonPack 1.4.7 v1 Universal.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ee3-universal-pre1f.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file EnderStorage
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file extrabees-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file FlatBedrock_1.0.3.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file forestry-A-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Highlands1.2.3-MC1.4.7.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file IC2NuclearControl-1.4.6.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file immibis-core-52.4.5.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file immibis-peripherals-52.1.1.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file industrialcraft-2_1.115.220-lf.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file InvTweaks-1.50-1.4.7.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ironchest-universal-1.4.7-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file LiquidMetals-0.1.16.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file LogisticsPipes-MC1.4.7-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Metallurgy Base Metals 2.4.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Metallurgy Core
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Metallurgy Ender Metals 2.4.1.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Metallurgy Precious Metals 2.4.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file MineChem-2.0.0pr6.1.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file MineFactoryReloaded-2.2.0-150.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate mod directory MoCreatures
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file mod_MobSpawnControlsv1.4.6.0.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ModularForceFieldSystemV2.
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ModularPowersuits-0.3.0-178.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file MonsterSpawnHighlighter.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file multiPageChest_1.2.2_Universal.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file mystcraft-uni-1.4.7-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file nei_plugins-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file NEI_RedPowerPlugin
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate mod directory OCSLua
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file OmniTools-3.0.4.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file OpenCCSensors-0.1.4.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Apple 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Asparagus 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Avocado 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Banana 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Bean 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Beet 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Bellpepper 1.02 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Blackberry 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Blueberry 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Broccoli 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Cactus Fruit 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Candle 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Cantaloupe 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Celery 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Cherry 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Chili Pepper 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Cinnamon 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Coconut 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Coffee 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Corn 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Cotton 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Cranberry 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Cucumber 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Eggplant 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Garlic 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Ginger 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Grape 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Kiwi 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Lemon 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Lettuce 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Lime 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Mango 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Mustard 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Nutmeg 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Olive 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Onion 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Orange 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Papaya 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Peach 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Peanut 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Pear 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Peas 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Peppercorn 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Pineapple 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Plum 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Pomergranate 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Radish 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Raspberry 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Rice 1.03 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Salt 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Special 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Spice Leaf 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Starfruit 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Strawberry 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Sunflower 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Sweet Potato 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Tea 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Tomato 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Turnip 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Vanilla Bean 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Vanilla MC Storage Blocks 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Walnut 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - White Mushroom 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft - Zucchini 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's HarvestCraft Base 1.1 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's Sink Mod 1.0 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Pam's Weee! Flowers 1.01 (MC 1.4.6).zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file PortalGun1.4.7v5.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file PowerConverters-2.2.2-29.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file PowerConverters-RPModule.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Railcraft_1.4.7-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file RedPowerCompat-2.0pr6.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file RedPowerCore-2.0pr6.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file RedPowerDigital-2.0pr6.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file RedPowerMechanical-2.0pr6.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate mod directory rei_minimap
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file Rotten Flesh to Leather - Forge 1.4.6.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file SecretRoomsMod-universal-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file SoulShards-v1.26-universal.zip
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file ThermalExpansion-
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file tubestuff-52.3.2.jar
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file WR-CBE Addons
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file WR-CBE Core
    2013-03-20 07:03:06 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a candidate zip or jar file WR-CBE RedPower
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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