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    posted a message on Destroy The Godmodder 0rigins

    Introductory Post

    I join as a Neutral. I vote Alchemies, those are more fun.

    Allegiance Meter

    This is the Cobalt Shade Corporation Allegiance Meter. This will determine which sides I attack. Give me +1s to increase allegiance to your side.

    Richard────────ALLEGIANCE METER───────UserZero
    Allegiance meter will take effect in 7 of my posts or 4 more charges given.


    Project M01-Stainless Steel Rat (1/25)

    Project M02-魔域傲世六階 móyù àoshì lìujiē (2/25) (+1 from Talist)


    I log onto the server and two more players log in shortly after.

    CobaltShade: Miss me, anyone? I made some new AIs, too!

    Unit_185: Hey everyone, I'm 185, artificial intelligence and all-around cool guy.

    Unit_186: And I'm 185's "twin sister", 186.

    CobaltShade: I think it's time to fan the fire a little.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Destroy the Godmodder 2: Operator!

    The Sizer && SCP-063 = The Brusher (5/11)
    Bow && Unihan Database Compendium && Creation Majyyks = Arcus Orientum (4/11)
    (SCP-1334 Essence && Far East Octet) || QBU-88 designated marksman rifle = Numerologist's Octetrifle (2/THE OCTETS ARE 8D8 SO THEY ARE AUTOMATICALLY PROSPEROUS AND LUCKY UNLESS THEY ROLL FOURS OR SOMETHING)

    +2 to Tazz.


    I pull out the Loominarty 420 and prove that a Hellkite Dragon is a member of the Illuminati:

    1) "Hellkite Dragon" has 15 characters. 2) Pricey12345 has 5 digits that sum to 15. 3) Pricey starts with P. PewDiePie also starts with P. 4) PewDiePie fanboys are annoying. 5) Annoying rhymes with enjoying. 6) Enjoying is the present participle of enjoy. 7) Microsoft Sam pronounces "enjoy" as enJWAH after a dental non-sibilant fricative, also known as an interdental fricative. 8) The words interdental fricative have a combined total of 20 letters. 9) Twenty rhymes with new penny. 10) The words "NEW PENNY" were inscribed on every British penny minted before 1981. 11) The average digit in Pricey12345 is 3. 12) 1981 is 3 years before 1984. 13) 1984 is a book written by George Orwell. 14) George Orwell's name is the source of the term Orwellian. 15) Orwellian has 9 letters. 16) The square root of 9 is 3. 17) The Eye of Providence has 3 sides. 18) What else is related to the Eye of Providence? Bill Cipher. 19) Bill Cipher is from Gravity Falls. 20) Gravity Falls is shown on Disney XD. 21) xD is a type of flash memory card used by old Olympus digital cameras. 22) Digital camera has 13 letters. 23) 13 is a baker's dozen. 24) "Baker's dozen" has 11 letters, but 13 characters. 25) 13 - 11 = 2. 26) 3 (the average digit in Pricey12345) + 2 = 5. 27) 15 (the sum of the digits in Pricey12345) / 5 = 3. 28) The Illuminati symbol has 3 sides. 29) Pricey is Illuminati confirmed. 30) Pricey12345's text has random capitalized letters. 31) Capitalized sounds like capitalism. 32) Capitalism and communism are opposites. 33) Communism plays a central role in Harry Potter Becomes a Communist. 34) Harry Potter Becomes a Communist is a fanfiction. 35) The initial phoneme in "fanfiction" is a labiodental fricative. 36) The labiodental fricative is represented by the letter 'f' in English. 37) In romaji, the letter f represents the bilabial fricative. 38) The bilabial fricative is represented by the latinized phi. 39) Phi is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. 40) 21 is also known as blackjack. 41) Blackjack has two syllables. 42) Jack Black also has 2 syllables and is an anagram of blackjack. 43) Jack Black was on Sesame Street to teach the word octagon. 44) Sesame Street has 12 letters and an octagon has 8 sides. 45) 12 divided by 8 is one and a half. 46) The string "one and a half" has 14 characters. 47) 14 plus 1 1/2 = 15 1/2. 48) Fifteen and a half is a rational number. 49) "rational number" is a substring of "irrational number". 50) Pi is an irrational number. 51) Pi encodes to iota in Greek atbash. 52) Subscript iota is a Greek diacritic. 53) Subscript iota is also known as ypogegrammeni. 54) Ypogegrammeni has 13 letters. 54) Fear of 13 is triskaidekaphobia. 55) Triskaidekaphobic is the adjective meaning "suffering from triskaidekaphobia". 56) Triskaidekaphobic has 6 syllables. 57) 6 is half of 12. 58) 15 (the number of characters in the string "Hellkite Dragon") - 12 = 3. 59) The Illuminati symbol has 3 sides. 60) The Hellkite Dragon is Illuminati confirmed.

