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    posted a message on The Herobrine Mod OFFICIAL 3.6
    Hey burnner_, I wondered if you have considered my previous suggestions. So far, I've seen that mobs are less difficult to fight, which is good, but here are some more suggestions:

    - About the cowbrine, like I said, makes it so that when the player approaches it, it would turn and stare at him non-stop with its white eyes, even if he comes from its back. Then, if the player turns his back to it, makes it so that it follows him and hurts him on touch. If the player looks back at it, makes it stop.
    - Avoid spawned mobbrines to drop experience or make them give only a very few XP upon death.
    - About dropped items on mobbrines, I've seen it's mostly the same drops as the spider. May I suggest to have rotten flesh instead?
    - Make use of the effects, like slowness, nausea or especially blindness which will freak the player, guaranteed.
    - Spawned chickenbrines, pigbrines and villagerbrines mostly act the same against the player. How about making the chickenbrines going very fast but dealing a few damage (half heart), pigbrines going at normal speed and dealing small damage (1 and half heart) and villagerbrines to be slow and deal medium damage (3 hearts)? Additionally, make them have a chance to vanish at the same time when the player's health becomes too low, just for the goal to freak him out and only damaging him severly. Also, if the player flees, make them either have a chance to despawn or teleport in the player's direction.
    - Make aggressive Herobrine have a chance to teleport in the player's back when he's attacking him, a bit like Endermen.
    - I've seen that some spawned mobbrines spawn in walls and die of suffocation. Try to fix that.

    That's what I've got so far. Tell me what do you think about my ideas.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Herobrine Mod OFFICIAL 3.6
    Okay, I just tried out your mod today and I must say that I really got disappointed. I was expecting something stressful, paranoiac, fearsome, but I found it actually annoying... but I guess that's what your mod is all about, right?

    First, your installer is BAD. Forcing people to get tons of s*** on their computer is annoying. Sure, you clearly mentioned to uncheck the boxes, but there's 2-3 programs in your installer that you CAN'T prevent to install, which sucks. Not only that, antiviruses software don't seem to like your installer at all. Not good.

    Second, there's WAY too much cowbrines. Make them spawn RARELY so that, when the player expects to find a normal cow, he will freak out. My suggestion to make the cowbrine more scary is to make it constantly stare at the player with its white eyes when the player comes within its detect range. Then when the player looks away, make it follow the player in his back, still staring at him, somehow like the Weeping Angels mod. That would be scary as hell!

    Third, "extremraremode" doesn't seem to work at all. Even set to 1, I get way too much interactions, spawns, buildings and stuff within a single Minecraft day. Sometimes, I got 6 herobrines actions in a row, which is WAY too much. But of course, it depends what you mean by "Extreme Rare"... <_< Normally, it would be to make something happens once per few Minecraft days, or more; something that happens from times to times when the player thinks everything turned back to normal. Would be nice to make the frequency configurable.

    Fourth, make the chickenbrines, villagerbrines and pigbrines to have a low health, like 1 heart, and deal a bit less damage. There's already too many of them when they're spawned in circles by Herobrine and you get killed rather easily even with a full iron armour (especially with pigbrines that you can't really kill unless you want big holes in your map).
    Either that or lower the amount of spawns to, like, 4 or 6 mobs, not 18 or so!!! or make it configurable.

    Fifth, make chickenbrines, cowbrines, pigbrines and villagerbrines to spawn ONLY after the totem is built and lit, or make an option for that. To my eyes, the totem is the transition between the normal Minecraft world and the unusual haunted one, but it may be not the same opinion for you.

    Sixth, I got cases where Herobrine is motionless and cannot be touched. Don't know if it's expected or not.

    So, yeah, that's basically all I had to say. It would be a great mod if the Herobrine events occur rarely and mob brines spawn occasionally after the totem is lit. The more rarely the events and apparitions would occur, better it would be I guess. You want to freak out people at unexpected moments, but for now, there's too much of that, it occurs so often, you aren't even scared. Actually, I'm feeling this mod is more like a trollololol that isn't funny. Seriously, I had no choice to go in Creative and abuse the :tnt: , that's the only moment I got fun.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft Québécois FR-CA Resource Pack Fix [1.6.2]
    This post is for a fix and improvement of the French Canadian language as a resource pack.