    I fire this Illuminati rant at the Hellkite Dragons as a sphere of Illuminati energies, dealing Illuminati damage to as many of them as possible!

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Better Creative Inventory - Tabs for Modded Items, Custom Tabs, and More!
    I would love the custom creative tabs, as they would be very useful for building. Sometimes, when you're building in creative, you need more than nine different blocks (especially when working with slab and stair details.) I try to keep them in my survival inventory, but I always end up throwing some out or accidentally clearing out the menu and having to put them back. This suggestion would solve that by allowing me to set up my own creative inventory screen that has all the blocks I would need for the build.

    Full support!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on WORST SKINS LIST
    List of skins I dislike, in no particular order:
    • 2x2 eyed teenager dressed in a hoodie wearing headphones.
    • I think the rest of this thread has said enough.
    • Any skin that is used by a popular YouTuber (unless you ARE that YouTuber).
    • In my honest opinion, using a SkyDoesMinecraft skin does not make you "as awesome as budder". Same goes for every other YouTuber - using their skin does not make you awesome.
    • Herobrine.
    • Just stop. Now.
    • Offensive or naked skins.
    • I don't think I need to explain this.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Don't you hate the new minecraft community's maturity.
    I feel Minecraft is full of little kids mainly because of YouTubers with young audiences (SkyDoesMinecraft comes to mind at this point for me). As I am a younger teenager who plays Minecraft but doesn't actually want to PvP, scar the terrain and scream at people about "budder" all while griefing other players, I find that most servers are not for me, which is why I don't play on servers.

    One of my run-ins with kids - I was playing on a more mature server once where I was a regular when three little kids came on for the first time. They started arguing about "budder" and "gold" (two of the kids said it was budder and the third said it was gold) and eventually got banned for being annoying.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Funny Death Messages😂
    [PLAYER] was ABS0LUt3Ly FREAK1N' D3STr0Y3D!!!!! by [ABUSIVE SERVER OWNER WHO IS INCREDIBLY IMMATURE] with UB3R 0P Sw0Rd of Ub3R 0v4Rp0WarDneSS 1n a R1D1CUlOu5lY 4W3s()mE w4Y!!!111111
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Should creepers have sounds?
    Creepers should not have sounds besides SSSSSSSSS *BOOM* as they are supposed to be silent and creep up on you. No support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on "...But I'm from Planet minecraft..." and other sad stories of those who try to get O.P.ed
    A few stories of people trying to grief a server that I play on:

    Noob: I'm from PMC, can I have OP so I can review the server?
    Everyone: (Laughing)
    Owner: Nope.
    Noob: Okay, I'm giving your server 0/20...
    Owner banned Noob for reason: Yeah, right.

    Hacker: I have this plugin that I want to test.
    Player: Okay.
    (5 minutes later)
    Hacker: and it has no lag, prevents hacks, etc.
    Me: Seems legit.
    (Analyzes plugin)
    Me: This plugin is fake; it actually helps the hacker!
    (Next day)
    Hacker: So, have you installed the plugin?
    Owner: It's a hacking tool. Banned.
    Owner banned Noob for reason: The Ban Hammer has spoken!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Sky Station Vesta: self sufficient aerial colony above the clouds
    That looks amazing! On a server I used to play on, I and two other people used to have a "city in the sky" which was basically a bunch of floating pathways. But yours is much better than the one we built.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Nether is Radioactive
    Great theory! I'm not sure about the Nether being radioactive, but the part about the Ghasts is my new headcanon.
    Posted in: Discussion
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