    Minecraft Québécois (FR-CA) Fix
    Resource Pack
    Actuellement pour la version 1.6.2

    Date de dernière mise à jour : 10 août 2013

    Qu'apporte ce fix - Ses caractéristiques
    • Corrige le bug de police amincie.
    • Contient la traduction pour les splashes, les credits et le texte de fin de jeu. (Dans le cas des splashes, certains ne sont pas traduits puisqu'ils font références à des choses anglophones, comme des paroles de chanson).
    • Ajoute le texte manquant dans l'écran des statistiques au niveau de certains groupes d'objets et de blocs.
    • Ne déborde pas des boutons, des fenêtres et de l'écran (c'est pas supposé, ou alors reportez-le moi ! Non testé pour les Royaumes de Minecraft.)
    • Améliore considérablement des fautes de traduction et emploie des termes plus Québécois pour certains objets et les achievements.
    • Contient la traduction pour les nouveaux objets et textes ajoutés dans Minecraft.
    • La syntaxe pour les lignes de commande est plus claire.

    Extrayez cette archive dans le dossier resourcepacks de votre dossier de Minecraft, sélectionnez le pack de ressource dans le menu approprié, puis sélectionnez la langue "Français (CA)" dans le menu des langues. C'est tout !
    Note : si la police reste amincie, changez pour la langue "English (US)" puis retournez à la langue "Français (CA)".

    Étant un bon joueur de Minecraft depuis un temps, j'ai parfois trouvé la traduction FR-CA qu'elle laissait à désirer, avec des bugs, des fautes de français, des erreurs. J'ai commencé à travailler sur le projet d'améliorer cela en fournissant mon propre fichier de langue et même aller encore plus loin en fournissant également la traduction des autres textes du jeu. L'arrivée des resource packs a rendu le tout plus facile à faire et me voilà !
    Note : certains textes ne sont pas traduits dans Minecraft pour la simple raison qu'il est impossible actuellement de les traduire vu que ces textes sont "hard-codés" dans le jeu. Consultez cette page pour plus de détails, et peut-être même voter.

    Ce pack de ressource n'est PAS définitif !
    Il se peut que certaines traductions peuvent ne pas convenir, notamment au niveau des noms des achievements ou de certains items. S'il y a des choses dont vous n'êtes pas d'accord, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part afin d'en discuter et ainsi peut-être y apporter des changements s'il y a lieu. Vous êtes libre de modifier certaines lignes de texte vous-même si jamais ça ne vous convient pas.

    Ça vous embête de devoir télécharger ce pack à chaque fois ?
    Si vous aimez mon pack de ressources et que vous aimeriez qu'il devienne la traduction officielle du jeu, vous pouvez me supporter en vous rendant sur le site du projet de la traduction française canadienne du jeu et en votant sur les améliorations que je suggère, selon le cas. Ce serait grandement apprécié !

    Des plans pour le futur ?
    Peut-être qu'il serait possible d'implémenter plus de choses Québécoises dans Minecraft que le texte, comme le menu ou même, les peintures ! Si vous avez des idées et vous voulez contribuer, je reste ouvert !

    Et qu'en est-il de la version française de France ?
    Je n'ai malheureusement pas vraiment touché à cette version étant Québécois, mais si on me le demande, je peux toujours tenter.

    Je remercie les personnes qui ont contribué originellement à avoir traduit Minecraft en français Québécois sur Crowdin.
    Posted in: Language Packs
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    posted a message on [1.5.2] More Player Models
    Hey Noppes! I really love your mod, it's awesome! But... there's only one thing that should be corrected and it's the infamous "Arrow bug" where it causes our model to become upside down and which may cause a weird glitch in the inventory. It would be neat if you could fix it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on 1.4.2 Bad idea about the Creeper changes
    Thanks for your answers!

    Yeah, perhaps I had to be more cautious, but it's more annoying when you cannot check the surroundings as it's happening when you attempt to check. Oh dear, I think I'd have to look up more often then.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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